Chocotto Sister
A couple of episodes released so far:
Episode 1 - Ryoumi Subs
Episode 2 - Ryoumi Subs
Episode 1 - Imouto
Episode 1 - GNU Fansubs
"Based on a manga by Go Zappa & Sakura Takeuchi, serialised in Young Animal.
Haruma Kawagoe is an only child. A long time ago, at Christmastime, his mother miscarried the child that was to have been his baby sister. That night, young Haruma knelt down and offered up an earnest prayer: "Please make my mother well again, and please give me a little sister." Years have passed, and Haruma has nearly forgotten his prayer. But Santa hasn`t.... one Christmas, when Haruma is least expecting it, he gets an unusual present - his sister." -AniDB
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life
Some links:
Official: http://www.chocosis.com/
AniDB: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.p...anime&aid=4350
Animenfo: http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,3...to_sister.html
ANN: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/ency...me.php?id=6674
I watched the first two eps from Ryo. The subbing was good in my opinion. The series itself was slightly funny and quite cute. And I have no idea what is the target audience. Well, maybe more episodes will make that clearer. Or perhaps I just can't distinguish (the probable reason)...
All in all, based on the first two episodes, this wasn't as close to Aishiteru ze Baby as I hoped (foolishly, I suppose, but that's why I picked this), but it was somewhat good by its own right, so I'll keep watching.
I was looking forward to this for a while, since I heard Momoko Saito was playing Choko, but it didn't seem like any of the more prominent groups were going to pick it up. I tried Ryo like Kraco, and they are great subs for a new group, even if the audio is really loud.
The target audience is I assume the same seinen crowd as the manga, if not a little toned down.
I do not care for either the OP or the ED all that much, and I'll probably be skipping them for the rest of the series. I really like the cast though, and looking through the list on ANN of the ones that haven't shown up yet, I'll like them too.
Ryo is definitely the way to go.
Its cute, but hard for me to like with the strange premise and Choco's knowledge of the world (hwo come she seems to know how to operate a stove, but not how to cook?)
The daily life of the Christmas present continues:
Episode 3 - Ryoumi
Edit: Honestly nothing much happened in this episode. A clumsy landlady appeared, but that's it. And there wasn't even much humour or anything involved. The very last scene with Choco asking about some obscenities could have been quite nice but it was ruined by the cheap *censored* effects.
Well, I can only hope this was a temporary glitch in the series. Otherwise I'm forced to think the script writers ran out of ideas after 2 episodes...
After a while Choco gets another chance:
Episode 4 - Ryoumi
Edit: It was certainly a lot funnier than the previous episode. Yet I still feel this series fails to get everything out of its basic idea, and is treading a bit too traditional paths all the time.
Choco got out of the box sooner than expected:
Episode 5 - Ryoumi
I wonder if I'm the only one watching this... For some reason this series wasn't included in Ryllharu's minimized list in the other thread...
I honestly thought Ryoumi had dropped this series, because somehow I find it hard to believe any significant fanbase would be built for a series as light as this, and so many far more promising series have started recently, which could replace this as a project.
Nevertheless, I'm kind of happy they apparently didn't drop this, because in the end I still want to see this to the end. I'm the kind of person who want to see things finished.
Episode 6 - Ryoumi
I just continued with the manga. I do like this series, and Choco with her little book is pretty funny, but the slow releases and very similar storyline just can't hold my interest in the anime.
Chitose is great though, more of the "new manager/potential love interest" that has been a staple since Maison Ikkoku, but I like her more than many of the other carbon-copy characters.
Things move forward at their sluggish pace in Chocoland:
Episode 7 - Ryoumi
Ryoumi just released again!
Episode 8 - Ryoumi
Some witty persons have been saying I'm watching all the current series, but I think you are the one who's really doing that, Zati, aren't you? You are even watching Chocotto. I thought I was the only GW member getting part of his weekly loli dose from this one...
Heh I don't watch everything some I just watched a few episodes and stopped. I like Chocotto don't know why but I do just started watching last week. Mostly now I just work and go out don't start school till January so I have some free time to watch a few animes.
Aye. I like this as well. Especially now that there isn't weeks between the episodes (I hope I'm not jinxing it...). Maybe I like this for the same reasons I like Aria: Not much conflict or negative feelings, at leats as of yet. Just some wishes, wonder, care, and friendliness. I kind of hope this will remain this way till the end. Although with 24 there's still room for much to happen.
A couple of loli updates:
Episode 9 - Ryoumi
Episode 10 - Ryoumi
With a release schedule like this we will be watching this series still next Christmas... But who cares - there's no rush in Chocoland.
I watched a few episodes of this raw before then stopped. Is it really worth watching? I love loli, but it depends on the characters and... what the hell am I saying. I watched Gin iro no Olynsis. I basically have no standards for watching anime (not judging though, in that sense I am excellent). That said, I will join Kraco and Zati in Chocoland. Will post as soon as I marathon these 10 eps.
A limited time loli offer: Choose two lolis, pay only for one.
Episode 11 - Ryomi
Episode 12 - Ryomi
Last release from Ryomi, episode 13, was all the way from April (and the torrent isn't online anymore, just like none of the torrest of this thread are). Then in May anime.fin bravely subbed episode 14. Now, a new challenger has appeared to try out this highly competed series:
Episode 14 - mbt
I never hated this series although never really missed it either so I wouldn't mind if it was finished.
This series seems to be coming back from the dead time after time like the twenty times banned Mage:
Episode 15 - mbt
Rejoice, denizens of darkness, for the thrice dead has risen again!
Episode 16 - mbt
I didn't create a necromancer character in NWN2 but nevertheless I can train those dark skills in this thread:
Episode 17 - mbt