fumi komu zeakuseru kake hiki wanaisa soudayoooooooo!!!!
youruwo nukeruuuuuuuu neji komu sasaigoni sashihiki zerosa sou dayooooooooo!!!
hibi wo kezuruuuuuuuu!!!!
Continue Someone!!!
Printable View
fumi komu zeakuseru kake hiki wanaisa soudayoooooooo!!!!
youruwo nukeruuuuuuuu neji komu sasaigoni sashihiki zerosa sou dayooooooooo!!!
hibi wo kezuruuuuuuuu!!!!
Continue Someone!!!
*Sings Backwards!!*
aaasottomooyuatustottikoyukudotaratesoyikihottuyge tiarihottosoworokokuruzekowibihoyaduosasorez
Contine!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
"this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends. some people sarted singing it not knowing what it was and theyll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends. some people started singing it not knowing what it was and thell continue singing it forever just because this is the sond that never ends yes it ....goes...on...and...on....You know the rest.
"the heavy weight of love melts completely with a sugar cube!"
.....oh wait....wrong series [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Right here, rigth now, you punch like a drunken rider !
Right there, right now. let's go on a butchering spree and get the fire! BAM
Right here, right now, you punch like a drunken writerQuote:
Originally posted by: Cyrano
Right here, rigth now, you punch like a drunken rider !
(Different interpretation time!)
More examples!
Sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
Jibun rashisa wo chikara ni. Mayoi nagara demo ii aruki dashiteeeeeeee.... mou ikkai!
That's gotta be my favorite opening in all of the Naruto series...
yep, b/c its really addictive(unlike the others)
dareka no kitai ni zutto kotae. homerarerunoga suki nano desuka?
naritai jibun wo surikaetemooooo... Egao wa itsudeom suteki desukaaaa..
hajimari dake yume mite okiru. Sono saki nara itsukaaaa..jibun no ude de
souda daiji na mono wa itsumo katachi no nai mono dake te ni iretemo kushitemo kizukanumama
Soshite Kizuita toki ni,Kangaeteiu no wa kimi no koto de
sorega sugoku hazukashikattari,sugoku iyadattari omoete
sore was boku ga kimochi wo tsuaerukoto ga kowai kara desu
atama de osaetsuketemo,kokoro wa dou suru koto mo dekinakute
autaloi kimi ni satorarenai you ni,itsumo to kawari nai you ni
hanashiteru tsumori de yoyuu mo nakute,kurushikunatta boku wa
kimi ni uso wo tsuiteshimau dakedo
mou sukoshi mou sukoshi
kimi no kokoro ni chikazuitara
mou sukoshi mou sukoshi
ima kono toki ga kienai you ni,douka kamisama boku nu yuuki wo kadasai
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni. jibun rashisa wo chikara ni. mayoi nagara demo ii aruki dashiteeeeeeee.... mou ikkai!
Good singing there Knives. Had to finish it there, the ending is the best.
next song Haruka Kanata
fumikomuze akuseru kake hiki wa naisa sou dayo
youru wo nukeru
nejikomu sa saigo ni sashihiki zero sa sou dayo
hibi wo kezuru
kokoro wo sotto hiraite gyutto hiki yosetara
todokuyo kitto tsutau yo motto sa aa
Girl, you looks good, won't you back that ass up
You'se a fine motherfucker, won't you back that ass up
Call me big daddy when you back that ass up
Hoe, who is you playing with, back that ass up
Girl, you looks good, won't you back that ass up
You'se a fine motherfucker, won't you back that ass up
Call me big daddy when you back that ass up
Girl, who is you playing with back that ass up
Girl, you looks good, won't you back that ass up
You'se a fine motherfucker, won't you back that ass up
oh crap. wrong thread * back away slowly before get flame at*
*Genin Teams moving in circular motion with change backgrounds*
iki isoideeeee... shiboritotteeeee
motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori zutto sou touku e
kimi ja nainara imi was nainosa
dakara..Haruka Kanataaaaaaa!!!
No one's going to sing the bass guitar part!!! Then I will...
Dum,Dum,Dum,Dum,Dummmm,Dummm,dum,dudum,dudum,dudum dummmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
(You know what we should sell a CD with wonderfly typed songs, WE COULD GO PLATINUM!!!)