Originally Posted by Assassin
i can't believe im saying this, but at times the sexual overtones can be just too much. they take away from the show. and im not even talking about the sex scenes, but the more subtle stuff, like sooki's super sluty dress when the afternoon before bill comes over to their house. I just hope it stems from sexual frustration (and thus being related to the character development) and not just to win over male audiences.
I also hate the black girl. atleast at times....occasionally she'll be likeable but then she opens her mouth and i wanna smack her with a baseball bat.
On the topic of episode 2, the last scene with the vamps look odd....like they were all trying too hard. The girl was fine, but then the 2 dudes show up, and its like "hey look at me, im a stereotypical over the top bad vampire from Blade"