Enjoy. Amazing chapter
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Enjoy. Amazing chapter
sure didnt save me. dont bless you.
i changed my mind. you just ruined it for me, and it's not dling.
lol, well i dont know how much of a newcomer i am, ive been here for a year.
Gaara is like a combination of Ice man and Silver surfer now.
Thanks, Ayato.
Woah... that ninja spider totally humped that dude's face.
Hot shit.. Gaara threw down a lil bit.
now that's some sandbox playing.....
though i think his shovel and rake are a bit big....
wow that was gimp. if only i knew what just happened.
DLed for me! WOW! Gaara is extra badass, with all of that sand there you see why he is kazekage. Watching him I'm just imaging how good Naruto is with Kyuubi now...
Seems Naruto was talking about his training, and how his old clothes and head band got shredded.
The sneak attack didnt work becuse they realized that the bird dosent fly in the desert.
it sure looked like it was flying.
That was a great chapter, now if i only knew what they were saying!!! I'm so happy that we got to see Iruka -sensei!I'm not a Gaara fan but that was really wicked, I was surprised when he levitated on the sand.Didn't know you could do that.....You know who im looking forward to see, aside from the obvious ones(sasuke, neji,hinata,chouji..)Whatever happened to Shino, we haven't seen him since the chuunin selection exam. He was kinda kewl.
Narutochuushin has the manga posted as well.
1. scouter
2. face huggers (alien)
3. gaara can fly (we saw this before but i thought he was sitting on sand which was resting on top of the bone spikes)
4. i still think gaara is fucked. if akatsuki goes down that easy, they are a joke.
5. awesome
Welcome to the forums. Did Mut@t@'s topic in the Naruto forums prompt you to join? Well why don't you stop by the GotWoot Community. It uses your forum username and password. You'll definately wanna join this group. The Best Group In The Universe. Good day.
trans. udanraws.
Ambushing the sand
The sand castle... however, it is strong.
It's the home of the lord that swallows all.
1 2 3...
zn5L F
There are three sky guards...yeah
However, this village's artistic design isn't too shabby.
So destroying will make it worth it... yeah...
then sneak attack it is....
j`Sn jno
What the hell is this weird thing?!
There is no "weird thing"....
pfft, Stupid people can't comprehend art.... yeah
ugh ugh * being suffocated*
I'll physically teach you (lit I'll use the body to teach you)
Infiltration successful
ho- *being surprised
The "jinchuuriki"*power of human sacrifice* sure is useful
I'm surprised you figured out it was me... yeah
Sn k
In this dessert
No bird like that exists
heh... Seems like my sneaking in was a failure... yeah
That was really cool Mut@t@. You totally rock man. I thought I would have to wait for Inane....but that was really good. Hellraiser, I take it that you were talking to me since i was the last newbie to post. Since you seem all excited i think i 'll give it a try....after all it's supposed to be the Best group in the Universe...right!!!
Wow the atsuki really do suck. I can't wait to see what the oragami girl does anything to get out of her current situation. Kishimoto is going to have to pull something out of his ass if he's going to make the Atsuki live up to the all of the hype and build up.
I beat it's either a bushin of some sort or this will piss her off to no avail and she kicks it up a notch or the other guy is much stronger than her. Either way something cool will happen.
That's not his translation. That's from UDanStraight.Quote:
Originally posted by: guardiankepeer
That was really cool Mut@t@. You totally rock man. I thought I would have to wait for Inane....but that was really good. Hellraiser, I take it that you were talking to me since i was the last newbie to post. Since you seem all excited i think i 'll give it a try....after all it's supposed to be the Best group in the Universe...right!!!
yes, i gave credit.Quote:
Originally posted by: XTCBoY2K
That's not his translation. That's from UDanStraight.Quote:
Originally posted by: guardiankepeer
That was really cool Mut@t@. You totally rock man. I thought I would have to wait for Inane....but that was really good. Hellraiser, I take it that you were talking to me since i was the last newbie to post. Since you seem all excited i think i 'll give it a try....after all it's supposed to be the Best group in the Universe...right!!!
my bad ...but it was still kewl
hella sweet.....
although personally i dont think gaara should have been carrying a gourd around in a village made of sand
so true, but i have one question, where the hell no. 18, that guy (not sure that person is a guy or a girl so take it or leave it) was mention in the previous chapter. He can't lose that bad. However, either way, he lose an arm. hehe, go Gaara.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
hella sweet.....
although personally i dont think gaara should have been carrying a gourd around in a village made of sand
Man Gaara is really something.
I wonder who would have win in a fight "Gaara vs The Third"
I mean the Third was pretty awsome even though he was old and he took down the First and Second at the same time.
plz... the 3rd would've had gaara in his own desert coffin before gaara could go shakaku.
i'm waiting for Y to say that gaara can kill everyone. =(
in gaara's home turf.....the only people who stand a chance are people immune to the desert coffin.......such as kimimaro
i wouldn't be surprise if gaara won but something will come up. the guy is kazekage. to become a kage is pretty damn strong.
Ya granted he was cool...but lets not exagerate things and make him out to be the best . He maybe the kazekage but he's no Uzamaki naruto. I can't wait until he comes into action.
gaara is awesome so gaara is this strong then its safe to assume that our main characters are just as strong or stronger so we have at least 3 guys (naruto, sasuke and gaara) at a strength level enough to take down an akatsuki which is said to be the most dangerous ninjas in the world. sure gaara had the advantage of having sand eveywhere but he can create sand from dirt and shit in a forest(kimimaro fight) so i dont think his strength in another place is reduced to much. gaara for once seems calm, very calm. hmm cant wait for inane.
Yup. He might just have used a paper kawamiri.. : )Quote:
Originally posted by: dragon608608
so true, but i have one question, where the hell no. 18, that guy (not sure that person is a guy or a girl so take it or leave it) was mention in the previous chapter. He can't lose that bad. However, either way, he lose an arm. hehe, go Gaara.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
hella sweet.....
although personally i dont think gaara should have been carrying a gourd around in a village made of sand
hmm something like that i dont think gaara got him, now that i think about it isnt ninjas supposed to see underneath the underneath or something like that? i guess he is just testing out gaaras abilities.
She'll probably just regenerate her arm or something along those lines. Even if she does get hurt, the other akatsuki guy will do something and capture or force Gaara to come with them. Otherwise what would be the point of this whole fight except for watching Gaara fight?
Yesh I can't believe one of the most dangerous ninjas in the world throws oragami birds as her main method of attack. I really hope she does something else or at the very least huntch back guy comes ot the rescue with something awesome.
this fight could just be to show off gaara's power, didnt he look awesome tho when he just raised both his arms and all the sand behind him rose up that was priceless.
I don't think Gaara would win, there is no point to his victory.
It's one of his defenses, remember? Holding sand close to him incase of a super-emergency...Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
hella sweet.....
although personally i dont think gaara should have been carrying a gourd around in a village made of sand
I doubt that Gaara has won already, or even damaged her/him.
Let's hope she's not going to activate some stupid transformation like the Sound Four. I hate those silly Curse Seal L2 monsters.Quote:
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
I can't wait to see what the oragami girl does anything to get out of her current situation.
Yeah it pretty clear that Gaara wont win even do he has improved alot since last time.
I like the calm Gaara much better than the crazy Gaara.
His black outfti look so good.
hmmm... birdeye has a scouter. should have just searched out gaara by his extremely large power level. heh heh. anyways im convinced now that birdeye is a guy. in a lot of those sceenes he seemed more masculine. i think origami paper bombs rock harder then most of the abilities we've seen so far. sure it seems weak, but im sure that you dont get in the akatsuki by giving people paper cuts. anyways, gaara may have the upper hand, but birdeye hasnt use "number 18" yet. also, sasori must be stronger, so if push comes to shove, he will bail birdeye out. however, i dont think either side will win the fight. it will probally end in a stale mate. it is much to early in the morning for killing kages and akatsuki members. the akatsuki will probally realize that they may be underestimating their targets, and waited a little too long to make thier move.
on another subject, gaara is fucking badass. i used the hate the guy, and starting trailing the gaara bandwagon after playing a bit of naruto gekitou ninja taisen 3, but now after seeing this chapter, i finally jumped on. gaara is now my number 3 (trailing after neji and birdeye... poor naruto, getting knocked down 2 places in my heart within two weeks) all of gaaras moves seem a little more shukakuish., not to mention the zipper on his selve is just plain stylish (gotta find a shirt like that). it seems that gaara has complete control over his youma. i can only imagine what naruto must be like now. in the past with the exception of naruto vs neji, we have only seen narutos truths strength imerge in his rage. i cant wait to see a controled full kyubi mode.... oh yes... and I WANT TO SEE NEJI NOW! what new moves has he learned to move him up to jounin so quickly... i must see.
Just think about it in a different way:
Maybe her arm was smashed, but they got Gaara out of the city! Who knows, what comes next aka what their "catching" technique will really be like?
great chapter. bootleg ino was gettin whooped
Maybe the oragmi girl will throw out several smaller origami animals and they'll all form together to create a giant oragami bot just like voltron! Probably not but it would be fun to see.
you dont need to hold sand close to you in an environment covered in sandQuote:
Originally posted by: Uberbaka
It's one of his defenses, remember? Holding sand close to him incase of a super-emergency...Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
hella sweet.....
although personally i dont think gaara should have been carrying a gourd around in a village made of sand
I doubt that Gaara has won already, or even damaged her/him.
I think the arm is going t be a oragami arm and she can just reform it or something.
This guys are supposed to be the strongest out there so I dont think this thing is finish by a longshot
i know that she wouldnt be killed off too soon, of course.....
but it would be nice if gaara's desert coffin actually did something useful outside of the chuunin exam
like maybe she'll only have 1 arm for the rest of the series
CRAP. JUST...whoa. Check out how the sand looks. It seems that Gaara finaly has control over Shukaku!
That sounds the most reasonable out of it. I mean it seems all Akatsuki members have bloodline limits or some sacred weapon.Quote:
Originally posted by: nests
I think the arm is going t be a oragami arm and she can just reform it or something.
This guys are supposed to be the strongest out there so I dont think this thing is finish by a longshot
reasonable? yes, logical? no, I dont see how it can be an oragami arm, when you could see blood when Gaara did his "dessert coffin" (unless the bloodline limit, works that way as well).Quote:
Originally posted by: Prof. Chaos
That sounds the most reasonable out of it. I mean it seems all Akatsuki members have bloodline limits or some sacred weapon.Quote:
Originally posted by: nests
I think the arm is going t be a oragami arm and she can just reform it or something.
This guys are supposed to be the strongest out there so I dont think this thing is finish by a longshot
Oh well there are too many questions inside of other questions at this time to say anything, so i'm not going to argue if anyone feels like disagreeing with me.
First off, it's always good to see Naruto eating Ramen with Iruka-sensei. I bet the Ichiraku's business went down signifigantly while Naruto was gone.
Moving on, Thank god Kishimoto has finally turned Gaara cool. I never liked the whiney, crazy crap Gaara was doing before. Maybe I'm just odd, but I can't stand it when someone acts like they're the only one with serious problems. The calm Gaara is a great improvement.
ha! looks like gaara is going to get screw in the next few chapters.
whoever uses flashy move first loses in the end. well gaara just wasted an entire chapter doing huge amount of sand manipulation... so yea its pretty much over for gaara.
That akatsuki chick better be using a kage bunshin or something.
No fucking way Gaara should be able to even touch any of them, let alone hurt them.
If Gaara wins against her and the other akatsuki person has to step in im going to be pissed. Either way, Gaara has to loose this fight or else it will be pointless.
shes using origami bunshin
Lets not forget about that other guy waiting out side the city gate that gara has to deal with as well.
Yes, it looks like he may be sort of like a slug so maybe if he does the desert coffin he could just melt and reform or something.
At this point I pretty expect anything since they the all have to have unique techniques
It's turned into who ever has the best bloodline limit or biggest demon inside them.
For the love of god he is a kage so dont underestimate him so much. It isnt little gara any more hes bigger and more badass.
I also think that were not going to have a decisive winner in this fight . Though her arm was crushed with the desert coffin jutsu, like someone said I think she can regenerate using origami. She was probably just testing how strong he is. Probably they have the same fate in stored for him as they do for naruto.Since both have a monster insde them.
That is right and it takes a lot to become one and got does seem to have the upper hand here becuase of all the sand aroundQuote:
Originally posted by: kyubisrage
For the love of god he is a kage so dont underestimate him so much. It isnt little gara any more hes bigger and more badass.
O.o HEY! kishimoto is taking that idea off the other ninja anime! flame of recca! There was this guy who uses origami as a weapon in there too. aw well no matters
Im wondering where is the brother when u need him! the older brother suppose to help the younger one! even if the younger is 90000000000x more powerful than u... (actucally i just wanna see a Puppet vs paper fight)
I think Garra is still suffering from insonmia since he still got huge ass black bags around his eyes. but i think that's perminant because of his Lack of sleep when he was younger. OR he was born with black rings so no matters.
i think its just that gaara would look incredibly stupid without them since he doesnt have any eyebrows.
gaara is certainly badass!!! much stronger
i'm not sure which way this is going to go, but you would expect gaare to lose or be a draw.
but as there are two akatsuki members, i think gaara will lose.
Damn cool episode. Looks like he isn't Kazekage without a reason, and he's Naruto's age.
He's a little special. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] IMO, Gaara's probably invincible in his homeland, he can use the entire enviroment to his advantage.
He's Gaara, that's reason enough. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: StoopiderDamn cool episode. Looks like he isn't Kazekage without a reason, and he's Naruto's age.
This is why Gaara is one of my favorits.. And i do think it was that easy for Gaara.. When they are at his turf he seems almost unbeatable.. But maybe Akatsuki have a special jutsu that is made to beat sand-based powers/jutsus..
Like in everything else Sand and Sand-power are usally weak against water and water based powers.. Maybe the same goes here..
That's about it. Gaara will take one down, and be captured after that.Quote:
Originally posted by: kAi
gaara is certainly badass!!! much stronger
i'm not sure which way this is going to go, but you would expect gaare to lose or be a draw.
but as there are two akatsuki members, i think gaara will lose.
Of course, this happens while Naruto travels to the sand for his chuunin exams. Once he's there, he rescues him. *w00h00*
Great chapter. Thruth to be told, I wasn't so excited about Gaara's fight.. 'cause I'm a Naruto fangirl and wanted to see him, but it was enough the Ramen scene.
Gaara's fight was too pretty not to like, too. No stupid talking, just attacking - and Gaara's battle clothes (or the non-Kazekage clothing, whatever) are pretty neat. He really has learned to control the sand... but its been too easy for him so far. They can't kill an Akatsuki member in the fifth chapter!! They're suppossed to be the strongest/among the strongest people around, even if fighting against the Kazekage they should put up more of a fight.
But I guess the battle isn't over by far.
Mmmh, given that Shusaku is said to be the One-Tail and Naruto's fox is the Nine-Tails, you reckon there'll be nine people with demons within themselves, or at least nine demons the Akatsuki is aiming for? Perhaps they already have the Two-Tails or the Three-Tails and so on... it'll be a _long_ manga if it was like that.
i wanna see some crazy stuff like naruto and gaara fusing together with their youma....hahhahahaha
Wow that would be really really dumb if naruto fused together with Garra. Oh god all of the newbs are going to restart the whole naruto vs. DBZ argument again.
While I don't think it would be smart to see them fuse together I would like to see them fight side by side. Now that would be cool. Can't you imagine it both naruto and Garra are pined down from all sides then they both whip out their youma's and start kicking ass back to back. Probably won't happen though.
inane is out - but only on IRC for now i think. go get it if you know how. /s /j #mangareaders
well. I thought the chapter was awesome. Gaara, the once crying little boy, is now a tremendous force against even an Akatsuki. I dont know why everyone is underestimating Gaara. Just because he is young? or was once a genin? He is now - wat? - 14 years old? Didnt Itachi become ANBU captain at 13? I think Gaara now is extremely powerful (seeing how he is kage) and should be able to put up a fight against one akatsuki.
gaara 14? more like 15-16.
Originally posted by: originalkrn
inane is out - but only on IRC for now i think. go get it if you know how. /s /j #mangareaders
well. I thought the chapter was awesome. Gaara, the once crying little boy, is now a tremendous force against even an Akatsuki. I dont know why everyone is underestimating Gaara. Just because he is young? or was once a genin? He is now - wat? - 14 years old? Didnt Itachi become ANBU captain at 13? I think Gaara now is extremely powerful (seeing how he is kage) and should be able to put up a fight against one akatsuki.
It would be humiliating if a kage cannot even at least fight an akatsuki member to a draw. I'm expecting either the guy with his arm injured to be a clone/kawamiri, or that the other akatsuki member will come bail him out to go back and heal himself.
In 1 of the kishimoto's Fanbook things.. he said that Some characters in part 2 will have their outfit drawn similar to the Kennau reeves movie "The matrix". If no one notices it.. Garra is wearing a trench coat.
wow, i guess it's gaara's kickass month...
in the manga he's kicking the shit out of the akatsuki and in the anime he's snapping kimimaru's bones...
Gaara's fan-o-metar must be going wild!
and in the same time, the akatsuki's baddassness is going downhill...
so much build up, and in the end, they've got nothing so far, not even enough to make gaata use the armor of sand, even lee has done better...
other than that, i hope Naruto also improved at least as much, and maybe managed to learn how to fight with style..
oh, and the last panel in the 10th page is really necromancer-like, don't ya think?
the translations out on naruto fan
it was a good chapter but i wanted to see more of naruto. Im looking forward to seeing him fight again.
Here's the Inane chapter for those that don't have it yet.
Naruto Chapter 248
Edit: The Narutofan servers down for reboot right now so you'll have to wait awhile.
Its back now by the way. downloading it just nowQuote:
Originally posted by: Hellraiser
Here's the Inane chapter for those that don't have it yet.
Edit: The Narutofan servers down for reboot right now so you'll have to wait awhile.
Gaara has been my favorite character since his introduction to the series.
Even though he is now Kazekage and very strong, I don't believe that he alone could beat an Akatsuki member if they are truly as strong as we had been led to believe. However, going back to 247, it would appear that the person whom Gaara is fighting (her name escapes me atm) is only an apprentice to the real big bad guy that she was with. So it would be reasonable for Gaara to easily defeat an apprentice, but I would expect him to be in trouble when the other guy steps in. Perhaps then, enter the leaf and things really take off from there.
well not all of the akatsuki would be super strong like itachi, i mean look at kisame, hed be an easy beat for someone who is a proper kaze.
I'm sure a kage can beat Kisame in a fair fight, but "easy beat" seem to be too extreme. We haven't even really seen Kisame fight yet, so it's not fair to say he's gonna by thrashed by Garra or any other kages. He's a S level wanted criminal after all.Quote:
Originally posted by: basey_69
well not all of the akatsuki would be super strong like itachi, i mean look at kisame, hed be an easy beat for someone who is a proper kaze.
Guys !!!!! It would not be the end of the world if the akatsuki girl got beaten by Gaara, after all he is the kazekage.That means something. Last i checked the third faired pretty well against Orochimaru, which was an ex akatsuki member. So for a Kage to beat her, would not be the end of the world. And yes, I know what your probably saying. Gaara is not exactly the Third, but he must have powered up greatly in order to have become the kazekage.
Again...... Stop saying gara is weak. He is a KAGE!!!! You should expect him to be able to beat the members. IF it was itachi or somone i would say that is it easy. But gara is in his homeland so stop underestimating him.
He is kage because his father was it before him, and sand is a country with few outstanding shinobis and among them Gaara just happens to be the best.
Pretty well? The third in his prime would have beaten Orochimaru. It was his old age and lack of stamina that ultimately made him gave up.Quote:
Originally posted by: guardiankepeer
Guys !!!!! It would not be the end of the world if the akatsuki girl got beaten by Gaara, after all he is the kazekage.That means something. Last i checked the third faired pretty well against Orochimaru, which was an ex akatsuki member. So for a Kage to beat her, would not be the end of the world. And yes, I know what your probably saying. Gaara is not exactly the Third, but he must have powered up greatly in order to have become the kazekage.
just fyi, Orochimaru was the one to kill the last Kazekage (without any damage to himself) and the 3rd was known as the strongest ninja ever
the title of Kage is very little indication of how strong someone is, and not that they're the strongest in the village either (at least in terms of the Leaf as Oro was considered to be the strongest but Yodaime was picked)
that being said, yes Kages are strong but they are not unbeatable (back to Kazekage being killed easily by Orochimaru without raising any suspicion)
i wouldnt compare Gaara to the 3rd
Akatsuki are really not the end all of the shinobi food chain, so stop pretending they are invincible.
1) As previously stated, Orochimaru was once one, and the Third would have obliterated him in his prime (and though his arms were sealed to his credit, Tsunade kicked his ass too).
2) Itachi and Sharkface we're nearly owned by Jiraya, and they both said this. (Though it is also true that Itachi said if his eyes had gone to the 'sun' position, it would have been the other way around.)
3) Gaara was strong before and is obivously stronger than he was now (being sane and all, well, sane-er)
4) Naruto and bunch are obviously going to fight them as well when they go after Kyuubi, and do you honestly think Naruto is going to lose to them and lose Kyuubi? (The show is still called Naruto last time I checked, oh wait, maybe it isn't, I haven't checked in the last two chapters. Nope, still is.)
5) Akatsuki are just really strong clanless ninjas. Probably Sannin class abilities. Maybe I missed the thread where it was declared that the Akatsuki can never be killed because of their overwhelming badass-edness, but they are part of the story line and they're gonna be defeated sometime.
So get your nose out of their ass and realize that some of them are probably going to lose. Do I think all of them will be defeated in a few chapters? No. Some of them probably won't even be hurt. But some will, and some will be killed. Will Gaara lose his fight? Unless someone else shows up, I honestly don't think so.
Gaara almost fought evenly with Kimimaro, and though he said he would have lost, there's two things to remember from that fight. Gaara was 'strongest shield' and Kimimaro was 'strongest spear (or something like that)' They were completly unmatched (and Kishimoto made a point of it). I still think Kimimaro was the strongest character in the series, and Gaara's only grown since then.
Being a Kage has nothing to do with it, he's on home turf and much stronger than before.
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
Gaara almost fought evenly with Kimimaro, and though he said he would have lost, there's two things to remember from that fight. Gaara was 'strongest shield' and Kimimaro was 'strongest spear (or something like that)' They were completly unmatched (and Kishimoto made a point of it). I still think Kimimaro was the strongest character in the series, and Gaara's only grown since then.
Kimimaru lost cos he was running out of time. He had a critical illness and was fueled on spirit and will power alone to even stand up. Plus near the end of the battle in the manga, he spit out blood and says "I'm running out of time" . If Kimi was fit and well, he woulda ended Gaara eventually. I do believe Kimi was a strong character but since he did no jutsu's during the battle, I would say he was the strongest close combat fighter in Naruto.
As for Gaara being Kazekage, that sure did take me by suprise in the last chapter. Plus he looks bad ass now. He's always has been my fave jutsu character even tho my forum name is Konohamaru, lol.
Fave Jutsu Character = Gaara
Fave Fighter = Neji
Overall = Shikamaru
Thnx for summing it up Ryllharu I was gettign tired of all those akatsuki-lovers.The only thing that i disagreed with you is the fact that Kimimaro was the strongest. I certainly think that Naruto could have taken him ,had he tapped into the fox demons powers even more, like the sasuke match.On the other hand, to give some credit to kimimaro, he was dieing after all. But I still think Uzumaki Naruto is the most badass character in the manga.
couldnt have said it better myselfQuote:
Originally posted by: Konohamaru
Fave Jutsu Character = Gaara
Fave Fighter = Neji
Overall = Shikamaru
except for neji
i hope he stopped training after a month and became a McDonalds junkie, stupid neji
finally someone that dislikes neji, the whole hyuuga clan go hang themselves for all i care. gaara wounded the akatsuki guy big deal now stop crying.
EDIT: wow that sounded weird, i fixed it....
I agree that Gaara appears to be much more in control of Shukaku, but lest we forget, if it ever came down to it, his ultimate technique is using Shukaku against his enemy. If it came to that, do you really think that he'll be able to control Shukaku then?
He's been able to control it before. Why should it be any different now?
He's never been able to control it. Gaara falls asleep when Shukaku is out.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
He's been able to control it before. Why should it be any different now?
no. If garaa falls asleep then he will lose control of shukaku. but they said he never sleeps, that is why his eyes are like that. and remember he forced himself to sleep using a jutsu when he was fighting naruto.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
He's never been able to control it. Gaara falls asleep when Shukaku is out.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
He's been able to control it before. Why should it be any different now?
You're just bad at the English language. However, it's understandable seeing as you are a foreigner.
Look here:
seds question of "do you really think that he'll be able to control Shukakau then?" implies that he is questioning Gaara's ability to control Shukaku once Shukaku is fully out. We know this is true because seds refers using Shukaku as the ultimate technique and Shukaku only comes out completely when Gaara is deep asleep.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
He's been able to control it before. Why should it be any different now?Quote:
Originally posted by: seds
I agree that Gaara appears to be much more in control of Shukaku, but lest we forget, if it ever came down to it, his ultimate technique is using Shukaku against his enemy. If it came to that, do you really think that he'll be able to control Shukaku then?
Now, you are responding to seds question in regards to the original question with the intended meaning as stated above. But unfortunately, your inability to comprehend such easy wording has made you think otherwise. In order for your response to be in any relevance of what seds said, he'd have to change his post and ask this question: "Would Gaara be able to keep Shukaku from coming out completely?"
Only then will your answer might be correct. Deblas, you are one step behind.
EDIT: I could be completely wrong about what seds really intended to say but probably not. Only way I'll be wrong is if seds tells me that I am incorrect, which would suck.
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
You're just bad at the English language. However, it's understandable seeing as you are a foreigner.
Look here:
seds question of "do you really think that he'll be able to control Shukakau then?" implies that he is questioning Gaara's ability to control Shukaku once Shukaku is fully out. We know this is true because seds refers using Shukaku as the ultimate technique and Shukaku only comes out completely when Gaara is deep asleep.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
He's been able to control it before. Why should it be any different now?Quote:
Originally posted by: seds
I agree that Gaara appears to be much more in control of Shukaku, but lest we forget, if it ever came down to it, his ultimate technique is using Shukaku against his enemy. If it came to that, do you really think that he'll be able to control Shukaku then?
Now, you are responding to seds question in regards to the original question with the intended meaning as stated above. But unfortunately, your inability to comprehend such easy wording has made you think otherwise. In order for your response to be in any relevance of what seds said, he'd have to change his post and ask this question: "Would Gaara be able to keep Shukaku from coming out completely?"
Only then will your answer might be correct. Deblas, you are one step behind.
EDIT: I could be completely wrong about what seds really intended to say but probably not. Only way I'll be wrong is if seds tells me that I am incorrect, which would suck.
your anwer makes no sense. He is saying if he will be able to control the shukaku the obviously he can as long as he is awake. If hes not then he can't control it. period. what don't you understand? And now you have doubts of what you just said? You better start thinking before flaming someone.
Shukaku is a demon living inside of Gaara. He's not an attack. If Gaara is able to surpress Shukaku, he is in control. If Gaara wants Shukaku to be in control, Gaara falls asleep. Ultimately, Gaara is in control of the demon living inside of him. He uses its power and surpresses it from overcoming him.
Paging seds: hurry and clear this shit up please.
Oh, BTW, I'm not doubting what I said. I'm doubting people's ability to write what they really want to say and their ability to comprehend what they read.
Captain Grammar is soooooo right.!!!! What was sed thinking when he phrased the question?
Remember Gaara can create any part of Shukaku, such as just maybe his arms, and stay perfectly in control.