welll since i recently 'got into a fight' i thought hey lets start a new thread about fights,
so yeah tell us about any hc fights you've been in or started or watched or what ever.
welll... it was a in the summer when my siss and my cousin and i went to the shops yeah? and we were waiting in line when this like fat white chick bumped her way to the front of the line and complaining about the service. She then asked this old couple to hurry up cuz she had places to be and the poor old people were petrified.
My sis was like "er. wtfunk. they were there before you, you can't just push in line. We've all been waiting, you can wait too."
then she was like "i know you're not talking to me right?" and like fully eyed my sis.
Then we got outta line and she sorta shoved my sis and was like "u weren't talking to right?"
and my sister was like "no i was talking to other fat bitch behind you. wat do you think?"
then she had the nerve to say "You yellow asian trash why dont you just go home?"
sis -"%#$#^%^#$^$&&%*&$*^*$^**^ you fat bitch what did you call me??!!
and then more words were exchanged and then a massive grotesque hand came flying at my sisters face.
then i decided to be out of character and defend my sis and im like get of her or something along those lines and then this is what stunned me.
my sister slapped her back. LOL :D i was like waaaaaaaat the funk is going on, my sister does not hit people.
Then the fat cow grabbed my sisters hair and for some reason i jumped in and pushed her off my sis ... damn she was heavy. and then i was telling her off for being racist and then she was like i wasn't being racist. i love asians my best friend is an asian, its just trash like you i hate. then something something something...this was a while ago and we walked off. and freaking she follwed us saying shit like "im going to get you for abuse you watch. i'll send you back to where you came from. this is what happens when mummy lets trash out.
and yeah she stoppped following us after a while i cant remember why.. but yeah. LOL that was major for me cuz i've never really been in a fight or witnessed one and this particular event outraged me because of her racism, which is just not cool.
so yeah lets hear from you ;)