Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam Pics
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Niccee [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] But it's ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
i didn't creat the pics i found them
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Originally posted by: Madell
Niccee [img][/img] But it's ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom [img][/img]
I hadn't noticed it before, but I just watched the "Gundam SEED Destiny - EDITED" that A-Kingdom-AonE released, they specifically said that the "2" in the ZGMF-X2... meant that it had 2 forms, like with Saviour and Chaos.
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
so that would mean that freedom can transform [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] i dont think they go by those number definitions anymore tho.
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Pictures!!!!! [god, I'm saving almost every pic on my computer...]
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
by looking at all the specs
strike freedom has tones more fire power than justice... and aren't them 2 suppose to be even?
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
its not that much diffrence and freedom had more firepower than justice had in SEED so its like it should be.
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
i got the feeling that Justice was more designed to be a close range melee mobile suit
much like Aegis was (having 4 !!! beam sabers and all) and that Athrun's talents are leaning
more to the close combat then the rifle display Kira has shown almost always
that would also explain the "gap" of power between the suits
although in Seed there wasn't really any choice given to either Kira or Athrun about which suit they really wanted
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Originally posted by: Motteh
i got the feeling that Justice was more designed to be a close range melee mobile suit
much like Aegis was (having 4 !!! beam sabers and all) and that Athrun's talents are leaning
more to the close combat then the rifle display Kira has shown almost always
that would also explain the "gap" of power between the suits
although in Seed there wasn't really any choice given to either Kira or Athrun about which suit they really wanted
I could be incorrect about this as I'm not exactly looking at a spec sheet but arn't only the objects on the hips of Infinate Justice beam sabers while the ones on the shoulders appear to be some sort of cannons instead as the ends are red and black instead of being uniformly white .
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
I found my new wallpaper.
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Does anyone know where I can find good pictures of Gundam SEED and Destiny at the size of 1440x900?
It is a strange size, tell me about it, but still, it's for my widescreen laptop.
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Hmm...Strike Freedom definitely has some changes to its his 2 beam rifles combine into a bigass cannon. With that cannon its seems to be also designed for long range combat (remember Buster, GS), making SF function a long range bombardier/interceptor. Anti-beam shield replaced by hand energy shields, which brings up 1 point...u really need skills to pilot this Gundam. The only way u can deflect energy beams and sabers is blocking them with SF own sabers. No more AB shield.
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Originally posted by: DragonBladeX
Hmm...Strike Freedom definitely has some changes to its his 2 beam rifles combine into a bigass cannon. With that cannon its seems to be also designed for long range combat (remember Buster, GS), making SF function a long range bombardier/interceptor. Anti-beam shield replaced by hand energy shields, which brings up 1 point...u really need skills to pilot this Gundam. The only way u can deflect energy beams and sabers is blocking them with SF own sabers. No more AB shield.
Reminds me of the twin wing zero beam rifles, still Athrun in Infinite Justice should be the good close range suit even if kira has to get a new range MS...
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
Originally posted by: DDBen
I could be incorrect about this as I'm not exactly looking at a spec sheet but arn't only the objects on the hips of Infinate Justice beam sabers while the ones on the shoulders appear to be some sort of cannons instead as the ends are red and black instead of being uniformly white .
i think you misunderstood me
i was talking about the difference between the original Freedom and Justice
since Freedom was loaded with guns in comparison to Justice
that made me conclude that the Justice was intended to be a close range melee suit
instead of a long/medium range suit like Freedom
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam
it seems freedom is more of a longrange weapon since it also has a dragoon system ( i think they added it at the last moment) but giving him all these armarments sorta makes justice looks puny. but either way asuran and justice are the ultimate weapon
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam Pics
any pic of freedom with dragoon system?
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam Pics
i think its supposed to be the wings says it here
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam Pics
Well Gunota is supposibly a reliable source. Could someone who has the line art for Strike Freedom repost the picture? Generally that shows all the weapons.
Strike Freedom and Infinate Justice Gundam Pics
yea check this site out they might have it at this place if they dont they have something close to it