Cagalli has been quite a character in the seed series. there're mixed thoughts about her. weak? compassionate? submissive? courageous? u name it ^^
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Cagalli has been quite a character in the seed series. there're mixed thoughts about her. weak? compassionate? submissive? courageous? u name it ^^
she's pivotal in destiny i feel, more than lacus.
now that's saying something.
but we can see she's grown from seed and throughout destiny as well.
she even shed her tomboy attitude, i like that, she's got that no nonsense, nitty gritty feel about her
but at the same time,
she's pretty feminine as well. very unique character.
no more is she the brat and brash teenager, she's matured, responsible and no longer hot-headed.
so i say, WOW to cagalli.
Cagalli is in my eyes one of those characters who wants more than she can do, so she constantly pushes her limits - even beyond her actual capability.
Suffice to say, I don't like her semi-bratty attitude; and I absolutely detest her constant whining in Destiny.
But when she launches with the Akatsuki... I can't help liking her. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
yea she tries too hard,, i hope she goes SEED on Shinn >__<
She is completly mixed first i kind of liked her in SEED then she became annoying. After that she started off more annoying than ever in Destiny and i disliked her throughout Destiny until ep 40 where she redeemed herself in a great way.
I voted Kinda.
I like her. I liked her from the beginning of GS where you were like "what's she doing in Heliopolis?" until now, though the point where she was all whiny and indecisive in the beginning was annoying. Why was she so unsure of herself when she knew what she was doing at the end of SEED?
Well, I'm in love with her looks. So yes, I would say I "like" her. I completely hate her personality, tho.
I like her... Hmm, it might be that from now on Cagalli has more aggressive role... Now that she has new unit and she is to defend Orb from that Low life, whiner bratt Shinn...
looks like that with her new toy, Akutsuki, she has...."seen the light" and has the means to protect Orb even without Kira, and with this new toy, i really hope she "seed's" and give that Shinn a real good spanking.
a great leader with many brave souls to support her, espesially now, when she has thrown that jackass of a "fiance" to jail for treason (punnushable by death?? :-))
I truly hope that she has the power to stop Shinn and the rest of 'em badguys..
she and Athrun (like Ashura better) should rule Orb together. and strive to make Orb a independent nation, with no hate towards any sides...(exept those damned Blue cosmos chickens...)
Get real, she will never be able to protect ORB by herself. It's obligatory to have Kira save the day when ORB is in danger even if Cagalli got a new shiny toy she won't be able to defend against Shinn, the kid took out Kira in Freedom and 4 out of 5 destroy units give him some credit already.
Who knows....... like yeah Shin "really" beat Kira and Kira can defeat all the Destory Gundams by himself. Kira never plan to kill Shin and if he did Shin is dead. Yeah.. now im sure Kira will OWN Shin like nothing now. Also Shin gave all he got to beat KiraQuote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
Get real, she will never be able to protect ORB by herself. It's obligatory to have Kira save the day when ORB is in danger even if Cagalli got a new shiny toy she won't be able to defend against Shinn, the kid took out Kira in Freedom and 4 out of 5 destroy units give him some credit already.
Please don't turn this into another Kira VS Shinn debate... also, Shinn beat Kira, live with it. Screw the "if"s. Fact is fact.
i voted kinda because i used to hate her until she got into akatsuki all determined and shit...she's still a crybaby like the rest of the Gundam Seed characters, except for lacus, she's the only one who doesnt cry...and Andrew Wartfield [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I think she's a crybaby bitch and should just get nekkid like in the opening.
I havent seen 40 yet but does Akatsuki have phase shift or that is it nuclear. If it ain't nuclear then no way she could win from Shinn
dont know if it has phase-shift (its always gold) but one scene it absorbed and deflected back a beam shot, soo thats pretty decent
nuclear doesnt make the gundam better in the sense of im nucear so my beam sword is better or im nuclear so my armor is better or im nulcear so my gun is better. nuclear just means, i dont need to recharge my batteries. so i mean she still has a decent amount of time going for her, and if it has no phase shift, then she has plenty of energy because phase shift armor drains most of the energy anywas.Quote:
Originally posted by: cybercoin
I havent seen 40 yet but does Akatsuki have phase shift or that is it nuclear. If it ain't nuclear then no way she could win from Shinn
i hope she gets taken out in the next episode personally
I've said it before, one of the worst politicians I've ever seen. 2nd worst female politician in Gundam history, only slightly better than Relena...
Otherwise she is a good character and I admire how hard she tries and how stubborn she can be at times. Other times she is too stupid, straightforward and prone to breakdowns. A real mess of a person.
I think she is good because at least she hasn't turned into a dulled out character like Lacus who just says Kira, Kira, Kira. Plus she's got Akatsuki which IMO is a cool looking gundam.