Am I the only one who's gonna buy Star Ocean 3? I pre-ordered it today [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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Am I the only one who's gonna buy Star Ocean 3? I pre-ordered it today [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Omigod I can't wait for this. Need my next paycheck out before I go pre-ordering anything [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Wooot Star Ocean fans unite! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
It's out here in the States but I only have enough money for 1game and since I only have 1crap box game and I've had the system over a yr and half, I'm gonna use the money on Fable and wait till I start my job to get SO3.
Dang it, it's sold out at my local game store. I guess I'll have to wait awhile longer before I can play it.
ROFL i have it already and im luving it so great
I'm consdering buying this game but I need to know if it's worth the money. I was quite dissapointed in FFX-2
Eh.. I promised my brother he could pick this one up, since he beat SO2 to death. He's $200+ in debt and ain't gonna be outta debt for a few weeks yet. I suppose I could rent it. That or play through Tales of Symphonia again.
I fail to see why you being disappointed in that mediocre pseudo-sequel affects the greatness of SO3. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: PossiblE
I'm consdering buying this game but I need to know if it's worth the money. I was quite dissapointed in FFX-2
well im broke for the next 2 weeks, so ima wait for my good freind to beat it then borrow it from him, but in the mean time im playing xenogears to kill time
Well then, I assume that means it's pretty damn good. How are the battle sequences though? I'm not too fond of RPG's where you have to move your characters around in battle.Quote:
I fail to see why you being disappointed in that mediocre pseudo-sequel affects the greatness of SO3
i've never played starocean before but i heard its good. i guess its time for me to try it because i havent gotten a console game in a very long time.
I heard this game was good, but I dont know anymore b/c of all the X box games coming out like Fable for instance, and I need to save my money
I hear the battle sequences is the cream of the cake, Tri-Ace is famous for having very fun fights... as addictive as the games themselves. According to reviews, the battle system of SO3 is the best they have done so far. So I'm very enthusiastic about this title. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: PossiblE
Well then, I assume that means it's pretty damn good. How are the battle sequences though? I'm not too fond of RPG's where you have to move your characters around in battle.Quote:
I fail to see why you being disappointed in that mediocre pseudo-sequel affects the greatness of SO3
Yeah, I read a review saying that somewhere. I thought you had had the game, which is why I asked.
If you pre-ordered it, why don't you have it yet? Not in the U.S. or Can?
I'm in Sweden and I'm importing it. It will be here friday if I'm lucky.
seriously u know how long this game is its 2 disk think about itQuote:
Originally posted by: Uzumaki Naruto
well im broke for the next 2 weeks, so ima wait for my good freind to beat it then borrow it from him, but in the mean time im playing xenogears to kill time
It doesn't really matter how long a game is, any game can be beat in a week. It all depends on how long you play the game.
I'm practically ashamed to say this but uh, I borrowed Legend of Dragoon from a friend a while back, I had 50 or so hours on it in three days, and I was close to finishing it up.
Okay, I got the game today, and have already put 6 hours in. I'm loving this game. It's too bad I won't have alot of time to play it when school starts for me next week.
Man can't wait for sure now, I haven't heard a single bad word about it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]