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a happy ending...
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Number 279: A Mysterious Power...!!
Time flows onward, and generations follow one after the other... Living on by fighting, people leave behind proof.
Page 2:
Naruto: Revive... Gaara...!?
Is that... really possible...?
Sakura: Only Chiyo-baasama knows this jutsu...
Neji: That chakra flow... there can't be any good time to use a jutsu like that... most likely....
Page 3:
Kakashi: It brings a big risk with it... it's only appropriate.
Chiyo: S... Shit...! I don't have enough chakra...
Page 4:
Naruto: Here... use my chakra...!
Can you do it with that... old lady...?
Kakashi: He's a 'Jinchuuriki', same as Gaara-kun. Naruto probably understands how he feels better than anyone in Sunagakure.
What kind of treatment would a 'Jinchuuriki' get...? No matter which village, I don't think there'd be much difference, would there?
That's why... Naruto has to save him...
Konoha, Suna, whatever... to him, I don't think it matters.
(End flashback)
Page 5:
Chiyo: Put your hands on top of mine.
Sakura: Naruto...
Page 6:
(Flashback again)
Kakashi: Naruto's dream is to become the Hokage, but... When he heard Gaara-kun was Kazekage, he got pretty frustrated.
On the other hand, though, he was really sincerely happy for him, and wished him the best.
Naruto has a mysterious power...
He can make friends with anybody right away, without even saying much...
(End flashback)
Page 7:
Chiyo: I'm glad there are people like you in this shinobi world we worthless old folks created...
Naruto: ...!
Chiyo: The things I did back then... were nothing but a mistake...
But... at the very end, seems like I was finally able to do something right...
Suna and... Konoha...
Page 8:
Make the future from now on different from the way it was for us...
Your mysterious power Kakashi was talking about...
It'll change the future...
Become a Hokage like there's never been before...
And Sakura...
Next time, don't save a dying old hag...
Help someone important to you...
You remind me so much of myself...
Page 9:
Because there aren't that many girls with such a courageous spirit, are there...?
You'll become a kunoichi to surpass your teacher...
One request from an old lady...
You're the only person in the world who can understand Gaara's pain...
And Gaara knows your pain too...
Page 10:
Please... help him...
Page 11:
Naruto: Gaara...
Page 12:
Gaara: ...Who...?
...Who's... calling?
This hand...
What... is it my hand again?
My hand...
Page 14:
Who... am I?
Page 15:
Naruto: Gaara...
Page 16:
Gaara: ...Naruto...
Page 17:
Gaara: This is...
Naruto: Everyone... I'm saying everyone came to save you...!
how boring.
Crying Sakura, same damn flashbacks, Naruto saying the same old lines and absolutely nothing happened. The damn hag is still alive too. C'MON AT LEAST KILL HER YOU GUTLESS EXCUSE FOR A MANGA AUTHOR )¤("¤)("¤
Haha couldnt have said it better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Naruto's about to confess his everlasting and undying love for Gaara right there on page 17, I just know it!!!
*laughs uncontrollably*
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Crying Sakura, same damn flashbacks, Naruto saying the same old lines and absolutely nothing happened. The damn hag is still alive too. C'MON AT LEAST KILL HER YOU GUTLESS EXCUSE FOR A MANGA AUTHOR )¤("¤)("¤
That is an assumption, which cannot be confirmed. I believe she is dead, but we can't be sure at the moment.
The jutsu is supposed to kill her, and she is lying in Sakura's arms in the last picture. There is really no way to know if she is alive or dead right now.
But, yeah, boring chapter.
good god, I hope when it comes into the anime they don't have a whole episode on reviving Gaara. I'm glad he's back tho, one of my fave guys, lol. Maybe now he's normal, he can finally get some sleep and get ridda them bags.
Chiyo shoulda died tho :angry:
you guys are heartless monsters
Maybe the hag's hubby is dead as well.
Now that I've stopped laughing at the Yaoi-ness of this chapter...
I agree with Konohamaru, I hope they don't waste an entire episode in reviving Gaara with the NEW POWER OF HOLDING HANDS!!!!!!!!11, but I think they will anyway. 'Cause we have Naruto once more imagining the entire fucking village behind him, Gaara crying in the desert and then Naruto looking Oh So Fondly at him and the entire vilage coming to rescue him.
Villager 1: SAY, we figured, y'know, we've been complete dicks to you for, uh, like 16 years -
Villager 2: He's only fifteen idiot.
Villager 1: Yeah, but I used to insult his mother while she was pregnant, too - so ANYWAY, we figured, now that you are demon free and have been brainwashed by the blonde idiot into being nice, we can pretend we dind't ruin your life and start getting along! Whaddaya say?
Gaara: I... SO SPECIAL! *cries*
Oh, and the flashbacks. Lets not forget the flashbacks! Naruto wouldn't be Naruto without "running in the woods while talking about stuff" flashbacks!!
Well, it was a boring chapter (except for page 17) but it was needed. Now the first "New Stage" arc is almopst finished (two more weeks, perhaps three) and perhaps the anime will stop doing fucking-bad fillers and animate Kakashi Gaiden.
And I'm glad Gaara's alive. Even if it would've been much more dramatic to keep him dead I liked him and even more so now that he was... I dunno, grown up? I liked his new character design, so what! Just... leave Chiyo dead. Please don't pull some "Since Naruto gave her his chakra she's not dead!!!11" crap.
Hopefully the next Akatsuki few wont die as stupidly as Deidara, who was cool but still shouldn't have exploded like that just yet.
someone said that last week tooQuote:
Originally posted by: folf
Maybe the hag's hubby is dead as well.
the guy was her brother, not husband
hence "the siblings"
I didn't think it was a bad chapter. Wether she dies or not doesn't make a difference to ANY of us. I'm pretty sure none of us gives a damn about her. But if Neji dies then yeah T_T.
At this point, some of us are just looking for scraps to get by on. We were all expecting a pretty lame ending to this, in addition to the lame beginning and middle that we got. However, we all KNEW that chiyo was going to die right? If she doesn't, well, fuck. I wouldn't even know what to say to that.
Check out Orochimaru in the crowd LOL
I don't see this as such a bad ending. I would like it better if Sasori and diedara didn't die. They should have just left the battle field for some reason or another. Maybe their muffins were burning in the oven. At least the arc is over. I feel somewhat excited because we really don't know what direction kishimoto is going to take the story into next.
I can't believe they fleshed out the Sasori background/fight so much and then turn around and make Deidara look like a bitch in ONE CHAPTER.
Hopefully the artistic one hasn't quite met his end yet.
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
I don't see this as such a bad ending. I would like it better if Sasori and diedara didn't die. They should have just left the battle field for some reason or another. Maybe their muffins were burning in the oven. At least the arc is over. I feel somewhat excited because we really don't know what direction kishimoto is going to take the story into next.
Kishimoto recieves enough criticism for not killing off good guys, imagine how much he would receive if he didn't kill of any villains either. IMO, its better that they died. I think having a major fight with a villian only to have the villian manage an escape everytime is a cop-out. Besides, they could always bake more muffins later.
But I agree that it will be interesting to see where the story goes from here.
siblings... ok.
I'm just wondering if anything will develop between sakura and gaara. She seems to fall for the cute badasses around her age with the screwy past.