i'd have to go with either water/earth, or fire/earth
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i'd have to go with either water/earth, or fire/earth
wind/water speed and water exploding clone
I will have cherry coke and lime 7up.
The powers of Diet Coke surely would corrode through any ninjutsu with ease.
And just to cooperate, I'll go with Wind & Fire, since those are my birth elements anyway, and they help each other to blow up stuff.
I would also have to go w/ fire and wind. Either that, or some combination of fire, wind, and water.
Yeah...maybe I'll just have all the powers.
I'd go with wind and earth. B/c when you mix them to gether you can get a sand storm.
Just to be different I'll go with Lightning and Water, getting someone wet reduces their electrical resistance by around 100 times...more current = more Pwnage!!!!
Since I am a Leo, can I choose fire and…....err…...........fire.
I like to blow things up.
Water and Lightning, or wind and lightning.
Water+Lightning=amplifying lightning
Wind+Lightning=Super electrical tornado.
If not that Fire and...nothing really goes with fire does it? Fire and lightning I suppose, the two hard hitting elements.
well the reason i said mine were because of these reasons.
water+earth - (wood)
fire +earth - (volcanos)
I wonder if Summons are elemental?
Perhaps some are, like Temari's weasel-thing with scytes, the one she summoned to help Shikamaru against Tayuya. That was either plain Wind or a combination of Wind/Lighting or Wind/Fire.
Summoning is a ninja art, not an elemental one. The way I percieve it, the jutsu's with Ninja Art: in front are not affiliated with turning your chakra into something like fireballs or waterfalls are, but simply using raw chakra to do things that raw charkra can do.
Isn't there plenty of wood around? And no this isn't an innuendo.Quote:
Originally Posted by docdan63
Water and fire.
Just to be difficult.
Try anticipating what kind of attacks I'll be coming at you with those elements =P
Fricking-hot-steam-no-jutsu and stuff... Uhmm.. yeah. And like.. Freeze you and then like.. like melt the ice.
Hmmmmm quicksand
i'd want fire and water, because there both really useful elements, and my favourites.
Fire/wind the swiftness of the wind and the passion of fire.
Light me up :cool:
You would need wind if you want iceQuote:
Originally Posted by Uberbaka
fire/wind They just go perfectly together. Make a wind sword/blade that cuts thru anything and mix fire to burn them inside and out of the cut. Something along them lines.
Diet Coke and MENTOS!
Srsly though Earth/Wind