IRC FAQ [Server Status: ONLINE]
Warning: If you come into the channel to @find or !list you will be banned on sight.
First thing you need to do before you can get on an IRC server is download an IRC client. This can be found here:
Now after you've installed it, you need to configure. This may seem confusing at first, but actually its very easy.
Run the program and you'll be asked to fill in some details in the "mIRC options" dialog box. Given that this is the internet you dont have to use your real details if you wish.
Example dialog box:
After you have finshed that, you can now connect to an IRC server. Type this in your mIRC chat box near the bottom of the screen. /server
Now that your connected to the server; type /join #gotwoot into the status window (as shown above) and your into our little slice of paradise. Welcome! =)
When your on a network, the first thing you need to do is register your nickname. When you do this, it ensures that nobody can steal your nickame when your not online. This is the command for registering:
/msg NickServ REGISTER password email
*fill in a password and a valid email*
After you register your nickname. You need to tell the server that your online and your nickname is registered. To do this type:
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
You're good to go!
Other helpful commands to know
/nick Nickname Use this command to change your nickname
/me text Displays action
!list Gives you a list of every file server in the channel
@find Searches file servers
/join Allows you to join another channel
/part Exits channel
/hop This command is used to quickly exit a channel and rejoin it
/whois Check your status window after this. It will produce some information about the nickname chosen such as IP address (though this is masked on the server to non IRC ops), and which channels the user is in.
/query nickname message It will make a window popup for the private message.
/msg nickname message When you use this command only the person you sent it to can read what you said.
Originally posted by: Kai Also, it's a good idea to read the topic to see if you're allowed to do certain things in channels, most channels have !rules or something along those lines, usually good for places you wish to download from.
*note* If your already on another network and you want to connect to gotwoot's with out losing your original server window type this. /server -m It opens another server window.
Mirc Scripts (optional)
mIRC script is the scripting language included with mIRC, an IRC client.
In other words mIRC (the client) can be customized with new skins, options, themes and other things.
Here are some common mIRC scirpts:
Noname Script
Here are some websites with databases filled with scripts:
Other IRC clients
Don't think we forgot about you.
Macintosh IRC Software
What are the symbols next to people's names?
~ is the channel founder the highest rank in a channel
@ means channel operator (OP). These users can kick, ban, and set modes and settings.
% is half-operator (hOP). Half ops can kick and ban users and set some modes.
+ means a voice. Voiced users can still type even when the channel is moderated (which may be done to stop flooders).
Channel Modes
+s Secret Is a mode used to hide the channel from appearing when someone uses a whois command.
+p Private means the channel is in private and it wont appear in the channel list of the server.
+l Limit This limits the channels users to a number of a OP/hOP's choosing.
+k Keyword Also known as "key" you can't enter a channel unless you know the keyword.
+n When this is set no one outside the channel can notice or message a whole channel.
+r means the channel is already registered.
+t Only channel operators can set topics.
+m "moderated", only people with a voice and higher can talk.
Note that only Ops and hOps can set modes.
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