When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
Cuz yeah, Assertn has been an Ass Pirate awhile now, and Mut@t@ needs to go back to being the Resident Gimp already. =b
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
I would be careful starting these threads cuz you might find your self in the drawing as the next forum ass pirate or god knows what else they can come up with.
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
i would be afraid of just posting here, but since im the PSJ i hope ill live through it. but there have been talk about a gotwoot survivor noob edition. dont know when it starts tho.
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
Oh trust me, we of the Survivor crew have several excellent picks already. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
wait what??? what is all of this?
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
speaking of which.......we need to start that soon
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Oh trust me, we of the Survivor crew have several excellent picks already. [img][/img]
heh, this next Survivor is gonna be good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
survivior gotwoot? did i miss something this summer while I was not around?
I vote Eurasian as the token female on the team.
In other news, Survivor: Vanatau premeries tonight.
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
i as well must have missed something over the summer...care to expalin, anyone?
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
Don't worry about it, the new survivor will start soon enough with a full explanation. It should be good.
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
List is probably in need of revision... looks like many of those folks don't even post anymore.
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Oh trust me, we of the Survivor crew have several excellent picks already. [img][/img]
survivor crew? what is this who are in this crew? i want to knoooooow!!
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
sounds like a lot of people missed out on a lot of fun. seems like i missed out too, w/e this thing is it sure sounds like something i want to be apart of.................
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
I was here during the summer and still have no clue whats going on[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
this is gonna be intresting
i cant wait to point and laugh and laugh and point
When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
Originally posted by: InnerSakuraChan
survivior gotwoot? did i miss something this summer while I was not around?
I vote Eurasian as the token female on the team.
In other news, Survivor: Vanatau premeries tonight.
thanks innersakurachan...well i vote for innersakurachan!
RE: When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
I vote for everyone since, were doing it for the hell of it
When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
this was something carefully planned in the dwellings of the #gotwoot mirc channel
mutata's got a site set up for the candidates......but all will be revealed in due time
however, i dont think you'd want to be a participant [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
When is the new subnaming contest/Survivor/Big Brother thing for Gotwoot going down?
I'm the man, I'll take credit for the idea. Maybe a little to Assertn and Mutata as well.