Kaichou wa Maid-sama Episode 2
Nekomimi maid desu!
[Eclipse] Kaichou wa Maid-sama - 02 (1280x720 h264)
Misaki's manager Satsuki going off into Lala Land about her was probably the highlight of the episode for me. Misaki may still definitely be a man-hater, but I think this episode compounded upon what they showed last episode. She's pretty harsh as a class president, but when she screws things up, she makes up for it. Misaki takes in everything that people say about her, like Usui warning her to actually listen, and Satsuki emphasizing the importance of letting people have fun and making sure to have fun themselves. She works really hard to make up for it after she catches on. I like that things don't just magically work out, she has to reign in her ego, apologize, and put in extra effort to turn things around. It isn't something you usually see in characters that are similar to her.
Misaki was clamping down so hard on trying to attract girls to the school that she and the boys of Usui's class stopped having fun.
It is nice to see that she can reflect on her mistakes, admit she made one, and do her best to act fairly and responsibly. She learned a lot from Satsuki speech and Usui's remarks. Then she even started to have a bit of fun herself.