Havent seen it yet but get it at http://seed.eatshoe.com/
more will be added after i see it
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Havent seen it yet but get it at http://seed.eatshoe.com/
more will be added after i see it
wow....so that lacus clone theory was true i guess
is it just me, or did the producers intend to make the earth alliances's ultimatum sound exactly like Bush's ultimatum to iraq? the whole dismantelling of the militart, allowing inspectors into plant, dismantiling the government.......
anyway, good ep over all. that neutron stampeder was amazing.
didn't they already do the nuclear missle thing in seed? a whole bunch of mobile suits try to attack plant with nukes, and the gundam squad tries to blow up all the nukes before they strike.
i can't wait till athuran and kira get back into action. i also hope shin dies in teh first battle. with a gay ass gundam like Impulse, he doesn't deserve to be in the series.
when i a saw lacusa i was speechless. nice episode. the action was there and the plot development was there. i felt the parallels between iraqi war as well. war starts over terrorist act and then a bunch of rascists make it really bad. cant wait to see next episode.
Hmm, good episode. This whole cloning business is driving me nuts. Is clone Lacus a bad person or just a clone by the council for PR reasons?
And Lacus has the SEED right? Does this mean that all clone or relatives of people have the SEED? Does that mean there is a clone Athrun somewhere? Arrgh.
Get the AKingdom-Aone version here.
good episode! Saviour, next episode [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
That stampeder was pretty cool. Reminded me of what the Earth Forces did back in SEED, except w/o the sacrificing of their own lives, of course.
I'm curious about the Lacus clone, as well. Look like she was doing some dancing or somethin'
SEED Fansub version is out as well at Tokyotosho.
This just shows you that they are prepared this time and were expecting a nuclear strike. Its like the anti nuke weapon. Alliance should have known better not to try something like this again. I was hoping for more of an appearance from the Windams then being bomb deployers. Oh well
We meet the Lacus double this ep. They really are laying on here. She's likely a clone from the time she went missing and was captured by the Archangel. Its that personality that she has. After meeting Kira her personality starting shifting and she became the woman she is now. This one is simply the pop star Lacus who sings and dances on stage for all of PLANT. I'm wondering if this clone thinks she is still engaged to Athrun. And has Athrun feelings changed towards a receptive Lacus?
Anyone notice that one orange suit? Could it be Yzak's fiance "to be"? Also Savior next episode. I can't agree more the waiting is killing me. I gotta see Athrun's face when he sees it.
awesome episode i loved it and that orange suit was kinda hard to miss i want to see who pilots it, maybe weäll see a familiar face? jibril as always is a perfect villian and dulinandal seems to know some stuff the other zaft council members doesnt. and assasin does that mean you hate all main gundams? since they all look alike. i like impulse better than strike shinn pilots it more gracefully than kira piloted strike and i dont care if its a war and they dont need to be graceful its still cooler to see a gundam that does cool movement while killing enemies, thats the reason i hate to see yzak in battle he just goes for the full frontal attack firing all weapons he got. and kagari need to shape up now she has been worse than ever the latest episodes. she should just join the earth alliance and save her own country thats what i would have done. and last guardian you should say something like "IN YOUR FACE" about the lacus clone theory there were many of us including me who thought you were crazy. i want kira and asuran up in there suits now more than ever. i like how they have taken neo and the other theifs out of the picture for a while to focus on the whole war more they didnt do that in seed, they just followed kira around.
It was nice to hear Yzak scream KUSO again.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Yay for the american Haro. Clone Lacus is definately sexier than pedophile silent Lacus.
so it was a lacus clone.. hahah it would be pretty funny if both athrun and kira can have a lacus!!!.. but yea.. pretty good episode, watch it.. its good!
I thought the neutron stampede weapon was interesting, it looks like it works in the opposite way of the neutron jammer. Not really in the same way as the neutron jammer canceller, but it seems more like it forces nuclear reactions from unstable elements (plutonium, uranium, etc). Basically the weapon caused all the nuclear warheads to explode which destroyed EA's nuclear strike fleet, an interesting way to use EA's power against them.
i guess that little stampede thingy is just a miniature version of G.E.N.I.S.I.S from GSEED
That orange suit sure was whoopin' some tail, thats for sure. Nobody even went, "damnnn, that guy/girl is good!" Thats what surprised me about the episode.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Anyone notice that one orange suit? Could it be Yzak's fiance "to be"?
The stampeder reminded me of the g.e.n.i.s.i.s and that thing the matrix ship had. The energy emiter thing. w/e that clone lacus is a little to perky.
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Anyone notice that one orange suit? Could it be Yzak's fiance "to be"?
No, it's Naruto's Mobile Suit!!!
yzak is getting married..? who is yzak marrying? what's his name?Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Anyone notice that one orange suit? Could it be Yzak's fiance "to be"?
First off, Great episode........Neutron thingy OWNEDZ the nukes........and Jibril hehe.
Orange suit, i got a feeling its the "fiancee of Yzak" since were calling her that.
Also, about the double Lacus, the only diff is her star like hairclip versus Original Lacus with her dual hairclip.
In addition, we are all oblivious idiots for not noticing the many hints that the producers/makers of GSD gave us in the intro of GSD about double lacus..........I watched it again and realized taht u can see two lacus that are diff by hairclifps in the intro, also u can see that the clone lacus is hugging Athrun in the intro............How could we all been so BLIND????
I have pics if anyone is too lazy to watch the intro again.
Actually, I figured that part out in the intro quite easily.
I'm guessing u r talking about this pic:Quote:
Originally posted by: Shinigami
Also, about the double Lacus, the only diff is her star like hairclip versus Original Lacus with her dual hairclip.
In addition, we are all oblivious idiots for not noticing the many hints that the producers/makers of GSD gave us in the intro of GSD about double lacus..........I watched it again and realized taht u can see two lacus that are diff by hairclifps in the intro, also u can see that the clone lacus is hugging Athrun in the intro............How could we all been so BLIND????
I have pics if anyone is too lazy to watch the intro again.
Athrun is such a pimp [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Could you imagine a kage bunshin no jutsu, gundam style [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: XwingRob
No, it's Naruto's Mobile Suit!!!
uhmmm no.... because first of all I wouldnt compare naruto with the awesome Gundam SEED Destiny. GSD in my perception is better than naruto!!!! hahah.. hey dont blame me, but thats just my opinion.
and yes athrun is a pimp.. pimpin Lacus clone, Cagalli, and Lunamaria. hahah (just look how mad Cagalli is in that pic [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
If I had will power I'd stop watching Seed for about a month so I wouldn't have to deal with the sudden endings. And I thought Yzak was in the orange suit all along till I remembered his is silver so I'm guessing it's the girl that's sitting next to him in the ending. And Athrun better pick Luna Maria.