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Meh... a pretty uneventful chapter. Naruto progresses in his training and remembers Sasuke.
God, what the fuck was Sakura doing in this chapter. Seems like Kishimoto just wanted to waste some pages with her crying.
MQ Scan
LQ-MQ scanlation
Nothing happened in this chapter, but the next one looks good. "Naruto's training approaches it's final stage! Next time, the true form of the new jutsu!"
I just finish reading this chapter with MQ quality scan, and i got to say Naruto is truely have no talent. Why? because Kakashi say, it normally took a full year to master the second steps of Nature manipulation, but if you calculate carefully it took Naruto 3 years. It took him a full day with a thousand clone to complete the second step. That is equal to 1000 days which is 3 years. He is slow alright.
Actually this is incorrect Naruto has several breaks during his training for a unspecified amount of time due to mental fatigue when he stops to gain the knowledge from his clones. Kakashi stated it took him a few hours for 6 hours worth of training and if anything he's learning even faster then expected.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragon608608
edit: changed years to hours.
Its 6 months not 6 years worth of training.
you cant really say he has no talent when he is the only one that can do this training. He also gets weakened when he brings the clones together again so its not like he is doing straight training.
My mistake but it doesn't change anything. so if 1 day = about 3 years and he did the training in 4 hours of pure training it remains the same. he certainly didn't spend 24 hours on pure training.Quote:
Originally Posted by LaZie
god. this was uneventful...
Naruto should have at least medidated to stop the waterfall, he simply has no taste in astetics.
Sakura's crying was pointless, though it might refer to the fact that another month has passed and sasuke still didn't come back (the moon state is similar to the one when Sasuke left).
and to the nice part, Kurenei is hot, probably worried sick about Asume going out on a mission.. unless the plant on her window is a willow brench, and then she's hot for Yamato. but that's probably not the case. She's still much prettier than other female charecters, and she should defintally get ten times as much screen time as now.
and on a diffrent case: I think Naruto is immune to Tsukiyomi (at least the one Kakashi has recived back in the days), after all, if he feels what each clone feels, doesn't that mean he's felt stabbed, kicked, cut, burnt and other forms of pyshical injury over and over again? Kimimaru alone has cut him (with something equal to a sword at least) over 200 times. Naruto probably felt more pyshical pain than anyone else in the manga.
edit: wording and the last paragraph.
The only part I really enjoyed about this chapter was Asume and Kurenai somehow contacting each other.... man, Asuma is so going to die. They wouldn'f have gone and confirmed his relation with Kurenai if he was going to live. At the very least, I hope he goes down with a good fight - lately, all fights concerning the Akatsuki have been something like
*Fight starts*
Hidan and Kakuzu have a chat and hate each other
The fight is done and Hidan and Kakuzu are still talking.
Other than Asuma and Kurenai this was uneventful. GOD I'm tired of Sakura crying. Not only was her three-year training useless, she's not doing anything at all to get better. She could be training with Tsunade again, or with Sizune, or with anyone. Anything is better than sitting aalone in her room in the dark and crying over a jerk who wouldn't hesitate to kill her.
There is one more thing that i notice in this chapter. Out of curiosity, where's the hell the Fourth seal on Naruto's stomach go? From the beginning to the end of this chapter, naruto didn't wear any shirt is that support to expose the Fourth seal in his stomach out. or it didn't show up because of the side effect by Yamato ninjutsu?
It's not there all the time.
it has always shown when he is molding chakra. remember when jiriya un-did the cursed mark oro placed, he told naruto to mold chakra and the seal apeared. Since he is molding chakra to split the waterfall it should have shown kishi probably mest up lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by mage
At earlier stages it was said that the seal only gets visible when naruto is using kyubiis chakra. Its like somekind of VIP pass for kyubii-disco. Once you enter you get the mark.
Yamato is sealing the kyubii and its chakra and letting naruto work with his own chakra (or maybe taking the kyubii chakra but mixing it with his), to resume hes only using blue chakra.
Nothing much happened in this episode, the only thing is that I cant stop getting the feeling that Jiraya is a complete failure as a teacher and that they lost 2 and a half years. Wich is plain stupid even for a manga that has nothing to do with the real world.
Lets see what jutsu or jutsus we get from this training that hopefully will end in a chapter or two and start with the ass kickings.
It doesn't matter. I'ts horrible logic anyways. See, it doesn't instantly equal 1000 days, even if the 1000 clones took a full day of training.Quote:
Originally Posted by DDBen
Let me see if I can explain more clearly...
Let's say Naruto is given a book. He uses Mass Clones to each read one chapter. He then dispurses the clones and then he has read a full book in only minutes.
That's not the case here. All the clones are on equal ground, so they are in essence reading chapter 1. He'll just understand Chapter 1 really well by the end of it.
I understand where you are comeing from with jiraya, but think about it this way.... Jiraya focused on naruto training with the use of the kyubbi chakra so that he will be able to control it better. which he did gain more control being able to go three tails with sanity.Quote:
Originally Posted by Edort4
Where things went wrong is when naruto goes 4 tails and loses control. I don't think jiraya expected naruto to go mad if he went to deep into the kyubbis chakra.
so what im trying to say is if jiraya would have know naruto would go beserk like that, he wouldnt have trained him in using the kyubbi chakra for three years. Instead he would have trained him difrently.
Now that they know what happens when he goes to far into kyubbi transformation they gonna prevent it. Thus the whole point of the training became useless in that sense. I hope you get where im comeing from with this lol.
Friend told me about the naruto downloads u get here but this is my first post. anyway....
I kinda agree with you edort but we cant say the training was useless when he can go toe-to-toe with orochimaru when he could barely handle kabuto a year ago. bxgreatone is also right when now the training goes down the drain because they dont want naruto to go tailed demon form.
sakura is just useless at this point aint like naruto needs healing so whats her purpose.
I forgot to add this earlier.
With naruto's current training you cant really say with 1000 naruto's his training will go 1000 times faster. For instance if out of the 1000 clones trying to accomplishe the same thing (ex: cut the leaf in half) 200 of them try the same exact way to cut the leaf in half, but the other 800 come up with diffrent ideas on how to cut the leaf, when comeing back together you are really only ubtaining new knowledge from 801 clones since one idea was shared by 200 of the clones.
the only way it can be 1000 times faster is if every clone has there own idea. Remember when only one of the clones was doing really good while the others werent up to his lvl. Naruto most likely got more from that clone then the rest.