hi all
in episode 82, when Gai got involved...he mentioned how he can counter the sharingan by not looking Itachi straight in the eyes...he said there is a trick to that what did he mean? what trick?
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hi all
in episode 82, when Gai got involved...he mentioned how he can counter the sharingan by not looking Itachi straight in the eyes...he said there is a trick to that what did he mean? what trick?
the trick that............if you dont look at there eyes they cant get you. some boxers do a lot of feet watching as you can see when they are going to punch, with what had and how they are going to do it. you can also tell if someone is ready to go down by looking at the knees and feet. so i think thats the trick he was talking about.
we don't know if it works on itachi (i doubt that it does). it only works on kakashi so far.
although all signs point to *yes* it does work. but weather or not gai is good enough to pull it off or not is a nother matter.
dude, how many damn times do i have to explain this to you? IT DOESN'T WORK. and all signs don't point to it that it'll work against itachi's sharingan. the level kakashi can use his sharingan is far below itachi's, ok? it's completely illogical to apply that flimsy method to a higher degree. it's like saying, 'oh, a wooden shield can protect you from a bow and arrow so therefore it'll do the same against a machine gun.'Quote:
Originally posted by: chambers
although all signs point to *yes* it does work. but weather or not gai is good enough to pull it off or not is a nother matter.
Thats hyst what i was thinking chambers. If you cant see the eyes it cant get into youre mind. But that dosnt mean you have nuf skill to Defeat him even without his biggest assasset. The Sharigan is mostly an defensive Tool. Only High lv users use it as offensive
of course all signs point to yes mutata, other than speed we have NO evidence at what itachi is capable of whatsoever, so all signs point to the fact he will be a slightly, perhaps even considerably stronger/faster/smarter version of kakashi with his special technique. if you take the special tech away your left with............ a stronger/faster/smarter version of kakashi who shares the same weakness (apart form lack of stamina it would seem). there fore it stand to reaoson if you have somone who made an equal ratio with itachi as gai and kakashi do then the taijitsu would win. either that or your saying itachi is invincible.
by that i mean its obvious that genjitsu will not work on a sharingan user at all. they can see right through it. as itachi said it would have to be VERY high level in order to work (did he say that in the AA version as well tho?), and its clear from his speed and the obvious ability of sharingan that he could at least keep up with any jujitsu users.
Gai is an idiot, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
rofl, thanks for proving my point chambers. the whole time, that's exactly what i was saying. itachi is a considerably stronger, faster, smarter (maybe not, i think kakashi is a smarter genius) version of kakashi. gai's method works ONLY on kakashi... that's why they are considered eternal rivals. if you still don't understand, plz refer to my shield, bow&arrow, and gun example in my previous post. and what weakness are you talking about? last time we looked, itachi has no weaknesses (besides him using his mangekyou sharingan too much). if you're talking about taijutsu being a bad match up for sharingan users, then you are way off since it's only a bad match up IF the sharingan user isn't fast enough. and there haven't been any sign that itachi is slow.Quote:
Originally posted by: chambers
of course all signs point to yes mutata, other than speed we have NO evidence at what itachi is capable of whatsoever, so all signs point to the fact he will be a slightly, perhaps even considerably stronger/faster/smarter version of kakashi with his special technique. if you take the special tech away your left with............ a stronger/faster/smarter version of kakashi who shares the same weakness (apart form lack of stamina it would seem). there fore it stand to reaoson if you have somone who made an equal ratio with itachi as gai and kakashi do then the taijitsu would win. either that or your saying itachi is invincible.
by that i mean its obvious that genjitsu will not work on a sharingan user at all. they can see right through it. as itachi said it would have to be VERY high level in order to work (did he say that in the AA version as well tho?), and its clear from his speed and the obvious ability of sharingan that he could at least keep up with any jujitsu users.
btw, i'm not saying that itachi is invincible (i believe that sasuke will whoop him in the future).
Just shutup chambers..
Mut@t@ is like an evil sarutobi, so i always like it when someone stands up against him. Also you say your site covers most of the debated stuff but it seemed lacking. good otherwise tho i hate to say, T_T.
Anyways on the matter, Itachi says not to underestimate Gai, but i think the real reason he left was cause he used that Sharingan move on kakashi which tired him a bit and since Gai plus many Anbu were suppose to be arriving, it'd be stupid to continue fighting no matter who you are.
In conclusion Itachi would own Gai, but not as easily as he pwned kakashi. I suspect.
Oh yeah, don't yell at people or hate them when debating, it's poor taste. (Kilzo!) ...Am i a hypocrit?
kilzo why dont you stfu? iam RIGHT. every single instance in the manga points to sharingan being weak to taijitsu, to the point when gai even knows a trik to counter it. now sure maybe gai is not at any kind of level to put this idea into practice against itachi, but it works against kakshi. now listen to me before you whine like a bitch and say "but itachi is stronger by miles". well so what who gives a flying fuck. his main improvement is his mangekyou sharingan, which would be TOTALLY nulled through the use of gai's trick. so like i said with that out the way we are left wiht a possibly stronger/faster version of kakshi, so it stands to reason that a stronger/faster version of gai would beat him.
if you want to answer back fine but try to at least use logic when you do so instead of repeating gai's method ONLY works on kakshi FUCKING PROVE IT. with a single reference form the anime. tell me one single thing that points to it not working on someone that fights using the EXACT same special ability only advanced more. does itachis sharingan allow him to blind gai when gai looks at his feet? havent seen that one yet. does it allow him to glue him to the floor? hey guess what i aint seen that one either yet.
FACE IT. it works, gai may not be strong enough to put it to the test but the THEORY IS 100% SOUND.
i do not understand why would gai need to use his special technique (looking at feet) to fight kakashi when kakashi doesn't even have the mangekyou sharingan???? maybe just for practice to beat itachi i dont know.. unless kakashi has some level of the mangekyou but not as strong as itachi there fore gai tries to avoid it when he spares with kakashi?? maybe some one can elaborate on this
Here's how itachi wins: Genjitsus into a giant sharingan eye with no feet.
yeah mutata site looks the part, lacking in substance like, but it looks sweet, i wish i could make sites like that.
ugh someone just lock this, i dont this place to be somewhere for little kids to come and complain.
Edit: In response to your comment chambers... your making alot of assumptions, i for one dont like itachi. as for the othe comments, its a theory, dont go and try to force it in everyone elses head that its a fact.
Gai thinks he understands Sharingan by facing off against Kakashi, however Itachi's Sharingan is far greater. In fact Itachi's is probably better than any Sharingan Gai has faced (Itachi was able to kill everyone else in the Uchiha with a Sharingan). Chambers, stop acting like a stupid child.
please explain to me how itachis sharingan is better if you discount the mangekyou sharingan. and by better i dont mean an improvement in stamina or speed i mean an ability that will negate gais stratagey.
go for it. also iam older than you and iam acting it, just beacuse a few iditos on this board state things doesnt make them true.
I just have to agree to what chambers have said.. itachi's better with sharingan now in anime is becoz he can use mangekyou and he can counter it coz he've the bloodlimits. think it this way, it's like hypnotise someone ? if u ain't lookin in the eyes.. then how is the sharingan user goin to do that to you ? just like ur back facing him. it doesn't make sense that u'll get hypnotise or what so ever with mangekyou when ur back is facin him right ? Gai battle with kakashi and yes he've not met anyone with mangekyou.. but do you remember gai said that he've already know about this jutsu ? don't forget the fact that there's Uchiha in the past too.. I'm sure that somehow others will know there's mangekyou.. Like kakashi.. he knew it.. also.. we can say that gai is another best friend of kakashi ? coz they'll share the secrets..