It's so goddamn overrated
State something which you find to be overrated and why. I'll start.
1. Jack Sparrow. SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. He was funny and MADE the damn Pirates of the Caribbean, I KNOW. But seriously... SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. I can't take it anymore. All these goddamn women running around screaming about him, he looks like a fucking bum, it's just because everything that Depp does is hailed by a myriad of lonely women ranging from the ages of 12 to 54.
Are pirates sexy? No, they wear the same clothes every day (i.e they stink) and look like crap, but when Depp is one... then yes!
Is eyeliner really really hot on men? Some women say yes, but most of them say no. The nay sayers say YES!! when they see Jhonny Sparrow.
List goes on.
2. Nightmare Before Christmas
Spare me. Next 14 year old goth wannabe who says that this movie is "brilliant" (sounds more like "blillriant" though because wannabe goths can't speak - you see they have these fake teeth in their mouths all the time) will die a gruesome death by the hands of an exploding pumpkin. HOW'S THAT FOR HALLOWEEN?
3. Tim Burton
See 2. Granted, some of his movies are great but... SHUT UP ABOUT TIM BURTON!!
It's so goddamn overrated
Angelina Jolie. I personally don't find her hot.
It's so goddamn overrated
Playstation: Bah, all it is is marketing bundled with emo games.
It's so goddamn overrated
Franz Ferdinand. Goddamn twangy guitars make my dick soft.
It's so goddamn overrated
Asian girls - Honestly I don't see the attraction that most guys constantly blather on about. Some are cute, just like a lot of girls. So stop telling me asian women are so hot, male population. I don't care!
Edited: The same thing goes for blondes.
It's so goddamn overrated
Star Wars: I like the first three when I was a kid when I didn't understand waht good cinema was. But with the rerelease back in the late ninties and the new trilogy I found it lacking, good acting, a plot beyond the lets beat the bad guys, and incest.
It's so goddamn overrated
DAMN ANIME IS OVERRATED! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Million Dollar Baby-- take away the star-studded cast and you have one seriously crappy storyline that isn't worth a single oscar. and speaking of which...
Academy Awards-- stupid old cronies who'd prefer to vote to make a political statement as opposed to actual artistic merit. not the mention the award show itself. i can't watch it anymore b/c it's now more about what the heck so-and-so is wearing instead of arguing over how good a movie actually is.
It's so goddamn overrated
Michael Moore and his movies.
It's so goddamn overrated
Male private parts are overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
Million Dollar Baby-- take away the star-studded cast and you have one seriously crappy storyline that isn't worth a single oscar. and speaking of which...
Academy Awards-- stupid old cronies who'd prefer to vote to make a political statement as opposed to actual artistic merit. not the mention the award show itself. i can't watch it anymore b/c it's now more about what the heck so-and-so is wearing instead of arguing over how good a movie actually is.
thank you!!
It's so goddamn overrated
Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck
Halley Berry
The Halo games
Having a job
Reading books
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
State something which you find to be overrated and why. I'll start.
1. Jack Sparrow. SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. He was funny and MADE the damn Pirates of the Caribbean, I KNOW. But seriously... SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. I can't take it anymore. All these goddamn women running around screaming about him, he looks like a fucking bum, it's just because everything that Depp does is hailed by a myriad of lonely women ranging from the ages of 12 to 54.
Are pirates sexy? No, they wear the same clothes every day (i.e they stink) and look like crap, but when Depp is one... then yes!
Is eyeliner really really hot on men? Some women say yes, but most of them say no. The nay sayers say YES!! when they see Jhonny Sparrow.
List goes on.
What about the people from Onepiece?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
2. Nightmare Before Christmas
Spare me. Next 14 year old goth wannabe who says that this movie is "brilliant" (sounds more like "blillriant" though because wannabe goths can't speak - you see they have these fake teeth in their mouths all the time) will die a gruesome death by the hands of an exploding pumpkin. HOW'S THAT FOR HALLOWEEN?
3. Tim Burton
See 2. Granted, some of his movies are great but... SHUT UP ABOUT TIM BURTON!!
Who the hell says the Nightmare Before Christmas was Brilliant? It was fun (for when i was like 4), but ive never heard anyone say it was brilliant.
As for me......
People are overrated. People suck. Luck at the world around us. Take a few seconds and actually do that. K. We're all blaming eachother for bad shit that others start because of us (not speaking about anyone specifically). Were not kind, loving cratures. We're not evil either. We're all dumb. Hell, not just the people causing trouble, but the people who think theyre gonna make the world a happy place w/ out wars and shit. That aint happening. People suck.
It's so goddamn overrated
Batman: Everyone always says "Oh he's the greatest superhero ever, he can beat the crap out of every superhero". Shut up. He's just some crybaby in a suit and if you just took a group of people with guns and cornered him he'd be dead.
And then when the new movie came out all the little fanboys and other people just started swooning over him, go get a life people [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
griping [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Planning more than 3 days ahead is the most overrated thing ever. Seriously, when someone decides to become lets say a cop when they are 5 i can't help but to think "fucking idiot".
Star Trek.
Star Trek is probably the most overrated shit you can find.
Potatoe Chips
This shit really sucks, they don't even taste good. What are you eating them for?
The Music Industry
They pump out as much bullshit as they can and people blame downloading for the high prices and low sales. Get a grip.
Alot of other stupid shit
There are so much overrated things out there that it would take a life time to write them all down.
The word overrated however is very underrated in my opinion, i use it all the time.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Asian girls - Honestly I don't see the attraction that most guys constantly blather on about. Some are cute, just like a lot of girls. So stop telling me asian women are so hot, male population. I don't care!
Disagree. If anything, blondes are overrated.
Guiness is also overrated. Tastes like a bread stew almost.
It's so goddamn overrated
Some of my bound to be very unpopular opinions...
Final Fantasy VII
The movie was at least pretty. Too bad the game wasn't
... And then we have all the mindless Sephiroth fangirls, don't even get me started about them.
Oh look, yet another mediocre console FPS. Just get a decent computer so you can actually experience a real FPS for a change.
World of WarCraft
Decent. Not great nor revolutionary
Everything about Sora just sucks. The voice actor, the personality, the hairstyle, the clothes, the freakin' shoes! I could go on and on. Am I the only one who seriously thinks Riku should have been the lead? Sora just annoys the hell out of me.
Swedish version of American idol. This show represents everything I hate about the music industry.
It's so goddamn overrated
Wearing pants is overrated.