Anyway, discuss ep 2 here in between your victory roars.
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Anyway, discuss ep 2 here in between your victory roars.
Rey is a kickass kid... or seems like it. can't wait for next ep... alot of exciting things going already in just 2 episodes. this sure beats the first seed.
Yep, I can see him becoming one of my favorites.
Him and Neo (masked guy) has the same connection as Mwu & Rau... hmMMMmmmmm...
I'm so damn curious on what is gonna happen... and why is Stellar insane?
Well gotwooters 1-admin people-0
finally a GSD forum let THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH'S forum begin
What's that supposed to mean?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
Well gotwooters 1-admin people-0
I don't know what the means either...
But im glad Terra finally decided to give Ciber a blow
He means that we got a forum, basically.
And yeah Bud that blow was worth every second!
I need more Seed Destiny, I wanna know whats the matter with Steller and I wanna see how Yzak and Deacca(sp) are gonna be reintroduced with they new suits.
Wow, the Minerva looks cool... but what's the point of the wings?
yay. Neos mobile armor is dam cool too
I was looking around the general anime sec., and thought "Wheres our GSD thread?" Go back to the main page, low and behold, a GSD Forum is up!
anyways, Ep.2 was some action-packed excitement. Watching this ep, I got a better appreciation for Auel and his Abyss Gundam.
woot!! new forum! ciber caved (sort of)
ep 2 was fucking awsome...everybit as much pwnage as terra said!
will post more later when im not sleepy and dont have a ton of hw to do
at the moment it fills like SEED with new gundams and new characters, hopefully they pull away from the omage and make it something new
And that's a bad thing?Quote:
Originally posted by: fremeer
at the moment it fills like SEED with new gundams and new characters
Well I think that Neo might be Mwu Laflaga?? his voice sounds similar.......and that Rey might be like the "son" of him, just like in SEED.......recurring theme???
Yah and his mobile armor kicks ass, its 4 pods now instead of the 2.
Force Shilloute > *
oh and I'm thinking Stellar prob has some crazy memory about death or something like that, or maybe shes just insane due to a sideeffect thingy thy did on her during her training?
Hey guys, I'm just wondering why AonE subbed Asuran's name into "Athrun"? I mean, Kira is subbed as Kira, Sting is subbed as Sting, but how on earth did "Asuran" became "Athrun"? I just find that very strange when the two names don't even pronounce remotely similar!
Probably because Athrun might be the official name...
Alsu "su" is used alot for the English "th" sound
Like Smith is said "Sumisu" in Jap
But it could go either way I guess
Yes, i have to agree the second episode kicked serious ass. Anyone know when Destiny airs so i can get an idea of when i should start expecting subbed episodes availible? I know that wensdays Naruto comes out and this is my second anime that i will be waiting for new episodes on. Normally i just wait till the series is done to get them. (like full metal alchemist...which i just watched for the first time)
It usually comes out on Sunday nights or Monday.Quote:
Originally posted by: karril
Yes, i have to agree the second episode kicked serious ass. Anyone know when Destiny airs so i can get an idea of when i should start expecting subbed episodes availible? I know that wensdays Naruto comes out and this is my second anime that i will be waiting for new episodes on. Normally i just wait till the series is done to get them. (like full metal alchemist...which i just watched for the first time)
By the way, ur signature is too big and animated avatars are not allowed in this forum.
Oh, thank God! A Seed forum!