Check it peeps...please comments I wanna hear it!!! If you like rock or at least Freedom..check it out..
thanks !!
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Check it peeps...please comments I wanna hear it!!! If you like rock or at least Freedom..check it out..
thanks !!
Linkin Park? I refuse to watch a AMV with Linkin Park. Are all AMV makers retards? Linkin Park sucks.
what the hells your point? what the hells retard? is it you? ok then...
No i questioned the fucking song choice as it seems that all AMVs feature a LP song these days. If you can explain why then say something otherwise shut up. There are tons of better music out there. Especially for a SEED AMV. Do it with a fucking SEED song.
dude, the least you can do is be supportive.
no reason to be so brash man.
If you hate LP so much then why the hell would you waste your time posting here? What are you worried about? The song wont turn you into a homosexual freak would it? If it sucks so much just like you said, how come I like it? how come other people like it? Hey dude..maybe you have it eh? know the ignorance-syndrome..go check a vet while its still in the early stage...ha!Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
No i questioned the fucking song choice as it seems that all AMVs feature a LP song these days. If you can explain why then say something otherwise shut up. There are tons of better music out there. Especially for a SEED AMV. Do it with a fucking SEED song.
why the negative vibes man be positiveQuote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
Linkin Park? I refuse to watch a AMV with Linkin Park. Are all AMV makers retards? Linkin Park sucks.
I can assure you that there is no logic to why people like Linkin Park. Check out the Metal thread in General Discussions if you want some good music. Listening to Linkin Park mean you probably got it in you to appretiate some fine metal. Oh and i have heard Linkin Park far to many times and i am in no way ignorant.
However i will check out your AMV anyway. Turn the sound down and some nice Freedom scenes are never wrong.
EDIT: Cool. That AMV was amazing once you turned off the sound. I loved the scenes where you went through a couple of diffrent colors. The best scene was by far the one when you did that when Freedom fired all his weapons.
You got some skills in this AMV making. Still i can't get around that song.
well at least for that I thank you..but no need for the thrash talking...Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
I can assure you that there is no logic to why people like Linkin Park. Check out the Metal thread in General Discussions if you want some good music. Listening to Linkin Park mean you probably got it in you to appretiate some fine metal. Oh and i have heard Linkin Park far to many times and i am in no way ignorant.
However i will check out your AMV anyway. Turn the sound down and some nice Freedom scenes are never wrong.
EDIT: Cool. That AMV was amazing once you turned off the sound. I loved the scenes where you went through a couple of diffrent colors. The best scene was by far the one when you did that when Freedom fired all his weapons.
You got some skills in this AMV making. Still i can't get around that song.
Congratulations, you have created generic Linkin Park AMV #512591252915291252192. At least it isn't DBZ.
Regardless, it was a good watch. I'm going to rewatch it later and try to give some better critique (a bit pressed for time now).
Do consider changing music though.
Not only does LP blow, I can assure you that soooo many people will downright ignore this when they see your choice of bgm, because that's the reputation AMVs using LP has.
Just a bit of advice.
Wow, I'm sensing some major LP hatred in here. I mean, really, a lot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
They are far from the worst group I've heard, I'll watch this as soon as I get the chance.
Well if PSJ and Terracosmos both Hate Linkin Park then it must be good.
Frankly the reason so many AMV's are done to :LP songs is because LP are huge supporters of AMV's and anime in general they openly have stated that people can use there songs for AMV's as much as they want. Given a LOT of people use them I wouldn't be surprized if 1 in 4 AMV's use LP songs as it does atleast seem that way some days.
I like the band and in general I don't support bashing a band because they are so popular you feel that you must hate them. If you want to hate a band hate them because there music sucks not because they made a lot of money by writing songs many people like and can relate to in some way.
With that being said I'm downloading the AMV as we speak you choose a song I personally like I'll let you know how I like it with the video you made as soon as I watch it.
Edit: Alright I just watched it and first off you had some great editing the color changing done created a really nice effect. However a couple things you might want to look into. First why on earth would you include a imgae of Shinn running freedom through with his excalibur in a profreedom AMV. Second the Video and the color changed were not timed to the music when doing effects I find it best when they are clearly timed to a beat or guitar rift as it relates the effect to something. I also liked your added text that gave a nice leed into the video.
Yea cause it's impossible for us to dislike a band cause the music is bad. We hate everything that is popular. I personally hate it because is sucks. I don't care if they made alot of money or no money at all. It just plain sucks.
The AMV is great tho.
Correction: You think it sucks.Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
Yea cause it's impossible for us to dislike a band cause the music is bad. We hate everything that is popular. I personally hate it because is sucks. I don't care if they made alot of money or no money at all. It just plain sucks.
The AMV is great tho.
If you are to go by REAL, MEASURABLE evidence, such as record sales, it does in fact not suck. Not even a little. In fact, its done really well.
You shouldn't try to pass off your opinion as fact, especially when there is scientifically measurable evidence that contradicts you.
On the other hand, I have a lot of respect for a well defined opinion. I just lose all of that when you try and pass it off as fact.
1, don't turn this into a musical discussion. Being a previous AMV author, I am dead sick of the Linkin Park + AMVs discussion.
2, I am quite sure that people doesn't give a fuck about what bands have said about AMVs. Even if Linkin Park said that "ololool you may not use our music in AMVs because then we'll kill you", people would still do it if they find the music good.
3, while I hate this band, my post was mostly just intended as a "warning"... or perhaps better yet an explanation to why some people lash out. Again, being a previous author of AMVs, I have probably seen more Linkin Park videos than the entire board has together. And I know from experience that they are mainly random scenes from random fighting series (DBZ, again, is a popular choice) composed by the same 12 year olds to which LP generally appeals.
I am not insinuating that Xaga is a stupid and talentless 12 year old because obviously he isn't, I'm just saying this is the reason why many people don't like the AMV/LP combination.
"If you want to hate a band hate them because there music sucks not because they made a lot of money by writing songs many people like and can relate to in some way."
If this was directed at me, then:
Shut the fuck up, DDBen.
Even if I did hate them because they are popular, which I don't, you don't have a damn clue to why I hate certain kinds of music so don't go around assuming things.
If that wasn't meant for me, then ignore that statement.
Now, let's drop the discussion.
especially faint, omgz0r [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
edit: ok, now that I watched it, I'll give it a 1 out of 10.
reason 1 it sucks: you used linkin park
reason 2 it sucks: FAINT is used in 85% of all AMVs and its fucking gay
reason 3 it sucks: its a lame "tribute" AMV
reason 4 it sucks: overuse of the crappy color shifting shit
reason 5 it sucks: the music has nothing to do with the video - so essentially it's only purpose is to watch anime and listen to music at the same time
reason 6 it sucks: you included some lame text at the beginning and end to make it seem more important
reason 7 it sucks: you suck at making AMVs
hehehe mage calm down man..dont worry no one will play it on your wedding day or probably on your first communion...just to let you know this if my first try..cmon its like saying the guy who acted as anakin in star wars sucks....dont take this as such burden to your manhood.. by any means I at least know that most ppl hate the so-called suckers band..dont worry I wont show you ppl any LP related materials again...and if you think such music sucks..I want to hear something you composed yourself...
It has nothing to do with wether we can make music ourselves or not. But with their training i'm positive many if not all people can make similar music. Now we should probably stop the music talk before Terra does something harsh.
@Terra read my post before telling me to shut up the only part directed at you was the first line which was intended as a joke.Quote:
Originally posted by: romancing_xaga
hehehe mage calm down man..dont worry no one will play it on your wedding day or probably on your first communion...just to let you know this if my first try..cmon its like saying the guy who acted as anakin in star wars sucks....dont take this as such burden to your manhood.. by any means I at least know that most ppl hate the so-called suckers band..dont worry I wont show you ppl any LP related materials again...and if you think such music sucks..I want to hear something you composed yourself...
@PSJ he warned you ahead of time which band and song he was using. Its fine to suggest a differn't song or to do your own AMV using a differn't song. However, sitting around bashing his song choice and the band who composed it isn't constructive at all your just wasting everyones time.
@ Romancing Xaga. You shouldn't be discouraged because some people dislike your song choice you should choose a song and make the video match whatever song you choose. I wrote a couple suggestions about the AMV in my previous post so I won't bother repeating them here but as for me I thought you did a very good job expecially learning now that its your first AMV.
i think its a good effort. the opening bit with the text is good.
but i do feel you overdid it with the colours, tone it down a bit.
then make it more dramatic, time the scenes better, make slow motions according to the tempo of the music
i don't like linkin park, if you could use another song that isn't generic
then you'll stand out.