First episode airs: THIS SUNDAY! APRIL 6, 2008
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First episode airs: THIS SUNDAY! APRIL 6, 2008
Oh my gods, I'm getting my jollies off!:D
Didn't know it was so soon. WF is apparently not dead; wonder how long it'll take for a sub to surface.
This is gonna be awesome!!
Damn. I was rather hoping it would air on a Thursday or something, so the subs would come out on the weekend. Oh well, this is good news, no matter how you look at it.
To think it's finally here. 1 word, WOW!
I'm so looking forward to this. :)
Aw Sunday? I was hoping earlier so I could watch it this weekend like Buffalobiian. Still though FREAKING SWEET!!! I have never been this excited for an anime release since Tengen Toppa. Can't wait.
IT'S FINALLY AIRING!!! (sorry guys, not a release post. :p ). Would you say, give it 5 days with the Karaoke?
Whats with that fancy outfit Suzaku's sporting?
See here for details. Pretty much info from comercials, magazines and stuff. Classed as minor spoilers.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Least spoiling answer: he's promoted
OMG the raw is out!!! GO SUBBERS! GO GO!! ... please!
I see at least 3 different raw sources... lol.
GG seems alive one day, and dead another...
Menclave has a status for Code Geass R2 already... but seeing their slowness with Gundam 00 I don't want to get the episode from them...
Still waiting for the sub, I wonder who will pick up this series. Shintahikari already watched the raw..:(
Shinta always watched the raws. It was actually a problem here in the forums last season when comments came before any sub was even remotely released.
It's not that I wouldn't as well if I could, but Geass is one of those series where if you're not absolutely sure what is being said, you're missing 3/4 of the content in the episode.
Well your right about missing the content if you can't fully understand japanese.. I can watch raw animes but only those sport and comedy types. Unlike geass, you can easily understand simple conversations. :)
Code Geass R2 Episode 1 h264 - gg
Dunno if that's real, DL'ing!
Thanks. I'm downloading too.
It's real, just finished downloading!
I will also confirm, gg DID release a subbed Geass R2 in its beautiful 1280x720p glory and it was an awesome ep. (can't guarantee that's not the hype talking though).
Visually it just looked awesome with the upgrades they made to effects, there was action, there was fanservice, there was Yes, My Lord, there was Lelouch being who we like him for, there was very little Suzaku and most importantly there...was...C.C. This first ep was quite promising much like the first ep of the series was.
Some thoughts on the scenes from the OP only.
C.C.'s new outfit was amazing, I demand a wallpaper of her in it.
Holy predictions coming true...Batman, the emporers Right eye!
I'm very disappointed they couldn't they come up with new mech designs for the new characters. I got enough Kyrios, Virtue, and Throne Eins in Gundam 00 and I was hoping for something slightly more out of the box.
Is that...Orange-kun?!
WTF...Rollo gets a Knightmare?!
I'm trying to study for my finals and this had to happen. Goddamn it...