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Great chapter. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Sakura scares me...
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Great chapter. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Sakura scares me...
True. Especially her black leather gloves... *rrrrrrr*
And the added intelligence fits Naruto well.
Overall, nice chapter.
Damn, that's some cheap stuff there Naruto.
I like it!
246 is also up at narutofan now
I was lmao at the end of the chapter.
I wonder what the Shikamaru thing is about next chapter.
Good stuff. What a surprise it is that Sakura would go super-strong!)
(nice gloves btw)
Finally she would be useful.. She's now very 'monk' -ish.. Wearing her powergloves Punching people.. And has healing to boot.
Quite funny the way Naruto got the bells. Although it was rather pleasent way of getting it. I would be dissapointed if he had to pull of a new jutsu just to do it.
When Sakura did that ground pounding move I suddenly start to get very scared.
But, heh.. Naruto defeating Kakashi with a spoiler was great.
Naruto defeating Kakashi through battle had been lame, since Kakashi is, well, Kakashi... Kakashi defeating Naruto through battle had been lame too, because then Naruto's growth wouldn't really have made a difference.
This kind of victory is the only I could really accept, given Naruto's current development level...
That was a good and funny chapter though, Sakura might be better than Tsunade in that strength stuff but that was a good chapter, but the next chaper will be "The Sign of Darkness" which = Sasuke! finally!
Just wondering since 246 came out before friday doest it mean we can see 247 sooner than next friday....
Just wait until the weekend before you go looking for releases and you'll probably end up a lot happier each week! =)
I liked this chapter too, throwing stars and ground rupturing usually makes for cool pictures.
yea good chapter some funny moments and dont expect chapters earlier than say saturday, or youäll just end up dissapointed and be one of thsoe losers posting "where's this weeks chapter"
The raws are usally out by like thursday friday and the trasnlations surface like saturday.
i loved the look of shock on naruto's and kakashi's face when sakura punched the ground...a good chapter with lots of humor...
How so unexpected Sakura to be just like Tsunade, who would have guessed? And it was funny just seeing the looks on their faces.
Good chapter indeed. I can't wait to see how everyone else advanced with regards to skill.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Sasuke and Neji. Especially Neji though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. I think we all wanna see what he's learned from Hinata's father as 2 years passed.Quote:
Originally posted by: animemaster
Good chapter indeed. I can't wait to see how everyone else advanced with regards to skill.
Hinata would be just as useless. Don't know about Ino. Probably become a superspy or a ghost.
Can't wait to see Rock Lee, Neji, Shino, Chouji and Shika. By now, they would be full fledged ninja's with many missions on their shoulders.
i can see everyone else getting better (obviously) but definitely not as much as naruto or sakura. i can see losers like hinata, chouji, kiba, tenten, ino, shino, etc. getting stronger but there would be no doubt in my mind that sakura alone could take any of them on. but cool people like lee, shika, and neji would be vastly superior than those other loser genins.
sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time
I really liked this chapter. It had da funnies and when sakura displayed her strength I was like whoa(Joey Ruso style). The look on Kakashi's face was classic and the way Naruto used Kage Bushin was bad ass. I liked the way they got the bells from Kakashi to show how much Naruto uses his head now. I new Naruto was gonna get Kakashi with the "A ninja must look underneath the uhderneath."
I think I liked this chapter. It wasn't the best chapter we've seen so far, but it was as good as it could have been with its premise. Being the rabid Shikamaru fan that I am, I can't wait to see the next chapter.
I'm having a litte trouble understanding you. I think you're asking in what volume one can find chapter twenty-four. If that's what you are asking I have the answer. Chapter twenty-four can be found in volume three. I believe you can find it by clicking Here.. I hope that helped. I'm sorry if I've misunderstood you.Quote:
Originally posted by: dragon608608
sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time
i want to know if sasuke has become really evil yet. other than that i really want to see what shika, neji, lee and gaara can do.
Actually what I think he meant was: which chapter has the extra folder that has the colourized version of the cover of 24. You know how Inane do "extra" folders that have colour versions of front pages? That's my take on it anyway.Quote:
Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
I'm having a litte trouble understanding you. I think you're asking in what volume one can find chapter twenty-four. If that's what you are asking I have the answer. Chapter twenty-four can be found in volume three. I believe you can find it by clicking Here.. I hope that helped. I'm sorry if I've misunderstood you.Quote:
Originally posted by: dragon608608
sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time
i think sasuke has basically the same kind of attitude as he did before, wants the power to kill his brother, but i think he will be harsher a little more evil but i don't think he will be as evil as orochimaru, only when someone comes in the way of his goals.
also he is needing to make his escape soon, or how ever he gets outta orochimaru's grasp.
i really want to see the other ninja's at this point, it seems we will see at least shikamaru in 247, and hopefully some others.
Basically I can see Naruto taking the classic storyline of many older manga:
1. Buddies grow up together
2. One of the buddies turn bad while the main buddy remains good
3. Bad buddy strives to defeat good buddy
4. Good buddy hesitant to beat bad buddy
5. New evil stronger than 2 buddies comes along
6. Buddies become good friends again and defeats new evil
7. Friends forever, blah blah
Sounds familiar?
Shulato anyone?
never heard of shulato, but that sounds like what could happen in naruto
Man I can't wait to see Gaara. Hes gonna be super badass. I can def see him fighting one of the members of Akatsuki by himself.
How funny would it be if we found out the Sasuke had succesfully killed his brother of the course of the time jump.
Something tells me that were at the point where Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are about to out pace all of the other Genin in terms of skill and developement. Now there finally going to start to become legendary figures.
Damn they are the strongest gennins ever probably
sakura should be a chuunin by now.......
she's been in the village for 2.5 years, which means that about 5 chuunin exams took place since the 1st one they were in. I can understand naruto still being genin since he was gone, but she has NO excuse
I wonder if there's a rule for those who wish to take the chuunin exam but no longer have a 3 man cell, since one of the rules for entry was that one's entire team needed to participate. Temporary teams?Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
sakura should be a chuunin by now.......
she's been in the village for 2.5 years, which means that about 5 chuunin exams took place since the 1st one they were in. I can understand naruto still being genin since he was gone, but she has NO excuse
I think most of the Genins have already proven themselves worthy of being a Genin in terms of skills and powers, for eg. Neji who has been called the Genius of the Hyuga clan and Rock Lee who's able to open 5 of the 8 gates. But although their powers have surpassed those of a regular Chunin, most of them failed the Chunin exams except for Shikamaru, who although was defeated managed to get promoted due to his talent in tactics and planning.
Thus, it is safe to assume that promotions do not come based on only skill and power factor.
Eg. Back in the Chunin exams, if Naruto were to go against a Chunin, maybe Iruka, who do u think will win?
Question then: Do all ninjas need to clear the exams before he can be promoted to the next rank? Or do they get automatic promotions based on powers/seniority/other attributes?
If they have to pass the exams it would be quite redundant for any of them to take it again as Naruto and Sakura being the students of 2 Sannins should have already reached at least Chunin level by now...
u are correct, that what i ask, but do u know what chapter is that?Quote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Actually what I think he meant was: which chapter has the extra folder that has the colourized version of the cover of 24. You know how Inane do "extra" folders that have colour versions of front pages? That's my take on it anyway.Quote:
Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
I'm having a litte trouble understanding you. I think you're asking in what volume one can find chapter twenty-four. If that's what you are asking I have the answer. Chapter twenty-four can be found in volume three. I believe you can find it by clicking Here.. I hope that helped. I'm sorry if I've misunderstood you.Quote:
Originally posted by: dragon608608
sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time
Its not about their level of power... Its all about the teamwork.Quote:
I think most of the Genins have already proven themselves worthy of being a Genin in terms of skills and powers, for eg. Neji who has been called the Genius of the Hyuga clan and Rock Lee who's able to open 5 of the 8 gates. But although their powers have surpassed those of a regular Chunin, most of them failed the Chunin exams except for Shikamaru, who although was defeated managed to get promoted due to his talent in tactics and planning.
Thus, it is safe to assume that promotions do not come based on only skill and power factor.
Eg. Back in the Chunin exams, if Naruto were to go against a Chunin, maybe Iruka, who do u think will win?
Question then: Do all ninjas need to clear the exams before he can be promoted to the next rank? Or do they get automatic promotions based on powers/seniority/other attributes?
However, I think the whole scope of the story has stepped away from the rank of them, since ranks are only determined by what missions you are chosen for, and probaby works in terms of the pay structure. However, Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto are now their own 3 man team. Kakashi is probably team leader, but the fact they're a team, and Kakashi isn't a babysitter anymore is a good sign of their acknowledgement of power.
Though the point of the whole bell capturing exercise again was to see if Naruto and Sakura could work together as a team (original purpose of that test). I think Kakashi did that to see if they would be able to function as a team, and not just be independantly strong, if that makes any sense.
Ultimately, they still didn't really prove teamwork, they displayed individual strength.... again... Though the tactics used to lower Kakashi's guard was effective, and pretty damn funny, how was that representative of teamwork (aside from the discussion to arrive at that solution =P). In that respect, the episode didn't really show how much they've grown, we just kind of assume alot of individual growth.
Long story short, its all about their teamwork.
Since its 2 and a half years later.
Lets take a guess which gennin would have made it to chunnin by now.
i vote neji.
Shouldnt they all be chunnins right now? Maybe those who were sent after Sasuke got promoted after the mission.
finally naruto gets good enough to post about again!
as for the chuunin thing, you have to take the exam to get promoted (with naruto out of town it means hes probably still a genin while everyone else might have had a shot at the exam)
also i dont think its a bad thing if naruto is still a genin, i mean Kabuto is a genin and look how strong he is.
besides, naruto isnt really a leader per say - regardless of how strong you are you need to be able to set up a plan from the very beginning (i know people might say that naruto has analytical skills from how he decided to take the bells of Kakashi, but that was far into the battle)
by the way, for some reason i cant upload my avatar? anyone know what the problem is there (yeah its 60x60 and lower then 100kb)
Actually they would probably be Jounins now cause Kakashi said they would be equals. Who needs a test? It's probably lost significance now that they have grown so much. It was more to be able to command a group of Gennins.
Originally posted by: Prof. Chaos
Actually they would probably be Jounins now cause Kakashi said they would be equals. Who needs a test? It's probably lost significance now that they have grown so much. It was more to be able to command a group of Gennins.
Maybe a higher rank meant higher monthy pay and year end bonuses coupled with annual ninja benefits [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I think they might go through an evaluation or something, do i dont think a formal test will be needed... the Hokage has the power and final say on the matter doesnt she?
whoa, wtf are YOU doing here, bud?
manga reader he is now.
i'm thinking there missions will be the main evaluation i think there sensei's words would count to see if they should become higher and keep doing the higher missions.
because i don't think there is going to be another chuunin exam. well not an arc based on one.
Well I said fuck it for waiting... since the anime cought up to where I had initially stopped reading the manga...Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
whoa, wtf are YOU doing here, bud?
So know im caught up... and reading other shit that kai has been so generous of recommending O_o
After watching the anime section I really think Shika was a special circumstance Chuunin promotion.
With the invasion and the exam canceled, no one should have been promoted. SInce Shika stood out so much he was an exception to the cancelation and promoted to chuunin. Just my 2 cents anyway...
I really think the Chuunin exam is pointless. We all talk about how its suppose to help display leadership and teamwork skills but thats garbage. Look at all the bad chuunin's we've seen over the course of Naruto. IMO getting to the final exam = You are a Chuunin. The only thing is that the only exam we saw was not formally completed.
I wouldn't be surprised if everyone with a passion to be a nInja was a chuunin at this point. Sakura, Neji, Lee, Kiba, and Shino should all be Chuunins at this point. Naruto will likely be given the rank by the 5th through some manner I bet and wont have to formally take the exam.
Anyway, I was hesitant on a time jump at first but kishmoto has done a good job with it thus far... perhaps the short 2 year jump was to give the anime tonnes of "filler potential" or something along those lines.
I'm pretty sure that Shizune is also one of the special cases....
I really don't know for how long she has been traveling with Tsunade... but I think that she began before she became a juunin or a chuunin for that matter...
Still she's considered good enough to handle juunin class missions...
I may be totally off... but whatever...
I think the rank system exists only in the various ninja villages as a form of classification of work and missions.Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
I'm pretty sure that Shizune is also one of the special cases....
I really don't know for how long she has been traveling with Tsunade... but I think that she began before she became a juunin or a chuunin for that matter...
Still she's considered good enough to handle juunin class missions...
I may be totally off... but whatever...
Since Shizune wasn't in Konoha village or any other village for that matter, rank didn't matter to her. But of course, she is a jounin-level ninja dedicated to the protection of Tsunade
Yup.. And it's to promote and display their young ninja's. LIke in the finals. Like the 3rd (god bless his soul [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]) says.Quote:
Originally posted by: Psyke
I think the rank system exists only in the various ninja villages as a form of classification of work and missions.
Without a three-man team, I don't think there's a reason to take the chuunin exams... I mean, chuunin is more about team-work and tactics than raw power - that's why Shikamaru passed while Naruto, Neji, Sasuke and Gaara failed. Besides, her time would be better used studying with Tsunade day and night rather than staying with some other team for an entire week inside the Forest of Death.
Actually, I think the two of them might be better than some jounin by now - Kakashi is special, lets not forget that. For a "normal" man to have better sense of smell than Kiba you know he's special on his own right, Sharingan aside. So normal rules don't completely apply to him. Of course, I don't think we'll be seeing Naruto fighting Random Konoha Jounin #3 just for the sake of it...
I wonder if the people at Konoha still hate Naruto so much. It'd make for a nice angst!scene, if needed.
does anyone remember how old tsunade was when she left the village? because shizune was dan's sister, so if he was in his 20s when he died, then she shouldve been at least naruto's age.....she mightve been able to go up a few ranks before they left. Besides, back in those days, there were a shortage of ninjas during the great wars and so they didnt waste time with examinations for establishing rank.
If people like kabuto were expected to take the chuunin exam 7 times, then I can't see why sakura would get any special treatment.
yes, psyke, its only for establishing the level of missions and leadership abilties, but this means that naruto and sakura shouldnt be able to take any A or B rank missions if they're still genin (and that's where the fun stuff happens). Besides, if Naruto plans to be hokage, he has to climb those ranks eventually.
Winged dancer, yeah its true you need 3 people......but im under the imression that teams get split up ALL the time as a result of the exams, since the 3rd exam isolates the team members. They probably end up mixing teams up a bit.....maybe sakura joined up with ino and chouji for example?
Don't think they follow the rules as as strictly as you say. Even Shikamaru can lead a team of Genins on an A rank mission. I know they were low on resources but it only proves that anything goes and the Hokage can make any decisions based on his/her judgement even if bypassing the rules of Jounin -> A rank missions, etc. The Hokage sends people out on missions and decides who goes, remember?Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
yes, psyke, its only for establishing the level of missions and leadership abilties, but this means that naruto and sakura shouldnt be able to take any A or B rank missions if they're still genin (and that's where the fun stuff happens). Besides, if Naruto plans to be hokage, he has to climb those ranks eventually.
As for Naruto climbing the ranks I believe if he eventually gets strong enough to protect the village, he can use take over the role of the Hokage without having to go through any of the promotional examinations.
And was Dan Shizune's brother? I missed that part, can anyone else confirm?
Well, just because it was said in the beginning of the serial doesn't mean that it's set in stone, especially because there is a new Hokage leading Konoha. Out of common sense a genin or group of genin wouldn't be sent on an A rank mission because they'd all die.
Hokages appear to be chosen in the way Tsunade was, by the town elders (that group of old folks that asked Jiraya to be Hokage before he suggested Tsunade instead). We can assume that if Naruto was to be chosen that way, he wouldn't necessarily have to be any specific rank first.
At this point in the story, I don't think rank matters at all anymore. Most of the main characters have already transcended the normal order of how Konoha fuctioned. To be honest, I'd be suprised if they ever mentioned rank seriously again. Or if they do another Chuunin exam, it may be like the 2nd Hunter exam in HxH (where it was completely over in one or two chapters)
go read or watch the part where tsunade and orochimaru meet, asking to fix orochimaru's arms.Quote:
And was Dan Shizune's brother? I missed that part, can anyone else confirm?
Will do that later when I get home. Though if I remember correctly, he was just talking about how Tsunade lost her lover Dan and I don't remember him saying, or even implying, that Shizu is Dan's sister.Quote:
Originally posted by: kAi
go read or watch the part where tsunade and orochimaru meet, asking to fix orochimaru's arms.Quote:
And was Dan Shizune's brother? I missed that part, can anyone else confirm?
But by now I think rank has little to do with anything now that 2 years have passed. They are all probably Chuunin by now and some Jounin. The exam was more to determin who had the qualifications to become a leader of a group of Genins.
er.....actually i think shizune referred to dan as her which case she would be his sister's daughter.......
im confused now
Dan is Shizune's uncle, yes.
what if everyone else sucked. it doesn't mean there has to be at least a chuunin. hokage could fail them all if they were all sakuras.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mgslee
IMO getting to the final exam = You are a Chuunin.
I don't think Naruto and Sakura are jounin level yet. Chuunin, sure, but definitely not a jounin - I can't see them beating any jounin in a "fair" fight, they simply are not that good yet.
However, with that said, it is quite possible that they are ANBU material now...
Ok, I believe that since naruto and sakura have been training under the "Legindary Sanin" and what not that two and a half years of rigorous training would definitely put them up to at least equivalent to a high chuunin level shinobi. As for actual rand I dont think one should speculate that. For all we know there were radical reforms affectection the Konoha's villige structure ( Though I kind of doubt it.) . Im not an expert or anything of the sort on the manga.. I have only read from where the TV series is right now till present.. (( I was very bored last night)) anyway to end my ramblings I kinda saw the dynamic of Naruto Sasuke and Sakura mimicing the Sanin and so far it seems to be serving true. Yeah rambling time to shut up..I look foward to seeing the plot develop from here.
im not talking about skill talking about formal rank -_-
kiba, chouji, ino, hinata, shino, lee, neji, and tenten wont have "being trained by a sannin" as an excuse to miss their chuunin exams, at least....
Dan is Granny Tsunade's lil brother. So i guess in a way he is older than shizune.
dan would be like 40 or something, he died as a gennin so >10 but tsunade was like max 20 so ig tsunade is 50 now dan is 40 somehting, which would make him quiet old
Wasnt Dan the name of her boyfriend not her brother....
Cause if he was, then Shizu would be Tsunade's niece.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Wasnt Dan the name of her boyfriend not her brother....
Yes Dan was Tsunade's boyfriend.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Wasnt Dan the name of her boyfriend not her brother....
Can't recall her little brother's name though.
Dan is definatly Tsunades Boyfriend who died and NOT her little brother.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Wasnt Dan the name of her boyfriend not her brother....
isn't the little shit's name iwaki or something...
it would be good if naruto became anbu, but i don't think that will be happening anytime soon.
tsunade's lil bro's name is nawaki.
anyways since i just popped in hi all hows it goin.
just my thoughts on the chapter..
well went by a lil to fast, just as i suspected, kishi only showed us what sakura had, not alot of it but only hers, the fact that he made naruto think for once was suprising, so we did get very lil not much.
over all kinda campy way to do the chapter.
great cheapter i look forward to next week.
Most likely they've already taken the exams during the 2 year + jump. I wonder whether the jounins which were teaching them are still their mentors. But I can't really see Gai teaching Neji anymore, as Neji needs to expand on his skills which are of course from the Hyuga clan.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
im not talking about skill talking about formal rank -_-
kiba, chouji, ino, hinata, shino, lee, neji, and tenten wont have "being trained by a sannin" as an excuse to miss their chuunin exams, at least....
Anyone remember Hanabi? I wanna see her soon as I believe she will one day take on Neji!
that fire cracker aint got anything on neji. i think neji who learned the kaiten and the 64 hand of hakke all by himself will be the strongest hyuuga in not so long. seeing as hinata father is already quite old a neji is young. wow first time i actually said anyhting good about neji..... as for the others i think lee will be very strong by now and shikamaru should have some more all round skill.
It would be a suprise if finaly Lee could shine for once.....
Im looking forward to seeing Lee,Neji,Hinata and Shino, how they look now and how good they are...
Who knows maybe shikimaru is a jounin or at the very least an anbu squad commander. I wonder if he'll tell naruto that the village is in a grave situation with multiple enemies pressing on all sides.
Ya know for everyone saying that Sakura and Naruto cant have completed the chuunin exam without a 3 man team I dont ever remember hearing that the exam takes place in the fire country every 6 months. It would make sense for the location to change to another country where the rules could be very different.
the exam changes countries yes but its still for 3 man genin teams and i guess that rule still applies.
I wonder where the totally useless academy students are now.. Who has made genin and such
EDIT: Any thoughts?
Hopefully, excepting Konohamaru, completely eliminated from the entire series.
Meh, we'll see Konohamaru's team sooner or later...
Anyway, maybe we'll see a bit of the genin this week. Seems that at least Shikamaru is completely guaranteed, but it'd be nice to see the others...
And Sasuke. Where the hell is he?? I'm not his no.1 fan or anything but I'm curious as to how much eyeliner he wears nowadays! And his eye-shade color, too. I wonder if he uses Orochimaru-purple or maybe he decided dark red would go with his Sharingan better?
I'll be interested to see how many belts he's wearing and how much fishnet he's rocking. Painted toenails is almost a guarantee and there's a decent chance we'll see lipstick too.Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
And Sasuke. Where the hell is he?? I'm not his no.1 fan or anything but I'm curious as to how much eyeliner he wears nowadays! And his eye-shade color, too. I wonder if he uses Orochimaru-purple or maybe he decided dark red would go with his Sharingan better?
well, why don't we just take a look at terra's picture.
k, enough terra bashing.
Sasukes gonna be so pimped out I can't wait. But If hes wearing that purple belt I'm gonna be pissed. His hair is def gonna be a lot longer.
Longer? if its longer then its going to get even longer longer in the cursed seal lvl 2 which may result in an afro.. and he cant have that
EDIT: WTF It said it didnt send =/.. ::rips firefox a new one.::
DONT DOBLE POST. Thank you. And no it won't be and afro it would be a longer version of what we have seen.
You forgot to quote the sentence earlier where I said "Look at all the bad chuunin's we've seen over the course of Naruto" And you know what, I dont think Sakura is half bad at being a NInja compared to the other Nin's we've seen over the series (look at the utter useless ANBU, which should be better the Chuunin) and some of the other Chuunin's we've seen...Quote:
Originally posted by: jing
what if everyone else sucked. it doesn't mean there has to be at least a chuunin. hokage could fail them all if they were all sakuras.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mgslee
IMO getting to the final exam = You are a Chuunin.
But yeah at this point in the series, rank doesnt seem to matter much at all and I dont think it means much at all to Naruto at this point. I wouldnt be surprised if he just wanted to protect the village and not neccessarily have to be Hokage to do it. People to change alot in 2 years when they are young...
someone mentioned before that Naruto and Sakura were jounin level, i wouldnt say they were that strong - maybe weak jounins at that, since Kakashi was able to beat them back each time they attacked him and was going to win 2v1 even with all their new found jutsus and skills
umm maybe you didnt read it properly or osmething they didnt use any new jutsus sakura showed of a super punch but thats it. we shouldnt comment on their strength level for now lets just wait and see.
Yeah and Kakashi had to pull out the Sharingan to fight them. Naruto used tactics for like the first time.
Not really. Naruto is just rash, but he has used tactics for almost all of his major fights, including Zabuza, Neji, etc.Quote:
Originally posted by: Prof. Chaos
Yeah and Kakashi had to pull out the Sharingan to fight them. Naruto used tactics for like the first time.
kakashi said himself that he needed the sharingan remember when he said when it took to much chakra but he said he could fight til sunset. if he didnt need to why did he use it? yea naruto used tactics for all of his battles exept maybe the gaara battle and sasuke battle but it was done in a sloppy way now he did it smoother and for the first time narutos fighting look good not like he was a halfdrunk idiot.
Yeah all his battles he comes out with tatics at the end where as he started this fight not his typical fashion.