Does anyone have more info on this anime seem like its going to be interesting
Karas promo by Anime-Kraze
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Does anyone have more info on this anime seem like its going to be interesting
Karas promo by Anime-Kraze
the flash on the website looks cool at the end
After i watched the trailern im looking forward to this anime,looks very good without looking a computer game like in Appleseed and i love ninjas [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Anti-Kraze has put up more info on it
click here
Another extended KARAS trailer, which looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.
whow looks like a "must see" but when does it bigin? i searched a few places but there is no information of the release. at least i couldn't find.
raw of ep 1 is already out i hope they hurry up with subbing
Anime Kraze is waiting for DVD releases to sub. And, apparently, fansub groups have no taste, so the series hasn't been done even though the raw was out on the 2nd.
There is one group that has subbed it, they are called Kamikakushi. You can get it at I have not down loaded it yet, waiting for a known group to sub it.
don't download that it's spanish subs i downloaded it ended up being spanish subbed
You'd have known that immediately had you checked their IRC channel.
There are no English groups subbing this off of the TV raw.
ArabDreamers Just realese the Episode 1 english version
Karas 01
Just saw the episode of course as expected the subbing sucked as well as the quality but man it was still worth it the animation is one of the best I seen in anime this thing reminded me a lot of the first matrix. well I hope it doesnt get licensed any time soon so anime-kraze can do it but when it does this thing may actually be worth the money
this anime kicks major ass!!
That sub is awful - please, please don't download it.
Despite that fucking atrocious sub, the series looks promising.
Man have you guys seen the size of the dvd raw is 529MiB I just hope that they keep it around the same size for the sub version
Thanks for the links Y.
I'm having codec troubles with the sound on that sub. I uninstalled everything(after much trouble with it) then installed the codec you listed above at which point I got no sound but the video played fine. I tried FFDShow then I get alot of static in the sound. I tried adding AC3 I think its called then the audio was about 3 seconds behind the video. I tried some other stuff but am getting either no results or poor ones...
So my question is what audio codec are you guys using? Thanks.
if realy nothin is working just download the arab dreamers version and play that on wmp and your other version on divx.
This is so amazing. It's visually mind blowing and the fight scenes are pretty badass. But here is the best part of Karas:
Super hot Yurine.
dude she looks like she is dropt out the flinstones cast...
You probably think that way cuz you like fat women.
Woot, got it to work! I <3 zoomplayer.
I will definitely be watching the rest of Karas. I can't wait for more.
yea mut that makes sense.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
You probably think that way cuz you like fat women.
I saw the first episode too and its awesome. ArabDreamers arent that great with spelling but I still understand the words and stuff. Im going to put it on my site for sure. I looks really awesome. I wish another subbing group would sub that anime. It deserves better subbers.
EDIT: Dang I didnt know that there was another group. Well now I know. And i wont download it off arabdreamers. Thanks Y.
c.j. released a "fixed" version, anyone know what they fixed?
LINK to the fixed version.
Instead of H264 it's in XviD, .mkv container, HD rip with 5.1 surround audio and ending romanji.
yep and it does not crash my MPC anymore the fixed version i mean the first one always seemed to crash MPC when i closed it but not in zoomplayer i almost gave up on the series cuz i like MPC so much but now it works and will wait for more episodes anyone got any ideas when new episodes come out ?
I heard its released monthly. I use Y as my KARAS information source.
And you were wrong.Quote:
Originally posted by: Ghettobob
Well I heard or saw that Karas has 6 episodes out so far.
The Japanese producer Toshiba Entertainment revealed that Manga Entertainment has got the license for Karas.
it has been 2 month's after the first ep was subbed. i did some litle research bu i couldn't find any new episode. has everybody droped this??
I REALLY hope not, Y might know...Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
it has been 2 month's after the first ep was subbed. i did some litle research bu i couldn't find any new episode. has everybody droped this??
I am still waiting faithfully for A-Kraze to release Karas 01. I trust them to do a good job, and I trust them not to drop the series unless they recieve a C&D. ^^ So, to answer the question, no, not everyone has dropped Karas. At least, I know A-Kraze hasn't. Just be patient and wait.
Ok I think I waited way to long now for an A-Kraze version I have been trying to play this thing for the last couple of hours but nothing and with zoomplaer I get the sound but no video and as soon as I change any settings my PC reboots
Read any of the numerous video guides already in stickied threads in other sections of the forums. I think kai has one up in anime support and I put up a small one in my Anime Downloads thread.Quote:
Originally posted by: nests
Ok I think I waited way to long now for an A-Kraze version I have been trying to play this thing for the last couple of hours but nothing and with zoomplaer I get the sound but no video and as soon as I change any settings my PC reboots
Also, in case you haven't noticed, Kraze is not releasing their episode in the forseeable future. Yes, I do hope that saying this causes them to immediately release it.
I can't wait for this next episode to be released. I hope it gets done quick =)
English subs by Nyanko Fansubs you can find them at #nyanko @
Karas 01v2
Karas 02
Are they any good
Originally posted by: kAi
English subs by Nyanko Fansubs you can find them at #nyanko @
Karas 01v2
Karas 02
YES. Recomended as long as you have VLC or a program that can run MVK files.
Ani-Kraze has released episode 1.
A-Kraze - KARAS 1
Download it, for it is awesome!
Mind blowing.Quote:
Originally posted by: nests
Are they any good
The first episode will leave your jaw on the floor. The second will stop your breathing for a while.
Approach with extreme caution. Some of the best and expensive fight scenes put together.
Karas 03 (DVD) - Nyanko Fansubs
Just finished watching the first descibe it in one word...WOW! Really good first episode. I think I'll stick with Anime-Kraze.
They should finish by 2010. In the meanwhile download ep 2 and 3.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaos
I think I'll stick with Anime-Kraze.
I've heard nothing but negative reviews about Nyanko's subs. I'm waiting on CJ or Ani-Kraze.
AAAH! Why? Why do people Post torrents on forums? Torrents can be foudn anywhere. CAn someone plseaze megaupload this anime? It looks too good. I'd get it myself but the torrent service is blocked in my rez. Any help would be apprecidated
Why do people post torrents? Because it's the most efficient way of sharing files, by far. Not everyone has gigabytes of super-high bandwith webspace.
Are you blacklisted on port 6881?
Yea my school rez blocks anything thats not standard HTTP, and theyve got all bases covered. No tunneling programs work. I've tried em all.
Anime-Kraze has released KARAS 2! Grab it here.
4 more to go...
Just watched the first two episodes of Karas from Kraze...
Kraze really did some awesome afx
About the anime, first episode didn't make sense at all, but it was visually orgasmic. Second episode still didn't make much sense, but little by little things are starting to click, I like this types of animes.
Can't wait for them to released episode 3
....its like someone nutted on my face...and i liked it
Hey Mate, that is a bit disturbing. On antoher note, does anyone know when the 4th episode is due out in the RAW versionQuote:
Originally posted by: NeoBear
....its like someone nutted on my face...and i liked it
watched episode 1 and 2, freaking crazy. The animation was superb.
the visual orgasm that delighted my eyes this morning has a name: KARAS.
beautiful and I love how they do the 'slow down time' effects. That being said, as of the end of episode 1 I have no fucking clue what is going on in this anime!
Good guys with eyeball powers (Yurine -lol at that name- and Karas) vs. Bad guys with eyeball powers (white haired dude and his followers)
Then again, in an anime as beautiful as this I really shouldn't be seeking reasons for it to exist (plotline). I should just be happy that it does. Loved the part with the wooden mill moving and it turned into the guy's eyes.
i watched episod three but something confused me. Does each Karas have their own teacher, like the girl and Otoha. And did Otoha's teacher die?
Episode 3 is out by Anime-Kraze for those interested:
I believe these "teachers" are called Yurines.
Secondly, no, I don't think Otoha's died because it seems like the Yurines are similar to the Karas. I'm pretty sure the one encased in the liquid tank in Ekou's building is Otoha's Yurine.
I thought the one in Ekou's was his own Yurine trapped in a state where he can release his sword whenever he wants. The two who were watching was a Yurine with her Karas (feisty girl had a sword that wouldn't come apart because only a Yurine can unseal it). And the end I'm guessing that Otoha returned to his comatose body and somehow managed to kill the youkai with it.Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
Yep, I agree with Honoko... that's Ekou's own Yurine, and has somehow built a device that makes it possible for him to use his powers without the Yurine's approval or consent.
HOLY SHIT!?!?!? I just watched the first 3 parts, and I think my brain's graphics card fried. It looks amazing, and I just watched Advent Children yesterday so it means even more. From the age of this topic, I'm guessing i'll be waiting a while for the next ep, but damn, what a rush.
As to the Yurine thing, I was totally confused when Otoha chopped through that guy, I figured the Hippie would drink some donor blood and kick the jack-in-the-box's ass. I don't think Otoha's Yurine is dead however, because the Spider lady carried off her body, and you usually don't drag dead bodies around for no reason, even in anime.
so i rented the (newly released) movie and watched it tonight without having any prior knowledge of the series, which in retrospect was really not a good idea. i had been thinking that the movie was separate from the series, but yukimura's post makes me think that the movie was just the 3rd episode, and now i'm completely confused. is the movie the 3rd episode or is it just all 3 episodes in one or what's going on aaaaaahhh??
I believe I read in the Kraze forums that it airs in august, but I cant seem to find the post. Can anyone confirm?Quote:
Originally Posted by Strike Freedom
Hmm... Raws for 5&6 appeared on Tokyotosho and the comment says: "TV caps, DVD for 5 is out, DVD for 6 will come out in a month. Enjoy."
If that is true, then let's rejoice. I don't know if Ani-Kraze uses the DVD raws only but I guess it's likely. Still, it shouldn't take anymore that long. At least not in theory. In any case Seirei no Moribito should have ended by then so it shouldn't get in the way.
lol its true kraco, ive seen ep 4 like in july, remember when in irc i said i stumbled apon something awesom but wasnt going to tell ;P.
Thats also when i found out about the release dates for 5 and 6,
The official page has a trailer about it btw:
shows mostly footage from ep5, some ep4, and really few ep6.
Ep 4 was cool, but not as good as the previous 3, mainly because karas(otoha) is absent.
The female karas(En) is shown though. Lots of nice backstory also
KARAS - 04 by Anime-Kraze
Oh hell yeah!
But you beat me to it :(
Hmm... Interesting development. Two most interesting things of course happened right at the end: Ekou proved a Karas doesn't need a Yurine in order to operate, yet on the other hand since he killed Otoha's Yurine, it also made room for the city to create yet another one. Seemed like a pretty bad decision in that sense. Although I guess he believes he has some ultimate weapon at his disposal so he's obviously not worried.
An awesome series.
Just started watching, pretty good stuff. Amazing animation.
just started? omg, most ppl here have been waiting 3 years for these last 3 eps.
Seeing as how this is the only anime forum I frequent, a lot of animes like this slip through the cracks without me noticing them. I also haven't lurked through the archives.
This was really worth the wait. Definitely one of the best OAVs I have seen (it rivals RK betrayal). The story was so-so, but the animation is definitely amazing.
I specifically loved the first episode due to its astounding animation and great direction of the fights.
I also enjoyed the "almost" kissing scene between Otoha and his Yurine. It gave a lot of humanity and emotion to their relationship, which was too mechanical before, at least for me.
Good amount of violence, always a plus.
Most epic anime ever, nr1 anime of all time. period
also, i also liked how the ending suggested more karas.
Here I was nonchalantly clicking the Tokyotosho bookmark, not expecting to find anything, in fact I wasn't anymore even sitting but was about to go get something to soothe my parched throat... But what did I know! It was no less than Karas #5 that was sitting there, as if nothing had happened.
Episode 5 - Ani-Kraze
Oh wow, what a BLOODY episode! To think that I watched this while eating my breakfast; lunch will definitely be skipped.
It was a little bit unbearable watching Otoha fight against the monster, especially towards the end where he was just being flung around. And the shards of glass to the eyes, OUCH! Details on this episode were amazing.
Yeah. In a sense Otoha's fight in his compromised human form was a really well thoughtout detail. It showed he was certainly a badass human, but nothing more than a human in the end. The scene where he tried to defend against the fireball was masterful in that sense. It kind of played with the traditional underdog hero moments but ended it with his pretty much total defeat instead of some miraclous powerup and recover.
Yurine's rebirth was also very intresting. It's also kind of nice how this series turns the traditional setting the other way around: Usually you have spirits of the nature that may or may not oppose the destructive human society but in this one the urban city actually creates such spirits and they defend that urban environment (and indeed like Yurine's looks show, they totally look like embodiments of some urban underground style, nothing even remotely representing nature).
I thought for a while the new Yurine was going to kiss Otoha... >_>
"NOOOOO" was what I said after watching episode 5.. I need to watch the battle NOW!
I thought Yurine was going to kiss him too. This is one of the best anime I've ever watched.
I got itchy and anxious to watch it after episode 4, so I just went and downloaded the raws. I'm happy :P
I think the Yurine "practically" kissed him, meaning that the emotion is there, just no actual need for the physical display between the two of them.
raws... tempting... I, too, loved the detail in this ep. Glass in eye was mad painful... and hard to watch a second time when you know it's coming. Eesh. Although, I found it ironic or hard to believe (take your pick) that Yoshiko wasn't further traumatized by the death of her father at the hands of that crazy monster.
Well CitadelofTheRaven has finished subbing ep 1-6, im waiting for their torrent ^^
Tokyotosho is showing a Dual Audio DVDRip of episodes 4-6 here. I've never heard of the group but how hard is it to rip a dvd... If you don't mind dubs or cooperate subs then you should be all set with this.
EDIT: Gotta love when the DVD Rips beat the fansubs out.
Citedel of the Raven Site
COR seems to be having some hosting issues but they have put episodes 4-6 on and links can be found on the site.
I'll stick to Ani-Kraze. Their subs are better than corporate subs any day but it's also better for consistency's sake. Now if only they would release reencodes of the first three episodes in h264...
Okay it was pretty freaking cool, but the climax just didn't feel as exciting as episode 05 was. And they let a lot of plot potential just fade away which was somewhat sad, but this was never really about the plot, it was about the message and the awesome scenery.
did you watch the part after the credits?..
Yeah, the way they did it made me think of it was a last glance at Eko's way of thinking being carried away by the city.
well watch it again, the scene is actually composed of 3 very important things.
I don't rate Karas' story high enough to go searching for subtle hints, if you want to tell me what you saw I'd be glad to know but I'm not going to stare at the last scene over and over looking for hidden messages.
Finally watched this anime after the 2 year wait. Overall a good anime if only for the animation.
the first episode was the best one....
I just found this:
Which ofcourse made me extremely happy :D, can't wait to buy that.
I hope somebody rips that and releases in 720p with A-Kraze's subs... Although seeing how A-Kraze subbed episodes 1-3 are only in avi format, it would be lots of work, making that hope nothing but a wish.