I hope Sasuke comes out of the barrel soon, and he and Naruto team up on Kimimaro. That is the only thing that can save this arc for me, other than some other cool people showing up...
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I hope Sasuke comes out of the barrel soon, and he and Naruto team up on Kimimaro. That is the only thing that can save this arc for me, other than some other cool people showing up...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 20 2004, 11:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Naruto Kagebunshin no jutsu Rushdown = Fucking BORING SHIT. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
and as for kishimoto "choking," personally, i don't think he is. the series can't always be action packed, drama filled, and what not every chapter. there has to be up's and downs. and if you guys think this is a down, then i guess the up will have more action and drama involved.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 20 2004, 09:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I wish I could find an artist http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif Anyone that wants to do a short manga strip with me, pm me and we can talk.
As for your action comment.......
Go read Hajime no Ippo, Flame of Recca, and Rurouni Kenshin. They will show you how damn good this genre of manga can be when it is done right.
Kishimoto was on the right track at the start, but now he has completely diverted from the path. He is kind of choking now. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
first of how the hell can you put hajime no ippo in the same genre as kenshin, flame of recca and naruto? jaime no ippo is a sports manga. it goes together with prince of tennis and hikaru no go for example.
this chapter was quite good action-wise. something finally happened. and akamaru should die. he will die of blood loss soon enough. that little body dont contain that much blood.
get it at NarutoEx
May Akamaru find peace in the next world.
Damn that was fast.......oh wait a minute it is 3 AM!
Well at least Kishimoto cut between two fights this time.....
Still, this is getting old fast.
what the hell is going on.
EDIT: i doubt akamaru is dead...i can't see see kiba without his companion. i mean, isn't that how he's clan is (person + dog)?
i think we all know how you feel about this arc, you seem to mention it constantly in every post you make.
cant wait for the translation http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 20 2004, 03:02 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i think we all know how you feel about this arc, you seem to mention it constantly in every post you make.
cant wait for the translation http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
It is just pretty bad when myself, an amateur writer, have most likely written a more exciting arc than the manga creator himself.
I am liking my Sound Infiltration arc better and better......at least I didn't drag out these damn fights for so long, and explain every damn thing to the audience and the opponent.
Kishimoto, if you are reading this step down and let me write, you can draw http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Just kidding, but you have to admit that after 4 months of this every week, this type of storyline is just boring.
Oh and if Akamaru dies, then Kiba would have to get a new puppy. So if Akamaru dies, then Kiba dies.
Spoilers for the raw. I can read japanese, so I'm basically explaining what I understood... if you don't want to spoil anything before the Inane translation, don't read.
(I didn't translate all, though...)
OK, first, Akamaru is not dead. Kiba is holding him and thinking of the way Akamaru protected him, saying something like "...I'm so glad... he's still breathing... I'm so glad..." and then something about how thanks to Akamaru Kiba was able to move/live, and "...now, I'll be the one protecting you."
Ah yes, Ukon believed that Kiba had abandoned Akamaru and got away - and then the exploding puppy no jutsu (eeep) did its thing and bam. Ukon is angry too, you can see him screaming "I'LL RIP YOU APART!!" at the top of his lungs.
Then Sakon comes by and tells Ukon that its "time to sleep", that he'll be fighting now. They merge, but it seems Ukon doesn't want to sleep... they'll fight together again, and from what I understood, they are quickly loosing power - Sakon's seal was already receeding, and with the two of them, I doubt they can keep the 2nd level much longer if at all.
I'm stil hoping Kiba wont die. He may not have unfinished business like Neji, but I like him.
As for Naruto... I was hoping that he'd get to punch Kimimaro at least once. Ah, he'll do that later, after receiving a good beating. I have to agree that Naruto's fights are repetitive, but that's kind of what I like about the character - he's not a genius with 1568 tricks under his sleeve, nor does he have any bloodline ability nor even a family jutsu. He's a begginer with three good moves and he does what he can.
By the way, it seems Kimimaro's "knifes" are actually bones. When he grabs a hold of them, Naruto says just that: "...bones?", and I believe Kimimaro, in the last panel, says that that is his bloodline ability.
So most probably he can produce knifes from every part of his body, as we'll see later... the move he uses to escape Naruto's rush is called, I think, "Shadow Dance" or something along those lines.
Finally, what can we expect next week?
"Naruto vs. Kimimaro, and then Shikamaru, Kiba's destiny is...!? Coming, "Waking up..."!!"
(It's either "Waking up" or "Opening your eyes" or something like that. Kanji's too blurry.)
So, next week we'll have a little bit of the three ^^
what makes this arcs storyline any worse then the others?
so far most of naruto has taken place in chuunin exam, which has basically no story other then to complete an exam - its DURING the arc that twists occur.
Kimimaro is going to supply the majority of them.
And if your stories are so exciting why dont you sell them or start up a manga with an artist http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
if you're expecting every chapter of an ACTION series to be dramatic then you're looking in the wrong genre
I wish I could find an artist http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif Anyone that wants to do a short manga strip with me, pm me and we can talk.
As for your action comment.......
Go read Hajime no Ippo, Flame of Recca, and Rurouni Kenshin. They will show you how damn good this genre of manga can be when it is done right.
Kishimoto was on the right track at the start, but now he has completely diverted from the path. He is kind of choking now.
Did Kiba run away with Akamaru? That was what I was getting from massive interpretation of the images. No Shikamaru this week. Makes me sad.
Flame of Recca was good but the ending seemed sort of rushed. Kishimoto isn't doing bad right now. This seems more like character development time. After these series of fights, things should move along (at least that's what I think). We hadn't really seen much of anyone except Naruto and Sasuke, and it makes a boring story to only have two characters people care about.
Kishimoto isnt choking, the manga is gaining more and more readers - not less.
i wouldnt start to find flaws with this arc before you carefully disect the themes present, and themes yet to come.
as for your favourite arc of the Wave country, out of all of the arcs so far in naruto this arc is the closest in the theme.
if you cant see this then you probably wont get past an amatuer writer http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
not to seem like i'm attacking you or anything but i'm giving constructive critizism but as for sound infiltration it didnt really keep my interest, didnt really have any flares in storyline that made me want to keep reading past the first page
Don't worry about it, I take criticism daily with my coffee.
I agree that he is trying to replicate some factors of the wave country arc into this pursuit thing, but for some reason I am just not buying it. If Neji, Kiba, and Chouji all die, then I MIGHT go back and say, yeah this was a good arc. But if all of them show up fine, I will most likely talk shit on it for the rest of my days.
I just really think he is dragging the fights on for too long without a break in the action for character development. Its like, "I know this might kill me, but I have to help my friends anyway I can....Sasuke isn't important to me, but I am a ninja....i have to protect and help my comrades"....enough is enough.
I don't think it's so much that the plot is getting worse but the story is getting slower. Waiting week after week for an inch of story to develop is getting tiresome. IMO it's attributed to the way Kishimoto decides to expand his story too much. It's one thing to make a short movie with great expanding possibilities such as Star Wars. But it's totally another thing thing your trying to make a manga series that's over 205 chapters long.
The minute Oro survives and had the 5 sound-nins start their one-on-one fight should be a dead give-away as to how long Kishimoto wants Naruto to drag. I really enjoy how Naruto's character focus is, but god damn he's still expanding the story when it's already chapter 205! Sure it's what gives Naruto that unique depth.
But by inputting character after character along with other strange world rules he's setting himself up the story to be way too grand.
He needs to seriously realize that his manga has reached maturity and needs to stop the expansion to immdeiately go with a centralized plot. And he's already got Anko's relation with Oro, Akutsa (sp?), other countries, Itachi, Lee's recovery, Neji's freedom (if he's not dead), Kakashi with Obito, and a whole assortment of subplots that he needs to develop.
But other than that I liked this chapter...ahem <u>Kyubi</u> Naruto getting owned... http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mf_gap.gif
Neji still has unfinished business, as for Chouji and Kiba they're most likely to die.
if Neji was going to die his seal would have disappeared - so we know he isnt.
as for the arc, its catering to the anime generation, this arc will definately be the best in terms of fight scenes since each genin was matched up well.
i know reading fight scenes each week isnt too exciting but just imagine what they're going to be like in the anime, also the anime covers at least 2 manga chapters usually so it'll be alot faster then.
ty winged one
What's wrong with huge, expansive, multilayered epic plots? The longer a person has to tell a story, the more it can be fleshed out and the better it will ultimately be. 1 on 1 fights may seem repetitive, but let's face it; in each fight, the characters fighting get a bit more development. Having multiple fights ging on at once in the same area reduces the ability to develop the characters. And let's face it; despite all it's action, Naruto is character-driven. Any character development opportunities are taken.
That said, I enjoyed this chapter, although I need a translation to really determine what has happened.
i think some people have to die. new characters need to be introduced (ones which m,ake sense thoguh) or sasuke needs to come out to make this arc much better.
its slow but the action is good, i think kishimoto will make something out of this. i mean if this manga wasnt that amazing do u think people would still be around 205 chapters later?!
kishimoto will do what is right. he can do some amazing things wih this arc. he proabbly has it all planned out way past this arc it just takes time to draw it.
just wait and see.