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DB Naruto 177
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Sub is out !
DB Naruto 177
So tell me is it a sick joke about the 26 more weeks for those of u who have seen DB's
pleeeeease tell me it is.
this is a wrong place to post that message about the 26 more weeks of fillers
This episode is for those of you who praised the fillers for their infrequent use of Rasengan in the past few months.
Best line in the episode.
Naruto: It seems like Rasengan is becoming some kind of cheap technique.
Even HE gets it.
Also, clothed Oirokes? This is an outrage!
From ninja cooks, to ninja postmen :)
Sigh I guess 26 more weeks of fillers :(
Dl it now....Hope if nothing else, it has some funny parts in it>.>..................
That was pretty funny I would say. not gaudy funny but funny in a good way. I was entertained through it all. And particularly when Naruto said the best line as Tonsus mentioned. That just confirmed to us that they realized how much they had been over-using Rasengan. Overall I would say that was alright.
Omgwtfbbq. That filler actually had a few funny parts. Especially when Naruto was in the boat.
Watching it. The postman says "de gosario" after nearly every sentence. Who does he think he is, Kenshin?
Jiraiya looks scrawny in this episode.
lmao, awesome episode. Jiraiya is so cool.
Stopping war over an erotic novel and the rasengan abuse was great stuff.
Good stuff about next week: Neji
Bad stuff about next week: Start of another filler arc
This wasn't a bad filler, as far as fillers go. It was pretty funny indeed. The rasengan line indicated the monkeys have some wits and sense for irony, which is puzzling...
Jiraiya was very cool even in a filler. It's good they haven't overused his character. His version of byakugan was priceless...
No no, that's the best line EVER!Quote:
Originally Posted by Tonsus
Fun episode.
haha, that true...Quote:
Originally Posted by Tonsus
why didn't naruto beat the shit outof those postman..instead of doing his harem no jutsus (or w/e it is called..)
The postmen weren't villains. They were just doing their job with high ethics. Beating the shit out of them would have landed Naruto into the prison (to keep company to the baka brothers).
You don't just beat up someone who resists your strongest technique.
I didn't think this episode was that great. But yeah the line about the rasengan was absolutely true. :p
I was wondering why naruto just didnt grab the envelope out of his hand rather than grabbing onto his leg. I mean it was right there.... but anyway can't have everything I guess.
Not sure if you all noticed this too, but the part where they were chasing the second courier ninja in the forest when Jiraiya was talking to him to hand over the envelope, each time the courier said "de gozaru" jiraiya also respond with "de gozaru" at the end of his sentence. Every ending response the courier had was what jiraiya also used......kinda funny.......maybe it was just me
this episode was a buzz kill.... i guess my expectations were too high... alot of changes in it though..the realization that resangan was becoming just a "cheap trick", they censored the sexy no jutsu...ero- sen was made out to be even more lame, and i though only journin carried out solo missions, no genin no matter how easy it is carries out a solo mission thus far, i thought that was explained in earlier episodes..... i think naruto is circling the drain or maybe i just realized it.:confused:
I thought the ep was good for a filler those post men were just so goofy and they signal wit colored smoke lmao WOW thats and theres like 50 of them. And yea the rasengan is gettin a bit cheap I mean like its a freakin boat engine now??? Last when Jiraiya just started blowing holes in houses i just lost it deff one of the funniest moments in the fillers.