I don't understand a shit about that movie, it's f*cked up..
Anyone who knows what happend, NGE overall is the weirdest anime I've ever seen, I don't understand a thing, I just loved the shooting in the beginning of end of evangelion
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I don't understand a shit about that movie, it's f*cked up..
Anyone who knows what happend, NGE overall is the weirdest anime I've ever seen, I don't understand a thing, I just loved the shooting in the beginning of end of evangelion
i also didnt understand it much...like wtf is up with the ending, it just shows asuka with the guy (forgot his name) so im like...ok what just happened.
<rant subject="Evangelion is a gigantic piece of crap">
its 'symbolism' which is japanese for "nobody understands me and my angst. Shinji's angst. I should capitalize Angst. Damned conformists"
Deus ex machina went out of style 2000+ years ago, I don't know why eva's creators insisted on dragging it out of its grave, brushing it off, and gooifying the whole goddamned planet because shinji is a weak and despicable character like everyone else in the whole damned series.
i understood it. The more important question is do you really want to know?
I personally was disappointed by the end of Eva. RaXephon is an anime with a different take on almost exactly the same story (not sure, but I think Ginax was involved with it too) and I found the ending much more to my likeing.
Becasue to me everyone died, I don't know why?, like that purple-hair female, she just was blasted away, and ritsuko that scientist, why did adult ikari shoot her? and in the end, like there was a sea of blood and shinji and asuka were laying there and the final words were "I feel terrible" = WTF, who survived, what happend to the world, what happend to rei when she got in to the adam, she was like bigger then the earth, = WTF! someone explain, it makes no sence to me at all, nothing!
rahxephon was bones, not gainax.
Same story, now with 90% less nihilism! Hell, they even ripped some of the early monster designs straight outta eva (the puddle angel becoming the ground-phasing shadow thing for one).
I definitely preferred rahxephon, which is why I bought the dvds [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]. Eva's whole mindset collapses in on itself making an unresolvable mess. Rahxephon's reaches the same unknown-level but keeps itself together -- instead of the egg shattering and killing the occupant, the egg just warms up and hatches, so to speak.
yenlowang: are you SURE you understand? or do you just THINK you understand [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. Lots of people would say that it operates on at least 4 or 5 levels, and support it pretty well ... you can probably find a lot of stuff googling "evangelion" and "meaning" or "symbolism" in the same query... though I still find the characters personally unpalatable (which isn't to say they aren't good as characters, just that I really don't like any of them), rendering the series overall unpleasant to me.
itachi: you might do well to google "evangelion" and "meaning" -- I think there's probably an animenewsnetwork review of it that explains a lot of the symbolism on a lot of the different levels that it runs on in a relatively easy to read way.
i'm sure i understand enough of it to clarify it a little for someone who totally has no clue.
its a great story (second half of it anyway) thats far too complex for general consumption. undergrad philosophy majors have problems understanding it and even those who do understand it cant agree on what the 'true' meaning is.
but anyway ...... understanding Evangelion will not improve your opinion of it one iota if you have already decided you dont like it and it might actually freak ppl out abit.
speaking of Rah Xephon, have you checked out the OVA? freaky shit, very freudian
lots of ppl think that Rah Xephon is Evangelion-Lite but its not really. The storyline moves in a totally different direction even though the basic premise is the same.
PS Deus Ex Machina is a pretty big part of the NGE series from the very beginning dont you think? And to be fair they did a hell of a job trying to justify it towards the end of the series.
I've seen End of Eva too many times, so much that I needed to buy Slayers to get myself out of depression.
Yes, it is a lot like the end of RahXephon, but Eva is a much more depressing restart of the world.
Spoilers ahead for those who actually haven't seen Eva (not that I believe such people exist).
To understand it fully: Humanity committed a great sin when they tried to create God by experimenting on Adam, thus the Second Impact occured. Human souls were no longer in great supply after mankind sinned so greatly. So, in a way, humanity had to restart itself, which is the human instrumentality project. The goal is to combine all of humanity into one body, just like the Angels. This body is Rei for those who didn't figure her role out. Seele wishes to combine all of humanity for absolute happiness, and Shinji is the only one who actually seems to be able to do it, because only he can pilot Unit-01. All that fucked up shit with the Eva series happens, and Unit-01 is crucified and Shinji becomes a temporary God. Shinji decides, after finally gaining enough balls to make a decision by himself, that humanity should not be one. Thus, All humanity is liquified except him and Asuka, in essence becoming a new Adam and Eve.
It is interesting to note that Asuka now has brown eyes instead of her typical blue, I've heard theories that she is now Asuka, Rei, and Misato all in one, which is why she is so digusted in herself.
That's the whole explanation on my take of The End of Evangelion.
As for Deus Ex Machina, I may be taking it the wrong way, in the litteral sense, but there is no convenient wrap-up in Eva, excepting Eps 25-26, which I have always taken since the movies came out as a single instant in Shinji's god-like state.
Ryllharu, Thanks alot, Ahh, that was the purpose of Rei?, she was a really strange creature... all three in one, where have you heard it, and all the killings in end of evangelion, like ritsuko, ikari and wtf?
As for Gendo killing Ritsuko, she was trying a last ditch effort to stop Gendo from ressurecting Yui, or his version of the human instrumentality project. She was trying to destroy the entire NERV complex. He says something that there is no audio for which I can only assume is something like, "I still love you." She tells him he is lying, because he has been trying to ressurect Yui this whole time and then they try to kill each other, and Gendo shoots first. The Gendo/Ritsuko relationship stems from the line that is something like "Like mother, like daughter."
As for the rumor about Asuka being all three girls combined, I think i first heard it on the commentary with Amanda Winn Lee and others that was on the End of Evangelion DVD. I have seen it on some websites too, but that was some time ago.
Seriously what was that big monster that was bigger then the earth, and what do you mean by "shinji was like a god", there's no sence at all...
this anime was pointless, i understood everything and it sucked ass, all i like about it is the opening theme song
this anime was pointless, i understood everything and it sucked ass, all i like about it is the opening theme song
this anime was pointless, i understood everything and it sucked ass, all i like about it is the opening theme song
actually the Rei is Lilith's soul inhabiting the teenaged clone of shinji's mom (Yui).Quote:
To understand it fully: Humanity committed a great sin when they tried to create God by experimenting on Adam, thus the Second Impact occured. Human souls were no longer in great supply after mankind sinned so greatly. So, in a way, humanity had to restart itself, which is the human instrumentality project. The goal is to combine all of humanity into one body, just like the Angels. This body is Rei for those who didn't figure her role out. Seele wishes to combine all of humanity for absolute happiness, and Shinji is the only one who actually seems to be able to do it, because only he can pilot Unit-01. All that fucked up shit with the Eva series happens, and Unit-01 is crucified and Shinji becomes a temporary God. Shinji decides, after finally gaining enough balls to make a decision by himself, that humanity should not be one. Thus, All humanity is liquified except him and Asuka, in essence becoming a new Adam and Eve.
if you watch the series carefully, Shinji didnt actually become a god. It is implied that the soul in control of Unit-01 at the time of third impact was Yui not Shinjii (who was probably reabsorbed into LCL anyway)
and the goal of the human instrumentality project was not to restart humanity but more of a forced evolution of the species.
heh actually my take on that little moment was that when Lillith posed the same choice to the rest of humanity only Asuka took her up on it and the rest of the world was happy in their gestalt existence. She was disgusted because in the end the only person who thought like her was Shinji.Quote:
It is interesting to note that Asuka now has brown eyes instead of her typical blue, I've heard theories that she is now Asuka, Rei, and Misato all in one, which is why she is so digusted in herself.
no shit sherlock?Quote:
this anime was pointless, i understood everything and it sucked ass, all i like about it is the opening theme song
considering the strong underlying nihilistic message I dont think anyone should have been surprised by that.
End of Evangelion is so messed up that basically everyone who sees it can come up with their own take on it.
As for the Shinji becoming a God part, they say it in the movie, so that's where I'm getting it from. The Human Instrumentality Project's original goal (not Gendo's) was to make a man-made god: Evangelions being the tool to achieve that goal with the angels all destroyed.
Again, this is just my take on it based on the dialogue in End of Evangelion. It's impossible to be right or wrong about this series and what it means.
Neon Genesis is a great series, I like the whole show, even the really weird eps 25 and 26. Actually, I'd love to hear anyone else's theories on what they think is going on.
I love Evangelion, especially Death & Rebirth and End of. If I had to watch one film before I die/end of the world, it would have to be End of, to get me in the mood or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. When I first watched it, End of blew me away, both physcially and emotionally. It's by far one of the most powerful films I've ever seen (definately the most powerful, but not thought-provoking, anime ever - the thought-provking award goes to GitS and SAC). Seriously, I felt like puking after watching End of, simply due to what it does to you while you watch it, not because it's crap.
I understood most of what was going on in Eva. That's what 5 years of dead-easy Religion Education studies does to you (dropped it after GCSE). Failing that, listen to the commentaries on the DVDs - they explain a lot. But if you really want to do in-depth research and understand everything, you've really got to read a Bible and several other religious texts. On the other hand, everyone will have their own take on the proceedings of the film. There's nothing wrong with that, and can add to the enjoyment. Each to their own [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
Still, it's mint regardless. I stand by that. Oh, and eps 25 & 26 are crap, but what do you expect them to do when they've spent the rest of the budget on the first 24?
Last but not least, End of has quite possibly one of the best lines in a film. To quote Aoba - "Idiot! You kill or you die!" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
actually it says Unit-01 has become a god, not shinjiQuote:
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
End of Evangelion is so messed up that basically everyone who sees it can come up with their own take on it.
As for the Shinji becoming a God part, they say it in the movie, so that's where I'm getting it from. The Human Instrumentality Project's original goal (not Gendo's) was to make a man-made god: Evangelions being the tool to achieve that goal with the angels all destroyed.
Again, this is just my take on it based on the dialogue in End of Evangelion. It's impossible to be right or wrong about this series and what it means.
Neon Genesis is a great series, I like the whole show, even the really weird eps 25 and 26. Actually, I'd love to hear anyone else's theories on what they think is going on.
the goal of the human instrumentality project was to create a being who has both eaten from the fruit of the tree of knowledge (possesssing a soul) and the fruit of the tree of life (the S2 organ) thus becoming like God and his angels.
they succeeded with unit-01 but as i said earlier the soul inhabiting the eva is not shinji.
I think complich8 is dead on as to saying it was Shinji's angst....
If you think about it...End of Evangelion is similiar to Tombstone.....Everyone dies!!
But i think it is one of the best movies i have ever seen anime or real, but warning to people who do watch it (lol too late now) your going to be confused, sad, depressed and a whole other wack of emotions...i had to watch it twice to understand it fully, great movie indeed!