2 AM Friday Morning. I just figured I would put this topic up, so we don't have 2 topics like we do every week. Its useless to have two, when one will do.
I plan on waking up again early this morning to check, I will give you guys an update if I can find it. Most likely it won't be up until around 10 or 11 AM my time. (USA East Coast)
Why not wait until it is actually up to start a topic? Seems kind of pointless...
No it's not pointless.
Thanks Hatake Kakashi.
sorry, i just have to add one thing:
*from the summary*
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Naruto prepares to do his Kage Bunshin and...</span>
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Jan 30 2004, 08:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sorry, i just have to add one thing:
*from the summary*
lame. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
shouldnt really call that lame.... its like neji always using gentle fist styleand sasuke throwing the chidori 30 secs into a fight. since he havent seen him fight for a while. narutos main attack is the kage bunshin the reason why you dont think neji or rock lee fights are lame is because they fight with taijutsu which have diffrent punches but are the same tecnique.
EDIT: deleted the spolier, didnt realize it was grey until i posted http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
Last Page = HOLY SHIT!
As I heard a lot of dialogue. Can't wait for the scanslation.
Raw Spoilers Below Highlight to Read
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Shikamaru looks like he is in deep shit. Let's hope his old man taught him some new moves.
Kiba and Sakon appear to be at a stale mate so far, but he hasn't used his curse seal yet.
Naruto has surrounded Kimimaro with a shitload of Shadow Clones, but they are only as strong as 1 Naruto in all, so its not that big of a deal. He did the same thing with Sasuke, and Sasuke beat them off like they were nothing.
Good chapter it seems like though, bet it will be even better with dialogue.</span>
-------------------------------END SPOILERS---------------------------------------
hm read the first few scans, looks like theres not a lot of actions so i'll wait for the translated version. But finally my sword/left hand question is answered. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
ive heard its in korean.
my main comment is that shikamaru is in so much deep shit.
hmm okay chapter but dont pre judge those kage bunshins and they are nothing like the ones against sasuke against sasuke naruto didnt even use kyubi chakra, you dont know how much of the kyubi chakra is used here since he went crazy but on the other hand kimimaro looks alot more stronger than sasuke..... gonna be some good fights now.
hm what does Naruto think he's accomplishing by making 1000 kage bunshins. We all know they're gonna get beat. Maybe he's trying to psyche Kimimaro out. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif
I wonder what oro and kabuto are talking about. Maybe it has to do with Kimimaro's powers?
actually---this one is different from sasuke---last time he did this was with either Gaara, or against Mizuki---the last time they were this strong though was vs. Mizuki, cuz with the Kyuubi chakra its like an army of regular Naruto before doing Kage Bunshin. so difference, but im sure Kimimaro can handle himself