Breast naruto theory ever
In naruto you can determine a female ninja's skill level by the size of their breasts. Think about. Tsunades is the greatest female ninja of all time and she has the biggest largest breasts of any character in the series. Anko and Kunuri are both high level jounin ninjas and they have large chests to match up.
Temari is the bustiest of all the female genins and she is also the most skilled. Tentens comes after her in bust size and skill. Sakura and ino both suck so they are both practically flatchested to show that they have no skills what so ever. Hinita is better then either of them so of course she has a larger chest. The only potential hole in my theory is Shizune. But then again Shizune sucks which goes along perfectly with her flat as a board chest her flat chest.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
As much as I hate Hinata, I'll have to admit she's better than Ino & Sakura. Which means that she should have larger breasts than them. But she doesn't. She's a fucking plank.
Breast naruto theory ever
I beg to differ if anything sakura is a plank. Hinita is a very shy and modest character which probably helps contribute to her sex appeal assuring her place to be a figure who will be interpreted in works of hentai for many generations to come.
She dosen't flaunt her assets because she's always wearing that damn coat which prevents any sort of curves or sign of bust from being revealed. Although in the episode where she gets her ass kicked by neji and hear coat is taken off you can clearly see that hinita has signifigantly larger breasts then either sakura or ino. She is also more skilled then either of them because of her blood line limit.
Ha i challenge anyone to try and prove my theory wrong.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
(Ok, being a girl I feel downright stupid discussing this, but what the hey.)
Hey, check out in the anime, when Kabuto is healing Hinata - you can see right there that she's not as plain as Sakura and Ino!!
Now, Tsunade is the absolute winner, but in between Anko and Kurenai, I wonder whose are bigg- I mean, I wonder who's stronger?
Or maybe they have different combat and skills forms?
And Shizune... well, she doesn't use such a great kimono as Tsunade, and she doesn't seem that plain either... she was on par with Kabuto, which makes this question appear,
If Kabuto was a girl, how big would his breasts be?
Besides that, remember always that the exception confirms the rule, so even if Shizune is plain and not that bad of a ninja, the theory still may apply to the rest of the girls.
(well, that was amusing.)
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Shizune got her ass owned by Kabuto repeatedly. She sucks and until it's actually shown that she can do something she is a horrible ninja IMO. No that stupid kage bushin chase does not count as a display of ninja skills.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Winged Dancer I feel pretty stupid discussing this too even if I'm not a girl. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Lobster, check those episodes when Hinata was at the arena as a watcher. She didn't wear her coat there. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I think Shizune is alright, she's a versatile ninja who would make the cut for a chuunin hands down.
She's worthwhile at melee range, has needle spam for range, can do all the basic stuff like replications, and has several killer techs like poison mist breath. also apparently some healing (she offers to heal tsunade from quite a poor condition)
And her breast size is still sort of pending.
Kabuto's fighting is always flawless, except when he was needed for a display of Rasengan. and this is about female ninjas anyway, dont compare to him.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
ok this is open discussion so i can mention this, that shizune is most likely a jounin as she appears in jounin garb with a jounin party on a jounin level mission in the save sasuke arc
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
If Kabuto was a girl, how big would his breasts be?
(well, that was amusing.)
he would put hentai breast monsters to shame... have you seen the end of Berserk? when what's his name thinks his sees a giant boob?
imagine something twice as big as that and twice an bouncing...
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
We could say the same things about guys. The hornier they are, they better they are.
3rd hokage is pretty damn horny, always gets defeated by sexy no jutsu.
itachi is the horny himself.
jiraiya is pretty horny, inventor of the peeking no jutsu, and writer of icha icha paradise
orochimaru is in love with sasuke and kabuto.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Yeah Itachi is totally out of it, look at the glares he gives Kakashi & Kisame.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I bet this is something Kishimoto is doing subconciously. He expressed the strength of the female characters by the size of their breasts. I'd love to see anyone come up with a piece of evident to disprove my breast/skill level theory. It works out perfectly for every female ninja. Only potential exception is Shizune.
If you could't tell already yes this is a dumb post/theory it's meant to get a good laugh but I mean think about it. It works out perfectly.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
everyone seems to forget the statement made during the prelims about how ino was ranked the highest among the females from her class
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
no, but it says she's better than hinata
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Well her basics are better such as using replications and throwing kunais but Hinata has the Byakugan. She's not the most talented ninja but she did learn enough to use it decently which gives her a huge advantage over ino or sakura. All ino has is that stupid mind switching technique and they've even mentioned how it's not supposed to be used as a combat maneuver.
Plus her breasts are bigger.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
well thats fine, but intellect is another important factor. Ino definitely seems more clever than hinata is, and im sure she's alot more agile too. Everyone likes to think that people with bloodline limits are instantly superior [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
if kishimoto made it a fact that ino performed the best out of the females in her academy class, then i'd assume that she would win in a match against hinata. Especially since hinata probably improved the least since then.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
haha what a thread. i liked the name of the thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. it sounds just about right that the bigger chest a female got the stronger she is. i wonder why kishimoto made it like this, maybe its just a coincidence?
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Maybe Kishimoto likes boobies too? *hmmmmmm*
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Oh come on, why would he do that? Not like he's MALE...