does your country celebrate ro remeber it on this day? did you even know what day it was?
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does your country celebrate ro remeber it on this day? did you even know what day it was?
D-Day. Yipee. Thats when the flying ducks won the Ice hickey Championships!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
Just kidding.
Nope my country don't celebrate it. Not europe, or anything to do with US.
Chambers, did you do anything for D-Day? Visit maybe a relative's grave or watch the marching?
went to my ex regiments service.
As the ignorant twat that I am...I had no idea it was on.
EDIT - I don't really know any national days, I would have thought I'd have heard about it on the news or from word of mouth or whatever...I had the news on for ages yesterday but the only subject they seemed to want to talk about was a certain recent death of a certain friend of Maggie Thatcher...
I knew all about it, but it's not really mentioned in my country so there's not a lot I can do.
you know (assuming you are americans) bush DID go there, i thought they would have metioned it on the news in your country.
I don't think anyone who has posted in this thread so far has been American.
i was too busy selling my soul to metal bands, to be remembering KIA's. not that i don't appreciate it.
although, i tought nixxxon was alrady dead :/
Of course we knew it was D-Day, it's on every news channel. I spent most of the night watching the D-Day documentaries on the History Channel. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
He has been dead for a while now. You mean Reagan?Quote:
Originally posted by: shadowmantis
although, i tought nixxxon was alrady dead :/
wahaha, DUMB DUMB DUMB [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] yes, reagan
that seems so true... except for Xollence. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
I don't think anyone who has posted in this thread so far has been American.
I just survived D-Day in Medal of Honor Allied Assault. Oh man, I dont think I've ever died so much just to pass that one level [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
lol narutomaster
LOL! I remember that. That level's insane and one of my favorite moments in gaming.
that level was one long orgasm
I dont care about the past anyways...
wow thats an incedibly stupid naive and idiotic thing to say. what a complete fucking arsehole u must be.
Unfortunately, that goes for most of the world. That's why there's going to be a WW3. If that happens, you might be fighting in it, or someone dear to you. Maybe it can be avoided if people start caring more about the past...
lol chambers i dont care about you either.. maybe i just have a frozen heart..
you gotta be tough to survive in this world.
As for Uchiha Barles and i really dont care if there is going to be a WW3 either.. ill just do my best to survive [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]