then go here Picture Recognition
upload a pic of you or your friends or whatever find out what they look like post it here
haha i look 64% like Jon Bon Jovi and 55% like BoA...?
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then go here Picture Recognition
upload a pic of you or your friends or whatever find out what they look like post it here
haha i look 64% like Jon Bon Jovi and 55% like BoA...?
Boa is a korean look like jon bon jovi and a korean woman???
WTF!? I look 67% like Liv Tyler. But this one was the best 57% like Vladimir Lenin.
I must be really hot, cause also on the list were, Katie Holmes, Cindy Crawford and some canadian supermodel Linda Evangelista.
The man side was a little weird though even if not counting Lenin. 63% some guy named James Marster (?) then, David Blaine, Tom Green, Jude Law and Christopher Reeve.
Jude Law is a good looking man isn't he?
I'll try to find a picture and do this thing later.
I tried a few different pictures, and I ended up with everything from Kevin Costner, to Hugo Weaving, to Liv Tyler, to Sandra Bullock and then ending at Owen Wilson. I also apparently look like Billy Idol. lol. This thing pretty much sucks :D
But yeah the highest % (74) I got was with Owen Wilson, who is coincidently the only one that I can see myself being vaguely similar too. (we both have big noses)
Problem with you is that you are a man of a million faces, no one really knows what you look like, that's probably why you get everything from Hugo Weaving to Liv Tyler.
Very true! I look different in all photos. It's fucked up really. Even my closest friends say that there has never been a photo where I look "me". Even those taken casually (i.e by others and not in full make-up)
I appearently look 70% like Claudia Cardinale(can someone tell me who this is?) 68% like Alison Hannigan, 66% like Freddie Prinze Jr, 64% like Amitabh Bachchan, 62% like Shannen Doherty, 62% like Elizabeth Taylor, 62% like Tata Young, 61% like Cary Grant, 61% like Tom Hanks and 61% like Roimy Schneider.
I don't think i look remotly close to anyone of them, maybe my nose resembles Claudia's a bit but that's it.
Gonna try a diffrent photo.
EDIT: Second try:
I got Freddie Prinze Jr again at 62% and Amitabh Bachchan again at 59% the others were really weird.
EDIT2: Third try:
This time i got Stephen Chow again(got him in second try to.) The wierdest one this time was Ayumi Hamasaki and Hitomo Yoshizawa(or something like that) Appearently i look like cute japanese girls and a chinese actor.
Yeah I got Viggo Mortensen, and Jon Bon Jovi amongst others... from what ppl have got here it seems we could all replace the cast in the LOTR at this rate.
On a side not, I prefer to think that those people look like me, not the other way around.
I tried with this with two pictures and this is what I got.
62% Shirin Ebadi (first picture)
60% Kajol (second picture)
60% Jim Carrey (first picture)
57% hee Choi (first picture)
56% Tony Chiu (first picture)
55% Rachel Weisz (first picture)
53% Agam Rudberg (first picture)
52% Chow- Yun-Fat (first picture)
51% Sarah Jessica Parker (first picture)
49% David Hasselhoff (first picture)
49% Anna Kournikova (first picture)
47% Julia Roberts (first picture)
46% Alizee (second picture)
and finally 46% Ahinoam Nini (Second picture)
I tried out 3 different pictures and it gave me a different assortment of celebrities for each one.
The highest were Tom Petty (77%), Marlon Brando (86%), and any picture taken from my right side looks like Jared Lito (74%).
I also got weird ones like Jessica Alba (I look nothing like her) and for the last picture Steve Buscemi had a pretty high percentage. Heh.
I just tried out one picture and Good God!
74%-Orson Wells
74%-Billy Bob Thorton
72%-Jeanne Moreou
72%- Ashton Kutcher
72%- Zhang Ziyi???
71%- Carol Lombard
70%- Heath Ledger
66%- Jada Pinkett Smith
64%- Sacha Guitry
Pretty much all of these were because of the angle of the picture. *cough* Mother Teresa *cough* Billy Bob Thorton *cough* Orson Wells *cough*.
lmao, Orson Wells!
"Come Pinky, we have to prepare for tonight"
"What are we doing tonight Deblas?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!"
Also, Billy Bob Thorton and Mother Teresa. That's hilarious. I agree that a lot of the matches are just based on the angle of the picture. That would explain my Jessica Alba match as well.
David Hasselhoff? I look like the guy from Nightrider? That's so lame I';m laughing at myself.
I uploaded my pigeon picture, and received:
Lauren Bacall???????
Jang Nara???????
Ricki Lake???????
Jared Leto...o_0
Leslie Cheung???????
Hideki Matsui....WTF WTF WTF
Michelle Wie
Denise Richards
Seems like Jared Leto turns up alot, i got him on my third picture i think.
did anyone try to post celebrity pics to see if they matched themselves up?
so i pu tmy picture and it came up as Gillian Anderson, os i wonder who she come up as so i go and find a picture of her and put it in and she come up as Perscilla Presley and not her self.
Now I came up as Harry Potter (whatever the damn actor's name is) and Grace Jones (a black woman from a Bond movie).
Damn, this really blows.
WTF Where'd they get Mayday(Grace Jones in A View To A Kill) from? I've never seen the side of you that takes on the appearance of a black woman terra.