Manga: Beck
not only that, one of hte guys from the group who were doing the scanlations was hired by tokyopop to be the main translator. now we will have to wait FOREVER to finish the story... [img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
i mean its great that it got licensed at all so that we now can support a really awesome manga and add to our collections, but after waiting that long to be able to finish a story; one just looses interest or forgets about it completely.
from mangascreeners site:
Sunday, Jan 23rd, 2005
Beck licensed by Tokyopop
As you can see here, Beck now appears in Tokyopop's online shop site. That means the usual: no more torrents, typing "@find beck" in the channel sets off the licensed ban script, etc. After everyone comes to grips with the fact that we won't be scanlating it anymore, you might be wondering if, like other manga I translated for Mangascreener that have been licensed, I will continue to offer text scripts on my website. The answer is no. This is not, as many people might suppose, an act of spite. It's because I am Tokyopop's official translator for Beck, and therefore I am not at liberty to disseminate them anymore (not that I would even if they didn't care). This also explains why I did not make this announcement months ago when I signed a contract with them... because they could easily terminate said contract for releasing information that was not public.
RE: Beck manga licensed
That certainly explains why Volume 20 hadn't been translaited *mutters* Of course I think while Beck happens to be a good anime and Manga it has no future if its dubbed as its suppose to be half in Engrish and the show will lose its charm.
RE: Beck manga licensed
hmm, a hint of good news! (note: my first post was about the MANGA being licensed, this News artical is mostly about the anime , however the last line is the light of shining hope for the manga)
From shinsen subs site:
Beck Explanation. posted by newmiyamoto on Thu 27th, Jan 2005 12:52 am
» confessions of a Beck Freak.
As a few of you know I'm a Beck freak, and have been doing the anime from day 1 with A-E. Now a few weeks ago it came to our attention that the anime had all but been licensed by Funimation (this is NOT based on the funi registraion story). In preparation for the eventual licensing I decided to sort out a gameplan with my buddy vincent from shinsen (who I am also a part of), as the group at A-E consisted of some decent people I began to ask people i would want to work with to join the project for post-licensed releases. First person I asked was X (Beck Translator) who told me he was unhappy with the A-E situation (various reasons) and he would be willing to make a move a lot sooner. However, as we had already done work on ep 11+12, enough to put into the later stages of release we thought it best to start from 13+ and there you have it...
#are you going to do 11+12?
#depending on A-E's response, we will either forge ahead and release these or allow A-E to release them.
#Are you going to do the manga?
#Maybe not as part of Shinsen, but some of us here at Shinsen will be releasing further chapters of the manga soon...
Beck manga licensed
They sure kept thier promise cause Beck 58 just came out and you can find it
here http://www.youshareit.com/download.p...9507f62470092a
Finaly new Beck[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Two more chaps will be out before the end of this month[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Beck manga licensed
i checked out the download site, it says that the download is expired
this is what it says on the bottom
"Please wait for timer to reach zero
and then press download button to start download"
but there is no timer
Beck manga licensed
Beck manga licensed
i just caught up....
chapter 59 is out btw...
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GotWoot Moderator
RE: Beck manga licensed
Ryuusuke is really starting to piss me off. He has deff been the bands biggest problem consitently for the entire manga. I wish he'd get his shit together.
RE: Beck manga licensed
yep he has... but he's also what has made the big difference between them being an ok band, into being a good band, so they have to bear with it...
and you can't really blame him, he has gone through some tough shit, only complaint is his lack of communication
RE: Beck manga licensed
But lets forget that the lack of Ray ahs force Koyuki to become extreamly better guitar player.
RE: Beck manga licensed
Ryuueske isnt the only diffrence beteween them bieng god or great, it just that they are better when they are all five than just four with just Koyuki play the guitar.
Yeah if Koyuki could get better at the guitar they wouldnt need Ryuueske so much.
Beck manga licensed
Koyuki became a better player because he had to fill the gap left by Ryuusuke when he was always gone. However the whole point of getting Koyuki in the band in the first place was "to fill out the sound" of Beck... with only one guitarist there is always a bit missing from their sound, it would be same if koyuki left and only Ryuusuke played.
RE: Beck manga licensed
That was my point that one quitar isnt enough but if koyuki got even better they could get a replacement for Ryuueske next time he suddenly dissapears.
I miss Maho she was a good characther, hope she will return soon.
And whats up with Koyuki always checking out that girl, has he already forgot about his girlfriend.
Beck manga licensed
i hope maho is not cheating on him...
and i like how they make koyuki think about girls, like that girl that has been appearing lately (when he was handing out flyiers and such)
and remember, that she said that the 1969 cap was given by a special person in london if not mistaken...
RE: Beck manga licensed
Mm mabye then why didnt she tell koyuki that they are over if she had someone else.
RE: Beck manga licensed
just saying that if she sees that someone else (even if she doesnt feel anything for him now) old feelings might come back...
RE: Beck manga licensed
Yeah that wouldnt be so suprising cause its not the first time a realtionship like Koyuki's and Maho's crumbles.
RE: Beck manga licensed
Yeah you can tell they are already breaking apart by the fact Koyuki said they weren't sending each other very many emails anymore.
RE: Beck manga licensed
Beck manga licensed
yep nice
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GotWoot Moderator