I have got to say that I do love my cheeses. So, I thought I might see what Cheeses other people love and maybe see cheeses I have never had. Post your favorite cheese or cheeses here and tell me what you love.
My favorite Cheese: PepperJack
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I have got to say that I do love my cheeses. So, I thought I might see what Cheeses other people love and maybe see cheeses I have never had. Post your favorite cheese or cheeses here and tell me what you love.
My favorite Cheese: PepperJack
I am also a Pepperjack fan but also like Parmesan, Provolone, and Cheddar.
cream cheese
Parmesian and Cream cheese.
Theres this other really oily one I used to have back in Jamaica that owned everything, but I cant find it anywhere up here. I think it wasn't very healthy for ya and not sold in the States I guess.:(
I like Gouda.
i like cheese, i just don't bother to remember the names of them. anything w/ jalapeno bits in it automatically go on my "yummy" list. but most recently, I was introduced to cheese that were on the sweet side and those were yummy too. dried cranberry bits, anyone?
Camembert and goat cheese.
Human cheese
Swiss is my current favorite for sandwiches, but I like Provolone for Italian dishes. For just plain crackers, it's Extra Sharp Cheddar. Man, I could eat a brick of that straight.
Ohh snap, I forgot about Smoked Gouda, I LOVE Smoked Gouda!Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
The feeling's mutual, nyor~on.Quote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel
*resists making a dick-cheese joke*
I can't think of a cheese I don't like actually, I'm a huge fan. I wanna go on another cheese tasting tour, mmm so fattening.
I really love anything smoked.
Seriously the strangest thread I've seen in a while. Anyway...
Ever since I was a baby, I've loved Stilton cheese. I often used to prefer it over chocolate and cookies. To this day, I still consider it a delicacy.
Usually, though, I'm sated with a good slice of cheddar or mozzarella in my sammiches.
Muenster or Munster cheese is my favorite. Be it the American or European kind. The American one is great for sandwiches.
Must...fight...urge...cutting...the...cheese...whe w. Almost said one of the "cheesier" jokes. As for cheese, must say I fan of many of the above in addition to Mizithra (kinda a greek combination of ricotta and rizotta cheeses).Quote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel
you can't go wrong with mozzarella.
Seriously Swiss is good for anything.
mozzarella for the win (see also: mozzarella sticks, string cheese, just straight mozzarella, mozzarella melted on a hot sub or hoagie).
... I don't each cheese anymore, 'cause of my diet. Before, I'd eat mozzarella like it was candy.
It's either mozzarella or swiss for me, really depends what I'm having with it...if anything