Transgressive elements in Anime
This mainly relates to rape, but let's invite all sorts of transgressions.
I've just read the most disgusting thread on another forum known for its extreme sjws. The thread basically claims most anime fans are alt-right nazis. The reasons? Sexy girls, mainly.
What really grates me,however, is how these assholes keep complaining about rape themes in anime, basically demanding that it doesn't happen at all. What's super ridiculously: apparently Tate no Yuusha is shit, because it features a false-rape accusation. Since sjws only think in groups, not in individuals, that's a no-no, because false-rape accusations statistically rarely, you know. So that's why depicting one in anime maked it alt-right. Wft.
I honestly hate these censorship movements. Anime has always been great because it freely chooses to do whatever it wants to do. Ffs, I've never seen an alt-right anime. Anime, if anything, is progressive BEYOND what these asses complain about. Complaining about loli girls? In anime, these loli girls have agenda, fight monsters or are scientists! But no, can't have sexualized underage characters, because they're real ...waitwat.
Ah, I just hate it. And Crunchyroll might support future changes towards these people's wishes. Fuck them. Anime always was a creatively free medium. Authoritarians should fuck off with their nazi-demands.