It seems the normal guys are late this week. Oh well here is the pics
It seems my links didn't get the pics I wanted them to get :(
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It seems the normal guys are late this week. Oh well here is the pics
It seems my links didn't get the pics I wanted them to get :(
Uhm.. those are from 359? Aren't they?
Yeah those are from 359, looks like you are late from last week Dead! -dg-Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Ok, so the new spoilers. Wow Sasuke looks like he is going to get f*cked up. Cant wait to see the whole thing!
Ya I don't know what happened there....
anyways yea sasuke is going to have to pull a plot-hole-no-jutsu to get out of that one
Ehh. He probably just has Diedara in a Genjustu like some were saying last week, Bring on the violence!Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Yeah, bring on the good stuff. Looking at the spoilers pics, it seems the battle will continue for a while or take a completely different direction.
In picture 4, is it snakes or have Sasuke regenerated his left wing?
They look like snakes to me. And I think that the 5th pic is a fake, why would Deidara be bigger than Sasuke? Unless Sasuke is thinking that Deidara is better than him and projecting it onto his size? WTFKQuote:
Originally Posted by Elyne
You're right. Definately snakes. You can see the eyes and forked tounge of the one nearest the other wing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Elyne
Well, I don't know about Sasuke trapping Deidara in a genjitsu, but what about it being the other way around? Could perhaps Sasuke be trapped in a Deidara genjitsu? That would explain PIC5, PIC1 and PIC2... (perhaps, Deidara, bieng jealous of Itachi, developed his own genjitsu...) which was easily broken by the lvl3 sharingran & CS2 in PIC2
PIC1 and PIC2 suggest to me that Deidara is under genjutsu.
In PIC1, seeing sasuke getting ripped to shreds is the genjutsu making Deidara think his attack hit the target, just like what Itachi did to Deidara just last week.
In PIC2, you see Sasuke bustin out Sharingan and Deidara with a freaked out look on his face.
Wtf, Deidara's not even a genjutsu user....
PIC5 is probably fake. It doesn't look like it has anything to do with any of the other pages.
I respectfully disagree. Both with Sasuke standing infront of the giant Deidara and on the bottom right corner in PIC5, you'll notice Sasuke is wearing some type of black arm brace(s) that travel up passed his elbow not only in PICs 3 & 4 as CS2 the spoiler pics, but in PICs 1,2,3,15 of 359.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
PIC1 quite obviously has the arm braces missing. PICs 1 & 5 obviously suggest some kind of genjitsu. I quite agree that PIC5 doesn't make sense unless you make Deidara the person performing the genjitsu.
Why should Deidara be stuck with knowing only one art form? I'd like to point out that we've not seen genjitsu from either of these combatants thus far (although Sasuke seems to have a knack for discovering a persons personal demons).
So I figure PIC5 is the real deal, and Deidara, an artist, developed genjitsu after his fight with Itachi - - the time when Deidara realized that genjitsu IS an art form. Because Deidara's experience with genjitsu would not be as long as his clay formations, would be easily broken by CS2 and the Sharingran.
I would guess the order to be either PIC1 and PIC5 being first and second second (although PIC5 could be first and PIC1 could be second), PIC2, PIC4 then PIC3.
Just noticed...
Pic 4 shows Sasuke having Chidori'ed through Deidara
My thought seeing pic 5 was that Deidara transformed himself into a larger version using his clay, may not be the case, but seeing as he makes those gigantic dragons, maybe his ultimate attack is to supersize himself, heh. I don't really buy Deidara using genjutsu, I do however think that Sasuke probably traps him in one, but Deidara is ready for it this time, he's still gonna lose, but I think he may still give Sasuke a few more surprises.
Was just going to suggest the same thing. The text on the right side of Pic 5 mentions something about C4. If C4 is the giant explosive Deidara, it's weird that it has color as opposed to all his over explosives.Quote:
Originally Posted by Someonemanr
aw crap. You're right, I have to agree with you.
If we put PICs 5 & 1 (in that order) towards the end of the chapter, and explain PIC5 as "the ultimate Deidara bomb" growing until he explodes. BOOM! Then pic1 missing the arm braces and chunks of flesh (it's only a flesh wound, eh!)..
If this is how this chapter plays out, I think Deidara probably earned a little more respect in my book.
argh! i dont want to see spoilers... i want a sub@!
i checked to see if they had it out since they have been really quick to put up scanlations but they didnt' have it. However, they did have a really cool "marquee?" in color of tobi and deidara.
Er, oh yeah....I thought everyone noticed that =x.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
12345p, when someone is a genjutsu user, you'll know that they're a genjutsu user. That aside, genjutsu is pretty much completely worthless against the sharingan, unless dealt by a higher level sharingan. Remember when those mist genins used genjutsu on Naruto's team in the forest of death, and Sasuke used his sharingan to see right through it?
Looks like sasuke went back to cs2 mode, then some how got on the bird where deidara was then used the chidori. BUT......... IT'S A TRAP!!! Clay bunshins grab sasuke and try to explode. he uses the snake hands to get away but the new clay has a new effect and burs his body! OH NOES!!!!