its out
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Thanks for the head up Naruto__kun
Translated,hurray....I just read the raw,and the differemce is quite strange.If you were to translate it directly,it wouldn't come out like it does with Inane.Amazing what a ka at the end of a sentence can do.
thanks Naruto_-_Kun finally after so long we can read naruto manga again...
chapter was amazing great teamwork, can't wait for chapter 201 Blitzkrieg
-<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>I hope we're gonna get some decent action now that Kimimaro has arrived</span>-
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOLLLLLLLL </span>
Just AWESOME !!!
Much thanks, that was awsome!! But man.... Those chapters sure go by fast, lol
Thx Naruto_Kun.
I hope we get to see kimamaro's fighting skills in 201.
Wow that was awsome. Can't wait to see Kimimaro fight.
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>As I preidicted many months ago...Shikamaru will be fighting the girl. Thanks to tons of foreshadowing events.
Kiba versus Sakon is going to be cool too.
Oh and Kimimaro looks like a total bad ass!
Naruto might be screwed.</span>
*imitates hinata-sama's voice* arigato Naruto-kun
damn i just love the first page !
i just get this weird feeling like the one where the 4th is on the cover (i forget which one)
That chapter had way too much cussing. I think it could've been handled a little more subtly. Oh well.
What exactly was Akamaru and Kiba doing in that trap?
Btw, Kimimaro looks badass.
9 curses roughly one curse every two pages. Yeah that is a lot now that i think about it.
I hope Kimimaro is as strong as he's been made out to be.
is it just me or does Naruto look like Dosu on the front cover?
More like Zabuza to me he should choose that as his new look it's awesome.
i'm pretty sure that its kimimaro.
edit: hmm not so sure now that i think about it, the boots and clothes are different, but the eyes look identical. it might be him but its a stretch.
the earth looks chaotic around him and we know that kimimaro has the gaia seal so......
Kishimoto likes to draw stetches on the front page that dont really have to do with the character hes done them on
its just his way of doing something different with the character
Awesome chapter!!