significant plot twists that turn out pointless
i dunno if you guys thought much about it.....but it kinda bugs me how kishimoto adds things into the series that seem like it would be a really big deal.....and maybe for a while it is, but then you find yourself in a wtf situation and wonder why he bothered with all that
i can think of at least 3 occurences of this.....
1) oro putting the seal on naruto
Its supposed to mess up naruto's flow of chakra with kyubi....but how did that actually impact the series in any way? I guess it got jiraiya's attention....but it seemed a little elaborate of a way to do so....naruto was still able to perform just as well in the prelims with the seal, and im sure if he actually had chakra problems, he wouldve pointed it out as anime series tend to do so.
2) gekkou hayate's cold
Rarely do you see an anime character distinctively coughing alot without there being a purpose to it. Some thought maybe he incorporates his cold with his jutsu or something weird like that. Considering that ninjas can use bugs for combat, why not germs? Yet instead he just dies and nothing more is said of it.
3) sarutobi sealing oro's arms
Ok now im sure i'll get some arguments about this one....but if all oro had to do to regain his arms was to use his immortality jutsu....sarutobi's death was completely in vain. All it did was delay him, which in itself may be enough to change the outcome of the series, but unless something big happens within the next few years that oro has to wait before performing the jutsu again, i'd be pissed. I'm sure this was all part of kishimoto's plans to have sasuke join oro without being possessed too soon, but for someone as prestigous as the hokage to sacrifice his life just to buy them 2 years or so seems kinda lame.
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
For me, plot twists that were once significant can change.
If it doesn't do much later it falls into the back of my mind into the insignificant, I don't think about it anymore category.
Sarutobi sealing the arms though... this one totally bites at the moment.
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
Plot twists in Naruto could be effective if they come up during the explanation of an event, like why Itachi killed the Uchiha Clan, or if we found out that the 4th is Naruto's dad and is also sealed inside of Naruto. I wouldn't consider Hayate's cold to be a plot twist, but I think I understand what you mean.
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
er well yeah.....i sorta thought of hayate after i opened the topic.....but it kinda makes me wonder if kishimoto is doing stuff like that intentionally (like with hayate maybe they'll reference it when they explain that anbu girl more)...or maybe it could also just be because he's new at manga....which IS surprised he's doing so well with this being his first big release
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
actually i heard he did another manga that he says is really his best work. naruto is just having unprecedented success.
the main character in his other manga kinda looks like naruto, but he smokes.
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
er well yeah.....i sorta thought of hayate after i opened the topic.....but it kinda makes me wonder if kishimoto is doing stuff like that intentionally (like with hayate maybe they'll reference it when they explain that anbu girl more)...or maybe it could also just be because he's new at manga....which IS surprised he's doing so well with this being his first big release
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
i thought bringing in hinata was pretty pointless. where is she now?
EDIT: this is when my hatred towards hinata went berserk:
hinata has said the absolutely stupidest and most loser-like thing i've heard in my life.
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
oh that reminds me Mut@t@ of the scene with sakura getting her hair cut
they made a big deal about how she changed and junk....but she's pretty much just as useless now in the manga as she was before the incident
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
The female leaf genin are all useless. TenTen's special double dragon attack didn't work at all, and Ino was defeated by Inner Sakura. And I don't even need to prove my point with Hinata and Sakura.
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
well im sure they'll build more on the relationship between hinata and naruto at some point...and same with sakura and the other guys in her love triangle (well...some funky shaped triangle, but one nonetheless). Can't say that would be all that useful when actual conflicts arise though
however there's always the theory of sakura becoming more of a healer as an apprentice to tsunade
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
I really want more Hinata-Naruto stuff. More romance, damn it!
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
Delaying him was the whole point once he realized he couldnt kill him.
it was to delay him long enough for a new hokage to be appointed and that they would defend the village against the next attack, he even hints at this before he summons the god of sealing death.
His death was NOT in vain, it gave them time to track down Tsunade didnt it?
Hayates cold is not a plot twist in any way, its just a characteristic of him.
just like Sigures scar (guy who gets killed by Gaara)
they just have them ok? is it that hard to believe that you cannot learn everything about everyone?
you might encounter someone outside with a huge bruise mark and never know why they have it and when it happened, does it really matter how they got it if they're such a small part of your life and you never talk to them?
none of the gennins ever talked to Hayate.
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
that doesnt change my opinion that "Rarely do you see an anime character distinctively coughing alot without there being a purpose to it." Scars are common....cause ninjas are battle-hardened is lots of characters are in action series.....but the cold is a very different characteristic
Sarutobi sealed up oro with the intention of him living his life without the use of jutsus.....which, sarutobi intended to be a punishment worse than death for least thats the impression i got from the way he concluded that match. He vowed to rid konoha of the menace known as orochimaru once and for all....not.....delay him for a couple years
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
actually, the seal on Oro's hands stopped him from using Sasuke as a new host, therefore, it keeps Sasuke alive for a couple more years...
The seal oro gave to Naruto was indeed quite useless, so i give the thumbs down to kishimoto on that...
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
The title should be insignificant plot twists that turn out pointless.
If it was significant it wouldn't be pointless.
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
1)It was noted that it was a rough seal and messed up all of Naruto's chakra flow (not just the demon fox stuff). When he went to fight kiba, he still won even with this handicap. This is more to help show what kind of character naruto is, not an overall plot point.
2)I think it wasn't anything important. I also think he may have had it just to try and make the enemy underestimate him.
3)Delayed to stop him getting sasuke, mentioned above. Very important, and it will have a definate impact on the future of the story.
hope that has answered the questions [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
I'd like to add Lee jumping in to fight Kimimaro, Just for Gaara to intervene. We kinda knew that someone was definitely going to interven, but if it was going to be Gaara. Why didn't he just show up instead of Lee?
significant plot twists that turn out pointless
If thats at 212 spoiler I'm going to kill you
I dont think anything has been pointless so far in terms of "plot twists"
Hayates coughing was odd but I wouldnt call it a plot twist (its equivalanet to Jirayia being a prevent, its just the way he is)
As mentioned aleady, Oro's seal on Naruto was to show that Naruto is still talented with out kyubi and it was used to take Naruto out with the other Genin fought the sound nin. It did its job and then it was removed.
The sealing arm thing also served its purpose as its time is to end. With sealing the arms, they found Tsunade and saved Sasuke for a while
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
i still think that the hokage sacrificing himself just to buy a little time is kinda a dissappointing way for him to die
RE: significant plot twists that turn out pointless
I'm not trying to validate the manga like some others. You can find an excuse or loophole for everything so it's certainly true that some efforts turned pointless and he's winging a lot of it. But I'll be danged if Orochi's gonna wind up surviving the couple years until he can take Sasuke's body. Even THIS manga isn't going to last THAT long/ Bust out the last rites and kiss his slivering arse goodbye.