look at all that action!!! if you want a piece of that, come to #gotwoot at! win a prize!
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look at all that action!!! if you want a piece of that, come to #gotwoot at! win a prize!
Lol, im glad to call myself part of this historic day...thats like the first time in a LONG time 6 people have talked in the channel.
i was in bunch of chats in irc with those cool cats while the forums were down. it was coo.
ive tried a few times......but i always get "cannot join channel"
did you register your nick?
/msg nickserv register password email
delete me
ahh there we go....very nice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
damn... i wasnt active when that happened... at least you can see me online on the screenshot... self-high-five
do i need to manually enter my password on the server everytime i open mirc?
no you can go to option > perform and add everything you want it to do when you connect.
The question is, did we really landed on the moon?
we probably didnt but who cares
Originally posted by: Budweineken
The question is, did we really landed on the moon?
It's actually harder being as ignorant as you are. You have to actually work to be that ignorant, to embrace ideas that are that wrong.Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
we probably didnt but who cares
What else do you believe in, that the earth is flat and stuff? Alligators in sewers?
You can find alligators in bath tubs why not sewers...?
Anywho... that all happened a long time ago... the next milestone is to find out if any intelligent life exists on the gotwoot forums...
we will never find any if you keep thinking that tsunade has a bloodline limit.Quote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Anywho... that all happened a long time ago... the next milestone is to find out if any intelligent life exists on the gotwoot forums...
EDIT: response to below:
Are you saying that I'm soley responsible for all thought in these forums?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
we will never find any if you keep thinking that tsunade has a bloodline limit.Quote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Anywho... that all happened a long time ago... the next milestone is to find out if any intelligent life exists on the gotwoot forums...
Good one mate.
BTW I believe in the moon landing...
lol that one was good mutata [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i cant get on that fucking irc channel whenever i try to add rizon it doesnt show up in my fucking list thing.
hahaha yes, touche indeed ::highfives mutata::
the whole moonlanding thing being a hoax is just a big conspiracy.....sure it MIGHT have been fake, but even if it was, one thing thats a fact is that we HAVE been to the moon many times since then