The Seth McFarlane Thread
Let's use this thread to discuss these two shows, as they are both absolutely fucking brilliant.
Well, a new season has begun for both shows as of sunday - FG enters it's 5th season, and AD it's 2nd. I managed to get ahold of the first episode of the new AD season yesterday (at piratebay) and it's awesome. So go get it.
Discuss everything about the show(s) here.
links to the newest episodes:
Family Guy S05 E01
American Dad S02 E01
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Good idea Terra. Seth is a genius. I'll post when I've seen the eps.
Both had a short season. Hope they'll make over 20 eps this time
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Family guy has been getting really stupid lately. I didn't even finish watching S05E01 because it was so bad.
I like American Dad better since it has fresh material.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
wtf? you gotta be kidding, this shit is awesome. REAGAN SMASH!
Also, everything Adam West says is funny.
I don't understand why people keep saying that FG was better before. With me there's always something I laugh at in each episode, sometimes less and sometimes more, no matter what season it is.
But yeah, I also find AD to be very fresh - Stan is so hilarious.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Maybe cause they're americans... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] I think family guy is really funny now, it's just stupid humor. American dad is great too.
American dad and family guy is almost done. I'll watch it later, after training
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Guess I'm the only person that doesn't like American Dad, the alien annoys me and the rest of the family don't seem that funny. Only saving quality is the goldfish.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I'm the opposite, I don't care for the goldfish, but I love how AD totally fucks with everything that's "typically american", and with a heartless main character who works for the FBI it can only be gold
The Seth McFarlane Thread
i dont like american dad
basically...every joke resorts to some exaggerrated FBI stunt
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i dont like american dad
basically...every joke resorts to some exaggerrated FBI stunt
It's still funny.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
the only funny one was the season premier last sunday where Patrick Stewart acted like everything was staged so he wouldnt get beat up anymore then he already did.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
family guy is awsome [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
both hows are totally awsome. was it me or for a sec did haley sound like meg? (the whiny sound whenever meg's complaining that she has no life) anyone know if they're the same voice actors?
The Seth McFarlane Thread
i....i like robot chicken
The Seth McFarlane Thread
robot chicken is so funny
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
both hows are totally awsome. was it me or for a sec did haley sound like meg? (the whiny sound whenever meg's complaining that she has no life) anyone know if they're the same voice actors?
Meg's voice actor = Mila Kunis (damn hot chick btw)
Haley's voice actor = Rachel McFarlane (Seth's daughter/wife/whatever?)
Also, to all the people who don't find AD funny, you don't have a sense of humor so you might as well go die or something (har har)
The Seth McFarlane Thread
daaamn, they sounded exactly alike for a brief second. they're both hilarious.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
both hows are totally awsome. was it me or for a sec did haley sound like meg? (the whiny sound whenever meg's complaining that she has no life) anyone know if they're the same voice actors?
Meg's voice actor = Mila Kunis (damn hot chick btw)
Haley's voice actor = Rachel McFarlane (Seth's daughter/wife/whatever?)
Also, to all the people who don't find AD funny, you don't have a sense of humor so you might as well go die or something (har har)
Rachael is Seth's sister.
Mila Kunis, if anyone doesn't know is "Jackie" from That 70s Show. I've watched Family Guy from ep.1 and I can quote it better than the bible. The biggest difference from the older stuff is that censors don't stop as much shit on FOX anymore and he's free to push the envelope even further.
As for American has its good moments, but I think some of the characters are worse. I fucking hate Roger, he reminds of of a neutered house pet if they could talk (like when the do the flash of Brian if he were neutered saying how much he loves chocolate). Too much political humor but I totally love the fact that Patrick Stewart is the head of the CIA!!! His character even looks like him!
Also thinking of the relative date...I'm so very very glad that Seth missed his flight 4 years ago...Well at least one was spared from that shit.
I also agree that Robot Chicken is brilliant as must be something with the name Seth. Like if that's your name you're a total artistic genius or something. I know a Seth and he's artistic, musical, and a master of web and computer design. I guess I'm naming my first kid Seth.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
has anybody seen Kicked in the Nuts ?
it was created by the brothers Henry, writers for family guy and i think one is the voice of Cleavland. the kicked in the nuts guy also made a cameo on family last season.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
family guy seems to follow this pattern more and more lately:
<Hey remeber that one time when...>
<Flash back to some wacky event>
<Return to storyline>
The Seth McFarlane Thread
"More lately"? It's always been like that. It's the FG trademark. And it's funny.
@Chia: I watched both videos, man, that was one brilliant show [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]