i was catching up with naruto since i havent watched for a long time.. anyways are neji and chouiji really dead?
i mean having chouiji dead isnt a big deal, but neji? plz tell me its not true
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i was catching up with naruto since i havent watched for a long time.. anyways are neji and chouiji really dead?
i mean having chouiji dead isnt a big deal, but neji? plz tell me its not true
It has not been discussed in the anime yet. If you wanna find out so bad read the manga.
chouji said he'd die from the pills didnt he?
and kidoumaru gave neji a few new holes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] neji + new holes = pretty bad
though if they die they might prove good for story development.
Like neji is sort of standing in the way of hinata's development
And chouji's death would bring down an ernomous personality change for shikamaru [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
which might prove good or bad.
ah, forums are back, yay! =)
I don't know, I can't imagine they wouldn't touch on the seal dissapearing from Neji when he dies so I don't know about him. Neither of them are in the intro though, but that might just be to not give anything away.
Well they aren't in the opening so...
neji and chouji are dead.
neji and chouji are not dead
lol i have nfi just saying opposite to sharingan
I don't know about Chouji, but Neji is far from dead.
Neji is far from dead? He had a Big Spear Right through his chest!! He's in deeper shit than Chouji. Chouji just looked like he had a liposuction.
Neji ain't dead, the Sand crew came and healed him
None of the Sand ninjas are healers, sparky.
lol maybe that gaara healed them with the mineral's deep in the ground?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
why don't you just eat dirt and cure cancer then.Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
lol maybe that gaara healed them with the mineral's deep in the ground?? [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
A lot of medicines come from minerals in the floor...
You see, what happens is that both Chouji and Neji die. And when Shikamaru hears of this, he performs harikiri because he can't live without his fat and damn-near-worthless friend. But Konoha is saddened at this great loss since their medics can't do anything, so they find Goku. And Goku finds the Dragonballs and wishes everyone back to life. Then everyone's happy and the bad guys die, because the forces of evil never win. Oh yeah, and Naruto bitch-slaps Sasuke cuz he's a panzy. The end.
Go read the manga, moron.
Or find a spoiler page. There are plenty.
why don't you just eat dirt and cure cancer then.
there are lots of people who do it, and further more, they pay good money for what they think is 'good' dirt...
Neji and Chouji are probably dead, you don't survive a suicide pill and you don't survive a 5 inch wide hole in your chest...
FIrst off, it was never mentioned as a 'suicide' pill. And people do survive 5 inch wide holes in their chest...Tsunade survived after being stabbed so many times by Orochimaru
Gee, do you think that was because she used a regeneration technique?
Not in reality. But what about in a ninja world? Who knows (well actually the manga readers know but I not one too spoil)Quote:
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
why don't you just eat dirt and cure cancer then.
Neji and Chouji are probably dead, you don't survive a suicide pill and you don't survive a 5 inch wide hole in your chest...
THere u go, a regeneration technique. You never know what might happen..
Neji is too smart to die, he's a genius, he probably figured something out
yes, they talked about it, he did figure something out, he used his chackra to avoid instant death and just go for fatal injury in order to finish the fight...
theyre dead too bad
why the hell would they make such a pretty death scene for chouji if he wasn't actually dead? That would piss me off.
Neji could be alive. Perhaps shino got back from the clan mission or hinata or some other hyuuga... you can never really tell...
maybe neji will be the cripple and lee will make jokes like: "hey! you should totally join the clergy, because your holy". or "Kidoumaru really did play with you. Alot. He even made new holes to play with" or "Knock Knock" "Whos There?" "I don't know! Lets look thru the peep hole!" ::looks thru neji:: "AAAH! IT's YOUR DAD!! HAAHAHA, just kidding"
No Spoilers. You've been warned.
GotWoot Moderator
hahah. owned. bitch.
thanks for catchin that, mod. I'd heart your cock, but your androgeny comes with the ambiguity, I guess.
I'd say their dead. Like they said, they aren't in the new opening. And cool as Neji is, we have another character in the series that has, or can have, all the same moves. So looks like the writer opted to keep Hinata.
I think that chouji and neji will survive, maby they will get some miracle medicins that the 5th hokage did.
i heard thet neji and rock lee are gone die later in the show, first i just thought it was a joke . But neji has been beat up by a spider guy and rock lee has to take his medicins. BTW: I like rock lee when he has drunk he fights MUCH better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Oh please, they won't kill of Lee. He's like the most popular character on the show.
Alright. If you want the real answers, you can easily look up the manga or find a spoiler page. I haven't read the manga myself and don't want it spoiled, so this is my two cents.
Most happy-go-lucky animes are fairly linear. God knows how much anime I've seen. So based on all my previous knowledge of happy animes (and yes, Naruto is considered a happy anime) no main character is going to die. At least none of the good guys. Sure, y'all can argue my point with the Third Hokage, but I'll just respond with a big F.U. *<--note: I am not serious there* since he was old and had it a long time commin', and it's his duty to sacrifice his life for the village if need be to begin with. And Hayate (who died in episode 54...the examiner guy) was expendable. He wasn't really a main character at all.
Chouji and Neji still have incomplete goals, so they can't die. Even though I would personally like for Chouji to die, seeing how he just kicked that much ass and it would have been a suitable end for him (proving his worth in the end when everyone always thought of him as worthless, and him saving everyone regardless of their opinion of him), something will happen. Like, those Jounins who got their asses handed to him by Orochimaru's pawns will find him and heal him or something. You know...Genma and Shizune...y'all seem to have forgotten about them. (I'm referring to episode 110-111 *hour-special*) They'll probably find Neji too. He's the best in his clan. Why the hell would they kill him off? Doesn't make sense. Even if those exact events don't happen, something will. Like Chouji's butterflies fly him over to Konoha and they save him. Haha. Alright, I'm kidding. But something. Basically, he's just not going to die.
So there. I have logical reasoning behind my opinions. Argue with me if you will, but you know I'm probably right [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] (<--joke/sarcasm) But in all seriousness, this is kind of a lame topic to "argue opinions" about, because you can look up the manga and find the facts. It's just pointless...like two kids fighting over the last two slices of pizza. They can both get one, so they just need to shut up and eat [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Kinda like me...I'm hungry now o_o
Oh, and there's no way in freaking HELL, they're killing Lee.
1. He's too popular a character
2. He's a main character
3. They just finished healing him
4. If Lee dies, that means that Gai is going to die. And they're NOT killing him off. He's Kakashi's rival for Chrissakes!
Use your brain and stop gobbling up any stupid rumor your dumb friend heard.
Maybe you should use your brain and learn to use the edit button instead of double posting.
Different topics, smart-ass.
Who gives a rat's ass? It's a whole one extra freaking post. God forbid.
And if you haven't noticed, Mr. 4154 Posts, I'm a n00b here. I don't spend my life in front of a forum board.
Apparently, I give a rat's ass whether or not you or anyone double posts. You don't have to make another post to talk about another topic, you discuss many points in one post. If you're a newb here, try observing more and notice what the posting trends are. You've been warned.
GotWoot Moderator
It doesn't take 4154 posts to read the rules...
the jounins (ie. genma and shizune) that you spoke of have appeared again more recently in the series. Remember the hospital scene where gai shows up to meet tsunade? the 2 guys in the beds that she was talking to were Genma and Raido.
@Terracosmo & GotWoot Moderator: Alright, point taken. My apologies. I'll try to keep from double posting in the future even if they're separate ideas. It's not like I'm trying to spam the boards here.
@AssertnFailure: You're right. I'd forgotten about that. But seeing how they're back to Konoha, and the 5th's a medic, she may have told some jounins about it and had them search for them. She couldn't send jounins right away because they were away on missions. But since at least a few are back, I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem sending a few out. But since they're behind, they may not catch up to say...Sasuke and Naruto, but there's a chance they'll run into Chouji or Neji since they were pretty far behind the others...assuming this all happens.
So unless I'm missing something else, my idea still kinda works out.
But when it comes down to it, I'm not saying that is what happens. It's just an idea. I just firmly believe they won't kill the characters off. How they get around it, at least to me, is fairly irrelevant.
just cuz neji and chouji aren't in the new intro doesnt mean anything
before shikamaru became a chunin he didn't have a chuunin jacket in the intro either - but once he became chunin they drew it in
What a wonderful arguement...Quote:
Originally posted by: nge484
Sure, y'all can argue my point with the Third Hokage, but I'll just respond with a big F.U.
You said it your self Chouji will have proved his worth, there are no more major goals of his we know about.Quote:
Chouji and Neji still have incomplete goals, so they can't die.
Simply declaring your self correct won't work in a real arguement, you need facts, not guessess(thats all you have at this point).
I don't have time to say anything more before class, so I will leave you at that, later.
I guess no one's picking up on my incredibly scarcastic tone towards this whole argument.
That "big F.U." was a joke and the actual reason why the Third is an exception is right after it. He knew he was old, he knew he wasn't as strong as he used to be, and it's his duty as the Hokage to protect his village, even if it costs him his life. Not to mention that his death made a great impact on the whole village giving every person in Konoha courage and strength. And if you think about it, no other major character has actually died. At least there are none that I can think of.
And yes, Chouji did prove his worth, which is why I want him to die. But he's proven it to how many people? 4? If he doesn't die, this gives him room to improve and he'll have the encouragement of those for to support him. He won't doubt himself anymore like you saw before this mission began where Shikamaru had to encourage him. This way, when he survives, he can prove it to everyone else.
And how many times have I said this is an idea? And me declaring myself correct was also a joke. I guess no ones catching these jokes and my sarcasm. You see, if I wanted facts, I'd read the manga. Which is what I'm telling all of you to do instead of arguing over opinions because there IS a correct answer out there. You just have to read a spoiler page or find some Naruto manga. If you wanna keep spouting out ideas, that's cool too. That's what I've been doing as of lately. Just don't whine and complain about an idea someone comes up with because they don't want to spoil it for themselves.
There's a reason why the moderator won't allow spoilers in this particular forum. And because of this, no one can support their idea/opinion with facts. So just state your idea and leave it at that , if anything. Add to an idea, make a point about someone elses' idea...whatever. Arguing in here is pretty pointless because arguments are based on facts. So if you want to argue with facts, go to a different forum. At least, that's the way I'm seeing it.
Am I making any sense here? Cuz I hope I am. I honestly don't know if I'm being clear enough or not.
And damn do I write a lot of big comments...
nge484, stop telling people what to do. If they want to argue why Kakashi's shit is more brown than Sakura's while using nothing but personal opinions as supports, let them.
Your explanation on the Third does not show why he was not a main character, so you know.
Sorry, I guess I didn't notice you were being sarcastic.
No sarcastic comment this time since y'all don't seem to get why arguing about this is pointless to begin with.
I'm not saying you were being serious but you don't really make it clear if you are being sarcastic or not.
We have some facts to work with, so we can make observations based off past events and information given to us.
Obviously we have no way of proving if we are indeed correct at this point but many people don't want to read the managa / get spoiled (hence the rules of the Naruto Anime Forum) so we have discussions seeing others opinions on the subject. Calling someone a moron for starting this discussion is ignorant and rude.
To sum this up, don't rag on a discussion because the information is out there knowing that many people (your self included I would guess from your not reading the manga) don't want to get the information from the more boring media ( heh =P ). They all know the manga is out there, you don't have to remind them. Also you may submit your opinion, but trying to say this discussion is wrong or pointless just disrupts the process and does not contribute at all.
Yeah, I know internet sarcasm is hard to pick up on, so I apologize to anyone who I offended. I'm sure a lot of it came off as plain rude.
And yet again, for that quote you pointed out. Definately one that was meant to be deleted but wasn't. I'll go edit that in a sec.
I guess my shit's just not together today.
As for the Hokage bit, I'm saying he is a main character, and definately a good guy. But he's an exception to the "good guys won't die" rule thing I was messing around with. The fact that he's the leader of the village, his responsabilities/duties, and the insanely large impact from his death on others bends the bs rule I made up =)
Mut@t@: Yeah, I've got no right to tell others what to do. And they don't have to listen. I'm just saying that arguing points that can't be proven without spoilers sure sounds like a waste of time to me.
I mean, the beginning of this board was just "Chouji and Neji are dead" "No, Neji's not dead, but Chouji is." "No, you're both wrong, they're both dead" "No, he had a hole in his chest, he's dead." etc, etc. It was irritating as hell. It seriously hurts the brain. They were talking like they know what's going on, but they obviously don't, and had little to nothing to back it up. So if they're going to argue the points (in the manner that they were doing it), why not just find out for sure instead of contradicting the other for what seems like is just for the hell of it? Then I just made a rediculous comment for humor...and slightly from frustration from reading the previous posts. (The whole moron bit) And it all kinda snowballed from there.
Don't get me wrong, I'm totally cool with the idea of people giving opinions of what may eventually happen. Adding to others ideas, pointing out flaws of someone's opinion, just whatever. That's what I thought this topic was about. And I know most people in this forum (like me) don't want to know before they show it in the anime, but wish to express an idea or opinion of what is to come. But arguing over something that can't be proven as of right now is pointless. Feel free to kill time or do and say whatever, seriously, but ultimately it's a waste of time and...well, not breath, but you get the idea.
Now I think I'm just repeating myself.
If my opinions, humor, and logic aren't welcome, just say so and I'll take my leave. (Just don't be an ass about it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img])
And Jessper, thanks for being level-headed with me on this whole thing.
True....People are here talking about Neji and CHouji because they want to see what others think.
I guess....From what I have read, Neji and CHouji have completed their goals in life or have found meaning to what they've been searching for in their life.
It seems to me that you might consider yourself a "deep" person. But over my years, I've been like you in trying to convince my friends that it is a waste of time to argue over something that they can easily find out. And in my opinion, I still think it is a waste of time. But isn't everything ultimately a waste of time? I mean, you live life and you die; everyone's going to die sooner or later. So everything you do is a waste of time. But people want to enjoy their life while they live it. It puts them in suspense to know they don't know what's coming next. And people in these forums, they just discuss the things for the suspense of it. They don't care if they are wasting tiime, they want to be part of something and this forum is the link to it.
Sorry if what I said didn't make sense, I'm having trouble organizing my thoughts today. I guess I didn't get enough sleep...
The edit button is there for a reason lilphatboi, like the mod mentioned on the last page. You could have at least saw that and not double posted [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] At least the mods have something to do I guess [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The real question here though is why waste your time to tell people that they are wasting their time? heh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Neji is invincible.
WUT?? he's dead........-.-Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Neji is invincible.
I didn't mean to double post, my internet was down. So I had the message typed out and everything and waited to send it. THen I read the other message and came up with more ideas
nah i think they're both alive, or maybe chouji is dead because the red pill was supposed to kill him (why make a red pill then?) neji will survive because...hes too cool for that death crap...
That seal on his forehead was still there when he collapsed...is it supposed to go away when he dies? When Neji explained about the seal he said something like that the seal is there to make the byakugan unextractable from the body. so it might stay even when he's dead...or not..
Hey, I'm kinda curious as to why people think these characters are dead, or alive.
I mean, I'm hearing "He's dead" and "He's alive" and that's great that you think that, but why? I mean, the reasons for believing they're dead are kinda obvious. They want us to think that and that's what's been portrayed so far. So, this is more for those who think they're alive, really. How do you think they'll survive the situation they've been given? And don't just say something like "cuz he's a cool character" or "he's awesome" or something like that. What real reason do you have for thinking that?
Eh? Eeeh? *nudge nudge* =D
Cause they aren't in the intro.
The end.
It was explained that the seal will only go away when they die. They made a large deal out of this information when explaning Neji's past so I doubt they will kill him with out giving a dramatic scene of the seal fading from his head. Though they could be waiting to do so, currently my guess would be Neji is not dead and Chouji is ( I hope so! =P ).Quote:
Originally posted by: Aramis
That seal on his forehead was still there when he collapsed...is it supposed to go away when he dies? When Neji explained about the seal he said something like that the seal is there to make the byakugan unextractable from the body. so it might stay even when he's dead...or not..
Them not being in the intro is the worst arguement I have heard to date so I'm not even going to go in depth as to why. =)
I already said this in a previous forum on the same topic but sense im the only one who seemed to notice ill say it again.
Choji may be dead but there is a very good explanation why Neji isnt!
When Neji fought Naruto a while back he talked about the mark on his forhead, and he said that the mark lifts at the moment of death sealing the secrets of his byakugan. If Neji did die in that scene they would have to show something which relates to this - his mark disapearing or his eyes changing or something - BUT there is nothing of that sort! I watched it a few times and the screen simply lights up with Neji's mark still on his forehead.
Therefore Neji is infact alive and didnt die after the fight with Kidomaro ^_^
Now thats not an opinion thats a fact
P.S. No way they let Neji die he is too much of a badass. And Lee isnt btw [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
That is a good point about Neji, and I personally don't think he's actually dead either.
But it has been quite a while since Neji's fight, and he was already weakened so much after the fight. Not to mention he's probably bleeding all over the place. Without medical attention, Neji could die from blood loss. He may not have been dead when they stopped focusing on him, but there is the possibility of him being dead by now.
Just a thought to argue the point (:
I think if he were actually dead, it'd most likely be all dramatic and show his seal fade or his eyes change. Why make that part of Neji's story so important and just take light of it when he dies?
If you would read the post before yours (mine) I mentioned this too. =PQuote:
Originally posted by: z0diac
I already said this in a previous forum on the same topic but sense im the only one who seemed to notice ill say it again.
Now thats not an opinion thats a fact
It may be fact that his seal did not go away but that does not mean he won't die from blood loss ect (like nge484 mentions)
I agree with this completly, they made too big of a deal of the matter to back out with out a dramatic scene now.Quote:
I think if he were actually dead, it'd most likely be all dramatic and show his seal fade or his eyes change. Why make that part of Neji's story so important and just take light of it when he dies?
Oh yeah, cause the animators never forget about shit they did in the past.
so, from the direction of this post, im gonna assume that Neji is alive and Chouji is dead
I don't understand why some of you want chouji dead (I know not all of you who said he's dead thinks that). I mean Neji is cool and got good moves but chouji in his last episode was very cool to me. Especially at the end where he see's the writings on the tree from his team and said "I made lots of friends". It just felt really touching. I never used to like him or noticed him much but that episode made him really stand out. I doubt they would just kill him off after this dramatic scene. As for Neji, you guys already mentioned about the seal thing, so it's probably hinting that he's not dead. As for the intro, there's no way they would spoil the fun just so they can put them on there, so it doesn't mean anything for not appearing there. Probably means that they won't be in the series for a while (at least until the new intro comes out).
BTW Im up to date on the manga so I know what happens to them. I'm just analysing based on what happened so far on the series.
Nah they aren't gonna kill off Neji or Chouji, it would be too much wasted character development for Chouji and Neji's seal on his forehead never went away.
I agree.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mite Gai
Nah they aren't gonna kill off Neji or Chouji, it would be too much wasted character development for Chouji and Neji's seal on his forehead never went away.
As good a plot developement/twist it would be for Chouji to be dead, I don't think Kishimoto has it in him to kill him off. But whatever, time will tell I suppose.
When do you think we'll find out???
We'll find out once Naruto kicks Sasuke's ass =D Or whatever the result of the fight is.
As for wanting Chouji dead, I'm not saying he's a crappy character or anything...even though he has been fairly worthless until recently. I doubt he's dead, but I think it would have been a good death for him. Proving his worth and dying an honorable death. Not to mention self-sacrifice. It's just a very noble way to die, and it's suitable for Chouji's character. A death like that would be well deserved.
But I'm still sticking to my "no main (good) character dies in a happy anime" theory. So to me, he ain't dead. =)
I think there's a possiblity Chouji is dead...but really, after Sasuke "died" in the fight on the bridge during their first real mission, and turned out to be alive, I'll be surprised if any of them die...Chouji has shown us all his ultimate techniques, though, and did make a lot of friends, which is the only goal from his past they had given him. The one thing remaining is the suggestion they made that Inoue (sp?) might be falling in love with him, so if they have any intent to play out the romantic threads and actually hook up at some point, that's a possible reason to keep him alive (aside from the fact that they just made him into a pretty cool character).
On the topic of Neji, his goal isn't really resolved, as somebody suggested, I think what he really wants is to become head of his clan...and, if I understood correctly, Naruto promised to find a way to remove Neji's seal once he becomes Hokage (during their fight), which would probably make Neji bullet-proof, if they actually intend to take the series until Naruto does become a Hokage and beyond.
I'd be surprised if they make that many episodes, because in Inuyasha, they only made 167 episodes, and in the end, he didn't even complete his goal of killing Naraku
nge484 for a person with a life that doesnt spend much of his time on the forums you sure post a lot.