Inb4 white knight mods changing my thread's title :(
What are your type/s? I'd go #1 > #6 > #4 > meh
Disregard faces, we're talking about body aesthetics
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Inb4 white knight mods changing my thread's title :(
What are your type/s? I'd go #1 > #6 > #4 > meh
Disregard faces, we're talking about body aesthetics
11, 2, 3, 1, ...
In that order, generally speaking. (well, it depends, some days I feel like juggling that around a bit)
Quoted for truth.Quote:
<@Ryllharu> #4 means implants
<@Arkangel> Shut up
<@Arkangel> It can happen
<@Ryllharu> almost never.
<@Arkangel> Theoretically
<@Ryllharu> Once you get into the "thick" range they can be real.
#1-3, #5, and #8-9 are all realistic and very much acceptable. Though around here, #15 is most common, and is fine as well. If you're preference is for "assets," that fat has to come from somewhere, else you're looking a mostly synthetic (e.g. #4, #6, and #13).
1 > 2 > 15
I've seen thin girls with assets, but no bigger than C cups, and they were real. That monstrosity that is number 4's chest is weird. As far as picking which body type I prefer, I'm finding that I'm rating the women in the pictures, not so much the body types. When I think about it, I've found women with all body types in the top two rows to be very attractive. The best I can do is this:
Dislike: 16-21
Don't Dislike: 1, 10, 13
Like: Everything Else
Most of my own experience lies within the last row.
However, in order of preference, I'd say #1 > #2 > #4 (only on the basis I can opt for real tits, else it's a no go.) > #5 > #8 > #11 > #15.
Not that I'd turn any of them away. Big girls need love too.
2 > 4 > 5 > 11. Curves kills me.
It's unfair that #14 average has such an unattractive face. It takes away from the average body, which is what we're judging them by.
I'll take #'s 2-6, 8-11, and 14-15.
QFT. Can't believe anyone picking nr 1...Quote:
[ 01:55:51 ] <L> I digress
[ 01:56:05 ] <Yukimura> ewwww 1?
[ 01:56:06 ] <L> I know a lot of small girls that are perfectly sexy, but not so damn skinny
[ 01:56:14 ] <L> 1 is just crazy
[ 01:56:16 ] <L> eat a bit
[ 01:56:21 ] <Yukimura> she looks like a malnourished kid
4 > 5 > 11, in that order.
This is awesome. 11, whatever Christina Hendricks is, and 2 (but only in model poses)!
3 = disturbing/fake?
6 = video game girl, beat the shit out of you with her thighs. badass.
14 = fit, not average
15 = this body type pisses me off
17 = average
Wife when I met her:
5'3" 126 pounds but E cup! Now she's C cup.
Her boobs weight was too much for her build. She had 2 pounds removed from each one of them...
So yes, nature also has petite women with big boobs!
But then, it more a matter of chemical reaction to me.
Let's see...I suppose, for me I like: 2-6, then 11, 8, 14 (although I agree, 3 does look odd). I have hooked up with more than a couple of 1's though...and was taken advantage of by a larger woman (which I did not enjoy). I would probably have to throw in a height modifier as well, as I can't deal with trying to date small women anymore. I am pretty tall, and it looks and feels weird when I am with tiny women. There is also the whole people on message boards that will go unnamed that would accuse you of being a lolicon.
Describe more about the time you were... "taken advantage of". :o:confused::o
Basically, I was convinced to try this drinking game called "Power Hour". You take a shot of beer every minute, and there are penalties in which you may have to take more than one. The people I was with gave me a 4Loko (when it was still the dangerous recipe) and I used that. In short, I had 2 4Lokos and 3 tall boys in an hour. I soon blacked out and my roommate was nowhere to be found. I apparently asked someone to help me get home...turns out it was not my home, and I don't remember much, but I felt dirty the next day.
2 -> 8-> 15 -> 1
i'm a, rare, face guy so in real life situation this rating might get useless.
above 15(15 excluded obviously). 7.
w/assets look kinda fake, so i add them to dislike too.
Athletic girls are ok, unless they are really muscular.
I would say that my preferences go like this. 11-5-4-14 anyway this a generalization and seeing how I seem to affect my pairs in long relations I should choose 1 or 2 types.
Mine are 2>14>11>5. But I'm more about the personality/face than I am the body type. You can always change your body type with a little sweat and dedication.
If you'll notice, #2 is getting a lot of votes, but I think it's because she's good-looking overall, not particularly her body type. If all of the others had the face/hair/pose of #2, it'd be a lot harder to decide.
Dedication won't get you from 1 to 4, but otherwise I agree (inless you're including the dedication for implants - in which case the same can be said about faces).
And I would so love to see the scenario you proposed, though even with photoshop the best we'd be able to do is min/max her various parts in the same pose. (I'm sure we'd get similar results if we had giant question marks in place of faces though)