Yay no jutsu.
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Yay no jutsu.
Interesting, so the jinchuuriki are actually stronger than the free roaming beasts because they've incorporated the power into their own training.
That can't be right somehow.. does it make Naruto stronger than a free roaming Kyuubi? Surely not..
If Naruto didnt have kyuubi, he wouldnt be a jinchuuriki. He would be a normal ninja.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
I'll rephrase then, the demon is stronger when it's sealed inside someone as opposed to let loose? Kyuubi destroyed Konoha and its strongest ninja gave his life just to seal it.
He means if Jinchuuriki are stronger than just the beast, that makes Naruto + Kyuubi stronger than free Kyuubi. That means theoretically Naruto could destroy Konoha by himself.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
They were saying the bijuu arent disciplined, and therefore cannot use their full power efficiently (you could say the same for shukaku when he controlled gaara, or kyubi when he controlled naruto, as their attacks seemed rather unconventional as well).
In Naruto's case, however, he lacks the discipline to control this power, AND he lacks the ability to tap into the entirety of this power.
No jinchuuriki, hehe, I was right :p
Tobi pissing off Deidara, by falling asleep, was awesome.
What were the names of those 2 chuunin that were with Asuma and Shikamaru at the last panel? Aoba is one of them?
I guess the bichu are kind of like free roaming feral animals not really knowing how to use their whole strength. I don't know if that's the case for the kyubi since from what we've seen it posses a malevolent intelligence so it probably has a better idea of what it's capable of.
I wonder what Jutsu Tobi used to knock out the Jinjurukin. Also next few chapters should be awesome with Kuzu and Hidan facing off against the Konoah squad Tsunande has assembled.
those chuunin guys are a kind of elite anti-akatsuki battalian is this?
Nice chapter. We will probably see naruto master his element in about 4-5 chapters which aint to bad. I knew the tailed demons would be stronger inside ninjas, for the fact that the ninjas can use there knowledge for better use of the tailed demons chakra.
I agree that the nine-tails is diffrent for 1 it is the most powerful, but it also seems very intelligent and has been around for a very long time. It even knows of the uchiha clan how many of the tailed demons will have that knowledge.
Imagine the possiblities naruto will obtain knowing how to control his element and maybe l;ater control full power kyubbi. Probably be the most powerful hokage by the end of this story lol ( i know im going way ahead of everything).
Also maybe we will see naruto train more with his shadow clones maybe even learn from other ninja like someone said not to long back. Or he can train with jiraya and kakashi at the same time with diffrent clones.
Bichu = BijuuQuote:
Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
Kyubi = Kyuubi
Jinjurukin = Jinchuuriki
Kuzu = Kakazu
Tsunande = Tsunade
God DAMNIT learn to spell names right. > _ >
"What were the names of those 2 chuunin that were with Asuma and Shikamaru at the last panel? Aoba is one of them?"
It's Kotetsu and Izumo.
Summary of chapter: Deidara rules!
Predictions: Asuma will die. There will be action.
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
learn the names!
You must not have heard the latest out of Japan. The name "20 Batallion something-or-other" has been retconned to "Ineffectual Failure Batallion."Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Kishi chalked the initial error up to sleep deprivation. Apparently his inability to think of what to do with all his fucking money is affecting his somnolence.
konoah = konohaQuote:
Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
The battalian would've been a good time to bring back the purple-haired anbu chick.
LQ Scantalation
it just said that most of the time, the jinchurikki is more powerful because it is "smarter" than the beast. In Naruto's case, he's just as stupid.
Well that confirms the monk isn't dead. There is absolutely no reason they would still have the body if it wasn't a plot device and the fact we never saw the battle of a character who's supposidly very important and powerful. Likely he put himself in a near death state in order to fool them being thats a monk like thing to do.
Am I the only one who thought this chapter was really boring?
I mean even the Deidara parts were a waste of time.......
The ch. was nothing but seeing Naruto faint, having Deidara do a scary face, and have 80 worthless ninja(almost worthless) line up to get their asses whooped.
hmmmmmmmm, I hate "the calm before the storm" shit.
Or it is a plot device to slow the akatsukis down carrying a corpse while the battalion comes after them.Quote:
Originally Posted by DDBen
i believe the most accurate word here is sentience. kyuubi has the most (human level) while i purport the lesser-tailed bijuus have little to none.
tsunade really needs to leave her chamber and fight an actual akatsuki member.
this 4-member team of 1 jounin and 3 chuunins is definitely a step up and more interesting than the 1 jounin/3 genin teams we're used to. nonetheless, the idea of this 4-man team defeating a pair of akatsuki is definitely questionable.