RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
ive got the bakasan version, and it seems fine
your machine perhaps?
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
maybe you should try playing it in the divx-player. I have an episode, 49, which only works that way, otherwise I get no sound/video.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
No problems here. Tell some more about your pc (Hz, RAM etc), and the player you use.
I recommend Zoomplayer, best I've ever tried.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
For Bakasan's version, you need the latest Xvid codec, go download that and it will work perfectly.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
i had probs with Bakasan's version in winamp but worked perfectly fine in wmp when i used it.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
i dont see any thing make it work man
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
The problem isn't with your codecs or anything, its the group's encoding. The new OP and ED are 30fps while the episode is 24fps. Shin-Otakus encoded in 29.97fps which makes their OP and ED smooth, but you may notice that the ep itself may stutter. Aone/ANBU did theirs in 24fps making the OP and ED stutter but the ep doesn't stutter. Because the OP and ED is 30fps and the Episode itself is 24fps, the only way to make it smooth is to convert it to 120fps since 120 is divisible by both 30 and 24. There is a way to do a pseudo-120fps encode with drop frames but I doubt the encoders know how to do it since they didn't do it back during episodes 26-54. So until Naruto gets a new OP and ED that is 24fps, it will always appear like it stutters.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
Bummer. Thanks for the response, though.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
Try going to and download the newest version of vlc player it's always my failsafe player if I can't get a file to play or play correctly on wmp, zoomplayer or divx player then I go to vlc and it has yet to let me down.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
Why were they at different frame rates? How were they at different frame rates? I figured the TV transmission would have been the same frame rate, thus the raw being equal, thus the subbed episode being equal? Did they encode the opening converted to 30 fps first, and then add the episode which was still at 24 fps? If that's the case, could they not take the extra time to convert the episode to 30 fps, and then combine them after that? I don't quite know how they do things, this is just a possibility that my limited knowlege came up with, so I'd like to know what's really going on. Thanks.
RE: Stuttering 78+ intro?
they air at different framerates.... tv signals support multiple specs, so 24 or 30 both are "legal" for broadcast....
they made it 30 for some incomprehensible reason that nobody really understands, but basically video producers claim that it's cheaper to produce 30fps animation/cg sequences than 24fps ones.
Our options when we encoded this were:
(a) Encode down to 24fps, get some jerkiness in the opening, make up for it with compression savings in the episode itself. (This is also consistent with all our previous eps).
(b) Encode up to 30fps, get maybe slight jerkiness in the ep itself sometimes (not good, but not likely much) and make it harder to compress (lose quality keeping stuff at 175 megs/ep)
(c) Encode up to 120fps, get no jerkiness, get slightly tougher compression, and most importantly leave behind the people watching on systems at or below about 800 mhz (not acceptable, too much bitching to be had)
(d) make an mkv with different framerate opening and main section, get the advantages of both framerates, and get stuck teaching 80,000 leechers how to use mkv and being told we suck by the people who are too stupid to figure it out.
Obviously, a has ok benefits and mild drawbacks, b has enough drawbacks that our encoder wasn't enthusiastic about it (and he's a guru, so ....), c isn't acceptable as said, and d doesn't work too well either. We chose the option that our encoder was willing to do that didn't involve us doing mkv tech support for the next year or so.