Looking for a place to download manga?
Hi there! I just setup a new site for naruto manga. Right now its just a simple site for downloading. Its not the best design on there but its simple and functional. All the files are in .zip format and are available locally. You will find the latest translated manga and also complete volumes of the old ones. I hope you have some use for it.
If anyone is eager to recreat the site with new design send me a sample and we will work things out.
sorry all....seem to be a bit tired
Looking for a place to download manga?
and the site add is what?? no good saying u got one when u aint even put the site add up lol
Looking for a place to download manga?
Looking for a place to download manga?
simple site that gets right to the point.
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
wow, G-Pong is all about the forum cliche response pics [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
thanks but no thanks, Narutofan is good enough for me.
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
wow, G-Pong is all about the forum cliche response pics [img][/img]
Hell yes
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
hmm easy site to use but ima stick to narutofan.
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
well it looks like atleast some have use for it
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
thx for haveing volume downlaods =)
makes things real esay to get my naruto back after i formated my harddrive [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
your'e welcome ....all the chapters will be up soon, in case any one is missing a chapter or two and doesn't want to download the whole volume
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
Originally posted by: L8r
thx for haveing volume downlaods =)
makes things real esay to get my naruto back after i formated my harddrive [img][/img]
volume dload is extremely helpful. i wished the site was up when my HD crashed awhile back. dloading 20 volumes by chapter certainly wasn't fun.
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
yeah, awesome job on the voulems i *tried* to get all the manga from naruto fan.. but one download every 30 seconds, well.. sucks.
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
Nice, but Narutofan is the way to go, 250 kb/sec for Pacific area, good enough for me. The 30 second rule is fair, they're paying for bandwidth. I'm pretty sure their server costs are at least $500 US a month, so unless your willing to pay for it, don't complain about 30 seconds.
Btw, if you want I could try to help you improve your layout Ervin.
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
Xceleration: new layout would be nice ...i think that the site would be more apealing if it looked bettet but i just dont have time/knowledge to creater somthing nicer .
if you are intressted then you are welcome to give me a hand ......
NOTE: sorry for the spelling
Looking for a place to download manga?
Where do you get those from [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Looking for a place to download manga?
Where do you get those from [img][/img]
He is the person on the picture.
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
I hate you!
I just got done downloading about 170-299 INDIVIDUALLY OFF NARUTOFAN!
I'm so mad you set this up after I endured that... that... horrific ordeal...
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
Originally posted by: Dakana
I hate you!
I just got done downloading about 170-299 INDIVIDUALLY OFF NARUTOFAN!
I'm so mad you set this up after I endured that... that... horrific ordeal...
well....the page has been up since 08/31 so if you downloaded all the chapters after that is just because you didn't check this thread before [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Looking for a place to download manga?
I hate you!
I just got done downloading about 170-299 INDIVIDUALLY OFF NARUTOFAN!
I'm so mad you set this up after I endured that... that... horrific ordeal...
there are places where you can download volumes..