How old are you?
a lot of people in this forum try to put down others by calling them "kids" or "immature" so why don't we settle this by having a poll to see how old the majority of Naruto fans are. hopefully after this all of us have an idea of the audience that Naruto brings into this forum
to an admin..i don't know if this type of topic is allowed in this section, but since the Naruto section is the only one i go to..i thought i'd start one.
and finally to those who think this topic is stupid...just try to keep an open mind
RE: How old are you?
this will probaby be moved to general discussions. i am 16. and btw you can be immature even tho you are 30. i know a 40+ guy that is more immature than i am. and no he doesn ot have brain damage. so i dont see any problem in calling ppl immature but calling ppl kids are probably quite wrong most of the times since i guess most ppl here are at least over 15.
How old are you?
true..i know what you mean with older immature people but again, i'm trying to see and to let everyone know the age range of people in this Naruto forum.
yeah i'm 21
How old are you?
I think that people don't get any more mature from the age of 12. You learn more about the world and get more educated, but i can't see that you become more mature at all. I'll become 18 this year, and the older i get, the more convinced i become that my theory is correct.
RE: How old are you?
im 16, Im at a good age to watch anime and not look weird, so its all good
RE: How old are you?
you do mature, i have noticed it, ppl do mature alot but it can slip by. if it happens to you you can notice very clearly, i noticed it very clearly. i started think the things my friends thought was fun was silly and so on. there are a number of things to notice it on. but i dont think you mature more than once during your teens. and its unfortunate for those who dont mature much at all [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] like immature 40 year olds.
RE: How old are you?
immature 50 year old sannins...........Jiraiya, haha. he's still a pimp though
RE: How old are you?
lol yea but he is funny immature there are those that are annoying immature
RE: How old are you?
Repeat thread, lock it plz. Hahaha jk jk but u no it had to be done. I duno if it a repeat, but it has to be since all the other threads are.
But what's the definition of mature? In one way i could be the most immature person around here(Mr. Jiraiya sennin person might agree lolz private joke), but in another way i could be the most wise advanced human being ever to have lived! (that's obviously the right one) It depends how you define it, in your own way. Age alone isn't an accurate way.
RE: How old are you?
RE: How old are you?
How old are you?
Im 21, I started watching when i was still young. As I get old there is a lot of good anime that come out, so I did not stop watching, and they also created anime that have mature topic(like Perfect Blue),
RE: How old are you?
well I guess people that are 15 and up can watch anime that are mature and actually good
RE: How old are you?
RE: How old are you?
Perverted Hermit is by nature "immature" but he is also very mature when it comes to business! like in fight situations, well he is the older version of the guy we call Naruto.
RE: How old are you?
I'm probably one of the oldest here, I'm 26 and will turn 27 in october. I'm still a kid at heart though.
RE: How old are you?
its all good. i think Naruto the series is so diverse that it doesn't matter what age a person is because he helps entertain all aspects like comedy, suspense etc. Naruto has a good balance of everything
RE: How old are you?
17 but 18 in 2 weeks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: How old are you?
RE: How old are you?
Turning 16 in November, so I voted 16-19.
In most cases age has little to do with maturity, because in my school there are people my age still playing dumbass.