I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
I think Byukan is better, personally i think neji could beat sasuke. They have never talked about what defensese one has against the other. The sharingan came about because of the byukan. I think the byukan has more power then we are lettign on. We dont no the true power of the hyuga clan...when we saw the leader of the hyuga clan take out those sand ninjas it was scary...his kaiten let a huge crater...way bigger than nejis geez lol i was pissing my pants. I think the leader of the hyuga clan could take out ITACHI!!!.
I want this to be a calm discussion, thats why i made this topic. i just want to hear what we all think and compare ideas, i am open so lets discuss...plz try not to form this into a flaminng topic
I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
well....yes.....i agree that the leader of the hyuga clan (hyuga hiashi) can take out neji [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
lol that was pretty funny....and dumb at the same time...i ment that Hyuga Hiashi could take out itachi.
I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Yes, I agree that the Hyuga Hiashi can take out Itachi. Byakugen is much better than Sharingan.
He'll put the swastika onto Itachi's forehead.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
no one can take out itachi, yet. seriously. come on guys, get with the program.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
damn, this sepecualation is almost as stupid as Sakura beating Itachi (well, it's even stupider, since Sakura has a reason to do so [beside him being evil]).
tell me, why do you think Hiashi is so spectacular? even though it was said that Hizashi was stronger than him?
the head of the hyuuga clan doesn't have to be the strongest, it can be someone like Hinata, so just saying that he's strong becuase he's the head doesn't mean anything.
next poing to argue about can be the Kaiten and Hakke, you might say that since he can do both he must be good. but there's still the option that those moves are special becuase they are only thought by the old clanmaster to the new one, and that's why neji was so immpressive, since he learned them on his own, not for preforming, but for seeing the best points in the byakougan eyes.
there was nothing in the story so far that could make anyone believe that Itachi will lose to Hiashi, it doesn't make sence in battle logic, and it certinaly doesn't make sence in plot logic...
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Sharingan hands down. Sure the Hyuuga is strong but when it comes to Itachi and his mastery of ninjitsu and genjutsu do the Hyuuga who rely basically on taijutsu really have a chance? Itachi would wreck Hiashi (who is one mofo that most couldn't mess with) hands down. As kakashi said the Byakugan is superior to the Sharingan only in insight. In all other departments the Sharingan excells.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
i dunno......i find it very hard to believe that any konoha jounin is better than kakashi and gai
and since kakashi lost to itachi pretty badly.......i'd say itachi would beat hiashi
also, if itachi's mange sharingan can affect anyone who makes eye contact with him, wouldnt it be even tougher for hiashi if he was to use byakugan, since his sight extends all around him?
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Both Byakugan and Sharingan have their own advantages, so it's hard to call one better than the other, but saying Hyuga Hiashi could take Uchiha Itachi is just dumb. Like Death Boo Z said, you don't have to be the strongest to be the leader, and even if he was, Hyuga Hiashi is still nothing compared to Itachi.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Hiashi wouldn't stand a chance against Itachi, however Neji would easily win against Sasuke.
I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Originally posted by: RangeOfHakke
I think Byukan is better, personally i think neji could beat sasuke. They have never talked about what defensese one has against the other. The sharingan came about because of the byukan. I think the byukan has more power then we are lettign on. We dont no the true power of the hyuga clan...when we saw the leader of the hyuga clan take out those sand ninjas it was scary...his kaiten let a huge crater...way bigger than nejis geez lol i was pissing my pants. I think the leader of the hyuga clan could take out ITACHI!!!.
I want this to be a calm discussion, thats why i made this topic. i just want to hear what we all think and compare ideas, i am open so lets discuss...plz try not to form this into a flaminng topic
ok, personaly i think that Itachi will own hinatas father, forgot his name, why, bc even orochimaru fears him, and he wiped out his own clan just to test out his power, Itachi byfar is the strongest char introduced so far, and even he was able to stop 3 jounins, kakashi, kurenai, and asuma. so if itachi were to go againts wuts his name then itachi will win the fight.
now to the other thing, yes i do think that neiji can defeat sasuke, i hope he does if they do ever face off, bc the byakuugan has a more powerful view or whatever u call it the the sharingan bc it allows u too see the tenketsus and if neiji were to seal sasuke tenketsus then sasuke is over bc he cant use do anything but run.
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i'm gonna play devil's advocate here, and go with hiashi...they did say that the hyuuga taijitsu is the strongest in all of the leaf; i mean as incredible as itachi's taijistu is made out to be, i think the 64 hands of hakke may be more than a match for it, especailly coming from a true master....but as far as long range fighting and mange is concerned..i'm not too sure
I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
neji cannot defeat sasuke anymore.
EDIT: response to below:
no, he really can't.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Neji could still defeat Sasuke. Tons of new power, and the brat probably will not even know how to use it ..
However, as much as I like the Hyuuga abilities, Itachi is a monster. Noone introduced so far could take him on. .. I think Itachi could pimp Gamabunta.
Ninja vanish.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Sasuke has a level 2 cursed seal now, Neiji can't beat him
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
I don't really see how it is all that improbable/unlikely for Hiashi to beat Itachi. Now I do admit that it's been a while since I've seen the below area of the anime/manga so my recollection may be off, so please correct me if I'm wrong...
When you take Byakugan vs Sharingan the key is the Gentle Fist style taijutsu that the Hyuuga use that would make the difference, more than the Kaiten or the 64 points. The thing about this style is that it allows the user to directly deal damage to his opponents internal organs. There is no counter this short of actually dodging the blow entirely.
Now I believe that it is possible for a high level Hyuuga master like Hiashi (Hinata's dad) or Hizashi (Neji's dad) to cause someone's heart to basically explode inside their chest. If my faulty memory is correct that is what Hizashi did when Hinata was briefly kidnapped by what was assumingly a high level Thunder country ninja. This pretty much enables them to get a one-hit kill on virtually anyone.
As such I think that if Hiashi could get one good shot in on Itachi he could end it quick by causing serious internal damage. Now you could argue that Itachi would use the mange sharingan before that could happen, but that is besides the point. I think Hiashi (or his brother if he was still alive) would have a 50-50 chance against the Naruto world's fan appointed god.
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the real issue is lays in wether or not itachi ever gets touched. if he gets touched it over. not only would his chakra get cut off most likely 1 blow from the hyuga would kill any man in 1 shot...but again he has to get close enough to toch Itachi. odd are with his arsenal of jutsu he could not beat Itachi, or nay of the 3 for that matter
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Not stand a chance? I highly doubt that he wouldn't stand a chance. Itachi isn't as good as you think he is. Kaiten. How is Itachi going to do anything when Hiashi uses kaiten? Itachi is a genius, but he is definately not invulnerable, he can be defeated. Just because you saw Itachi school Kakashi and the other jounins doesn't mean that he's that powerful.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
i agree, because even though he's a genius, it does not mean that he is unbeatable...especially by someone who has been a master as long as hiashi. iknow some people may say that oro is a master, but then again oro is a coward who hides behind jutsus. i think that if hiashi gets itachi within jyuuken, its over...dead weasel... but he does indeed have to get close enough, which may be a battle in itself
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
hmm with nearly 360 degree's of vision is there anyway for hiashi to avoid itachi's eyes? If itachi uses his blood limit its all over, to do the gental fist thing hiashi would need to use byukan making him even more vulnrable to the blood limit attack. I think its like itachi said only someone with Uchiha blood can over come the blood limit(if they look into his eyes). Altho i do think gai would be able to stand a small chance if he can deal with all of itachi's jutsu, he is prolly the only one who could fight him with out looking into his eyes from all his duels with kakashi. But even if hiashi learned to fight that way he could not use gental fist and is not strong enuf for his taijutsu to be a threat by its self...