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Ah, so there's the big one. Damn it's humongous.
But "Destroy"... what an awkward name. And I can't imagine Stellar piloting it....
yep...a rehash of the Psycho Gundam Mk I....*sigh*
yes, it'll be cool but lack of originality makes me twitch
agree with that
You guys seen the new Destiny Gundam yet? Pilot's Shin.....
I think it's "Stella" not Stellar. At least the kana is "Sutera" not "Suteraa" where the elongated a would resemlbe the non-rhotic r.
Why would this be Stella's new unit? If it is, Stella's memory is being erased constantly to fight Shinn over, and over, and over again.
Well the subtitle in the anime is Stellar, so thats why ppl say that..
hmm and i thought this thing was called colossus gundam, oh well if stellaR is piloting this who will pilot gaia? i dont want that cool thing destroyed...
Now just what the hell does it intend to shoot at, where it actually needs those 4 cannons on its back?
Its psyco, not psycho. If your going to complain about rehashes in UC elitist fashion, you could atleast spell it correctly. (psyco having nothing to do with the word psychotic and all...)Quote:
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
yep...a rehash of the Psycho Gundam Mk I....*sigh*
yea apparently Colossus got a name change to Destroy...
GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam - A gigantic mobile suit developed by the Earth Alliance. Various firearms are distributed over the entire body and it possesses equipment which invalidates beam weaponry. One unit by itself can easily destroy an entire city and, by now, one can say that "genocide machines" of this strategy level have exceeded the realm of standard tactics.
Originally posted by Barumonk:
Now just what the hell does it intend to shoot at, where it actually needs those 4 cannons on its back?
Im gonna take a wild guess and say its probably gonna have a transformation into a "fortress mode" (lol or in this case maybe a UFO mode like Asshimar) or what have you, much like the original Psyco Gundam, thats where I think those guns will come into play.
(sorry about the bootleg quoting job [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img])
This post and PTX-003C's prior one have been deleted because of containing spoilers (a quoting of them in PSJ's case). This is your last warning, PTX-003C. Stop spoiling or face the consequences.
GotWoot Moderator
PTX... do us all a favor... and leave gotwoot... you simply are not welcomed
predict everything in anime and spoil it on that net...that's the fun of anime, books and movies.....
ii don't see any problems with spoilers
i had never seen a forum so horrible that operaters will actually bind their member's speech
i don't mind if i get banned of w/e..
cuz GAF is way better than this
If members wouldn't shitpost they wouldn't need to hurt you.Quote:
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
i had never seen a forum so horrible that operaters will actually bind their member's speech
i don't mind if i get banned of w/e..
cuz GAF is way better than this
yea right....prediction of the future is called shit post...hmm...what kind of theory is that
just get the hell out of here
oh, and there IS a thread called "Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts" where spoilers are somewhat allowed
edit: oiy, forgot to post somethin relevant to the topic...anyways, I think the pilot of the one that freedom and destiny are flying towards is most probably gonna be Neo. I don't see any other likely candidate, unless its somebody we havn't seen yet.
if you are talking about destroy...i think is going to be stellarQuote:
Originally posted by: Roko
just get the hell out of here
oh, and there IS a thread called "Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts" where spoilers are somewhat allowed
edit: oiy, forgot to post somethin relevant to the topic...anyways, I think the pilot of the one that freedom and destiny are flying towards is most probably gonna be Neo. I don't see any other likely candidate, unless its somebody we havn't seen yet.
Destroy looks like a big turtle to me...
With the cannons on its back, it reminds me of the Turtle Zord from Power Rangers many many years ago. Who still remembers!?
/me goes to look for his Green Ranger Dagger.
But anyways, we'll prolly find out more spoilers when the 3rd intro comes around. It should be soon right? Either at eps 24 or 26? The color scheme of Destroy makes me suspect Stellar is the pilot.
i dont want stellar piloting this thing, but i dont think it will be neo either. its hard to say who will pilot it but it would be a shame to put gaia in the trash for something like this, if it is stellar that will pilot this i just hope someone else pilots gaia, like maybe rey can get his hands on it.
as TeknoXI mentioned, the colour of the Gundam usually defines who is piloting it, and its in Stellar's 'colours' (yes, I know they're the Gaia's 'colours', but we associate Gaia with Stellar... do the math)... I think her childlike attitude and general inward attitude bely a massive 'power'... I wouldn't be surprised if she could go into SEED mode...
Yup that is most definitely Stellars after watchin the new opening in episode 25
it's stellar's destiny to pilot destroy and get shoot by shinn...(after the slice from cockpit...this time is a right through shot)
yay~~another dead~~~~*dancing*
sweet, stellar is going to die!!! maybe shinn can go with her too. OH YEA!!!
yup....i am looking forward for thatQuote:
Originally posted by: kaigan
sweet, stellar is going to die!!! maybe shinn can go with her too. OH YEA!!!
Now watch Stellar survive just to spite everyone who might think this will follow the exact same path as Zeta. I do hope it does. I mean right now its already abit different. But just throw in some more.
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Now watch Stellar survive just to spite everyone who might think this will follow the exact same path as Zeta. I do hope it does. I mean right now its already abit different. But just throw in some more.