Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
grab it here
I haven't seen it yet as i started to just download it.
edit: After watching RAW: begining is lame but I get to see neo without a mask but not his full face although i did saw his scares(where helmet glass should be). Destoyer is awesome as it got reflectors. Shinn got jerker then ever after he was free to fight Destroyer, It showed be his look he game Athrun.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
just another boring ep..
shinn got out, kira wanna go
all that's left over is to let kira shoot stellar down then either freedom is demaged during fighting destroy or cuz seed shinn vs no seed kira......then destiny and strike freedom will show up.....
or even just destiny will show up.......strike freedom is just a upgrade of freedom like RX-78-2 did in one year war
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Wow. Destroy Gundam is Amazing. The shield ,so far from what I have seen, can manage to block everything from beam, missles, and the entire mobile suit. I don't like all the gestures that Shinn was making. It seemed to me like he was being cocky but we won't know until the subbed version. Also with Kira's and Shinn's current gundams I don't think that they will be able to defeat destroy. I hope that Shinn gets the hell beat out of him so he can be brought down a couple of levels. I also agree that Kira's gundam will be damaged then upgraded but we will have to wait until the next episode.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
Wow. Destroy Gundam is Amazing. The shield ,so far from what I have seen, can manage to block everything from beam, missles, and the entire mobile suit. I don't like all the gestures that Shinn was making. It seemed to me like he was being cocky but we won't know until the subbed version. Also with Kira's and Shinn's current gundams I don't think that they will be able to defeat destroy. I hope that Shinn gets the hell beat out of him so he can be brought down a couple of levels. I also agree that Kira's gundam will be damaged then upgraded but we will have to wait until the next episode.
he IS being cocky.....
and i don't think power is just by the units, it's a factor...but i think main reason of a unit is powerful is still the pilot...not just the unit itself......
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
*** Possible spoiler if you haven't seen the episode ****
Well after 31 the is neo mwu question can pretty much be put to rest. Given this is still mearly the raw and there is no text but its pretty obvious Neo is in the beginning not wearing a mask at the very least.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
um...first...what's the point of waiting text....raw is enough...=.=b
and answer os mwu=neo is pretty obvieus since phase 2~3
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Wow, the Destroy Gundam is frickin insane. I wonder how the hell Kira or Shinn is gonna defeat it.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
For some reason, I just did not like this episode.
Destroy is the most ridiculous gundam ever. Pretty gay looking too.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Exactly how does this episode contribute any more "evidence" regarding Neo being Mwu?
We saw him without the mask, so what, we've seen that in opening 3 for 5 or so episodes now haven't we?
If anything, it shows how much Neo isn't Mwu.
Yeah, like Mwu would take advantage of a druggie female's feelings to make her jump into a oversized gundam which is meant to destroy half of the world...
And yes, Neo is more or less manipulating Stellar (sure, he seems to care about her, but just look at the way they talk to each other)
Ah well. People are hopeless when it comes to this issue anyway.
Destroy looks damn imbalanced. I wonder how they'll bring it down.
There's still so much they need to answer in the coming 19 episodes...
Also, I have this feeling Sting will die very soon.
@PTX: "um...first...what's the point of waiting text....raw is enough...=.=b"
Well I don't know... maybe we want to actually KNOW what they are SAYING?
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@PTX: "um...first...what's the point of waiting text....raw is enough...=.=b"
Well I don't know... maybe we want to actually KNOW what they are SAYING?
isn't that why there are classes out there to let you learn japanese?O-O
and you don't even really have to actually go learn them, by watching japanese anime and dramas for over 8 years should let you know the basic of japanese......doesn't it?O-O
at least i don't really find it that hard to understand.....and subs are sometimes missing the original ideas....that's what i don't really like about subs....
back to topic.....honestly....psycho is just Big Zam combined with Psycho.......i don't get why are ppl thinking it's so amazing....completely not original design......
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
1, not all countries have japanese classes.
2, not everybody have time to take classes when they have ordinary school (or work) to go to.
3, not everybody have watched anime in 8 years (what kind of assumption is that to make?)
4, I don't even understand why I am telling you these extremely obvious things...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
What's with Sting's sudden attitude? He seemed like the the sane one in the group and now so much hate for poor little Steller. Not her fault she's soooo much better then him. I hope Steller beats the crap out of Kira next ep.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
oh man distroy rules
i hope it gets distroyed coz thats going to be a BIG bang
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Aeon
What's with Sting's sudden attitude? He seemed like the the sane one in the group and now so much hate for poor little Steller. Not her fault she's soooo much better then him. I hope Steller beats the crap out of Kira next ep.
He probably has an injured pride since he's been around all that time unlike the other two (Auel died and Stellar was gone), so I guess he felt that he would do a better job controlling it. Also, I think it's just the director's way of revealing to us why Sting didn't get the gundam instead of Stellar (unless this scene took place, many people would probably ask "hey, why did stellar get it and not Sting?"... I know I would).
Also, it saddens me that Auel's death has gone so unnoticed...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Aeon
What's with Sting's sudden attitude? He seemed like the the sane one in the group and now so much hate for poor little Steller. Not her fault she's soooo much better then him. I hope Steller beats the crap out of Kira next ep.
did anyone pay attention to earlier phases?
sting's memory about stellar was washed away...
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
1, not all countries have japanese classes.
2, not everybody have time to take classes when they have ordinary school (or work) to go to.
3, not everybody have watched anime in 8 years (what kind of assumption is that to make?)
4, I don't even understand why I am telling you these extremely obvious things...
actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Hey all, first time poster, recent fan to the Gundam franchise... anyway my thoughts...
Sorry Terra, but Auel's death didn't come soon enough for me. The little snot had it coming.
As for the episode; Shinn deserves to be pimpsmacked from here to next week. Someone should take him mid his smack talk, show him the destroyed cities, dead people, and what not and tell him that he had to be such a self-righteous prick about Stellar. It's his fault. No way around it. True, Stellar would have perished, but logistically, a lot more people would have been living if Shinn wasn't such a (insert your favorite four letter explative here). Which brings me to another issue I think I got with some of the themes of the series;
a lot of people in this series are hypocrites.
What bugged me a lot was the Archangel's interference between the Minerva and the Orb troops. I can understand Cagalli's desire to protect her troops, but I doubt the Minverva's crew would just let themselves be sunk just because of some brat politician didn't have the guts to actually speak for herself. When, if I heard right, this should not have happened after the ending of Seed.
Instead, what the Archangel COULD have done was announce their neutrality, speak with the crew of the Minerva and FINALLY figure out whom the real bad guys were; the war profitteers. (That's right, Dubya, I'm looking at you!)
But I digress;
now, thanks to baby Shinn, people are dying at an even greater rate with the Big Zam... er, Destroy and all that little punk gets is a slap on the wrist. They should have just tossed him into Levenworth and give Athrun his Gundam. I think I speak for the victims when I say; "Good one, Shinn!". *thumbs down*
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
"actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."
You are officially an idiot.
@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."
You are officially an idiot.
@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Terra said:
"@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/"
Ah, so that's what you meant. And you're right. Which shows just how evil Neo and Co are.