Phase 36 titled "Athrun Escapes" has been released.
SaiyaMan (RAW)
HaroHaro & ToriTori
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Phase 36 titled "Athrun Escapes" has been released.
SaiyaMan (RAW)
HaroHaro & ToriTori
I love this episode it looks like Athrun finely got his act back together and mia (or meer I dont know how you spell it) lost her personality and realy thinks she is lacus
I cant wait for the next episode (or the fansub) were Athrun in his Gouf will (I hope) own Shin in the Destiny and Ray in the Legend now that Athrun has found his purpose he can be cool again
Damn good episode. Can't wait for the sub to find out exactly what it is that Rey and the Chairman talk about. Asuran being labelled as a spy was to be expected though. It also looks like Mia has completely lost it and has convinced herself that she is Lacus. I don't think Asuran will "own" Destiny and Legend but I'm pretty sure that at some point they'll be forced to give up the persuit. I hope Asuran at least smacks Rey (in Legend) around a bit. I'm thoroughly sick of him atm.
As for Shinn, if he's going to turn and fight along side Asuran and Kira later this is about the latest point in the anime to start along that road that I think is possible. It'll also be interesting to see how Lunamaria takes this turn of events.
I don't think Athrun'll own anybody with a Gouf in the next episode. No matter how great Athrun's skills are he can't manage with a Gouf against the currently most powerful mobile suits available which are both piloted by very skilled pilots. After Shinn stops hesitating, like we can predict by his exrpession in the last scenes of ep 36, he'll take down Athrun without any problems considering if he knows how to use the Destiny.
luna tells shinn about her feeling of athrun and stuff, and shinn vows to PROTEK HER!.....
Oh yeah, for those who watched the SaiyaMan release, what did you think of all the commercials? Never seen that many in one release before!
I thought those comersials looked pretty cool
Hmm... This was a really good episode with Athrun as the main focus. Dullindal of course is offering praise for his pawn Shinn and tightening his hold over the kid. (At the rate Shinn is succumbing soon Dullindal will be able to order him to wipe out a town and Shinn would do it without any problems because the Chairman knows what's best.) Athrun discussion with Dullindal in front of Destiny and Legend was interesting. He kept asking why he ordered Zaft to shoot down Archangel and Freedom and the Chairman says that he had no choice because they kept opposing them. He even mentions Talia's offer for them to peacefully surrender but by now Athrun and viewers know that Dullindal has his own little agenda going on. It was also kind of funny because Athrun kept glaring at Meer because he knew all about the attempt on Lacus' life.
Later we see the Minerva getting repaired and resupplied and they cut to a scene showing Jibril arriving safely at Heaven's Base. You also momentarily see the Forbidden Blue but if you blink, you'll miss it. Rey and Dullindal have a little discussion. They talk about the matter of Athrun becoming harder and harder to control and Meer overhears them talking. She also finds a picture that Lunamaria took of Athrun talking with Cagalli, Kira and Milly. While Athrun is brooding in his room Meer comes and warns him about what she overheard.
Dullindal says that they may have to eliminate Athrun like they did with Kira and Rey says that he would be more useful to them alive. They can offer him up as a sacrifice by saying that he is a traitor and a spy. And of course this is the last straw for Athrun. Some guards come to his room to arrest him but Athrun manages to escape them. (Quite cleverly too. It's nice to see Athrun take people out with his barehands.) Athrun and Meer run away from his room into the rain and Athrun says he wants to take her away because Dullindal is just using her like he uses everyone else. Meer starts losing it when Athrun calls her by her real name (and you see a flashback of what she really looks like here. Nothing at all like Lacus.) and insists that she is Lacus.
Meanwhile, Meyrin is in her room and a dripping Athrun armed with a machine gun enters. Before he can explain anything to her some guards come knocking on her door. Athrun says to please believe in him and she quickly takes him to the bathroom and turns on the shower. Here is where that whole shower scene takes place. It was all a very clever deception on Meyrin's part to get the guards off of Athrun's back. Meyrin sets off a false alarm and helps Athrun by driving him to the docking area where some of the newer suits are being stored.
Rey and Athrun get into a nice old fashioned gun fight here. I felt this fight was a refreshing change of pace. After all not all battles can take place in mobile suits. Athrun tries to tell Rey to hold his fire because Meyrin is there but he keeps shooting anyway and Athrun manages to disarm him. Athrun and Lunamaria escape in one of the new production model Goufs but the Shinn and Rey go after them in Destiny and Legend.
I'm not sure if Destiny and Legend are nuclear powered in the purest sense. The start up screens show Gunnery United Nuclear Duetrion Advance Manuever system. Athrun told Meyrin that they were going to the Archangel because he doesn't believe that they would perish that easily. All in all a very good episode. Dullindal's little game took a little unexpected turn for a bit. One of his pieces ran away but Rey easily filled in. Honestly it probably works better for him that way. Athrun proved to be too intelligent to control. Shinn is easily manipulated because he rarely thinks about the bigger picture and Rey is totally loyal to him.
thanks for that Anonyguy I was wondering what they were saying
I agree
is that a nipple?
looks like it
O_o...first time they ever showed a nipple . Now its Hentai XD
nice edited picture Mut. Good episode with lots of action going on. i think Athrun will play possum in ocean so Rey and Shinn would think they dead. While they escape. I think Gouf should be water profed, are they?
edited: sorry for double post
Since just about every MS is able to function in space I'm pretty sure the Gouf is waterproof. When it's not damaged and filled with holes anyway.Quote:
Originally posted by: Death13a
nice edited picture Mut. Good episode with lots of action going on. i think Athrun will play possum in ocean so Rey and Shinn would think they dead. While they escape. I think Gouf should be water profed, are they?
later on, isn't athrun going to own that new unit that resembles justice? he wasn't meant for destiny or legend, at least, i think not, because none of them looked like the justice-like unit..then again, i could be wrong
The commercials were great. They usually edit them out for their releases but I'm glad they left them in. I definitely liked the commercial with the 1/144 Destiny and Strike Freedom. Having the world split between the two of them and having the half on Destiny and Shinn's side being scorched and barren was a nice touch. A bit of foreshadowing perhaps.Quote:
Originally posted by: danholo
Oh yeah, for those who watched the SaiyaMan release, what did you think of all the commercials? Never seen that many in one release before!
Seems to me that Shinn is showing some resistance toward the end, when he finds out they're going after Asuran.
I'm thinking that Shinn's going to defect to the AA somehow within the next few episodes.
All in all, it was a really good episode.