Anyone watching this anime? Naisho-Fansubs has released 2 episodes so far. Wasn't too impressed with the first episode till the end, but thought the second episode got interesting. Hoping they will have Mikan find out her Alice ability pretty quick.
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Anyone watching this anime? Naisho-Fansubs has released 2 episodes so far. Wasn't too impressed with the first episode till the end, but thought the second episode got interesting. Hoping they will have Mikan find out her Alice ability pretty quick.
yeah im watching it...
it reminds me of Kodocha which is far superior....
i think it's cute
any one here still watching this?
this series is awesome.. only 5 episodes subbed so far...
and as i said... i also recommend getting Kodocha... 48 episodes subbed
I enjoyed the first 4 eps, it confirmed the obvious about her Alice, but I don't know if I have the bandwidth to keep watching it.
Watching 3rd graders get physically abused in an animated fashion is hilarious. Whoever plays Mikan is hilarious.
well the episodes are released so far a part that bandwith shouldnt be a problem... 1 episode every couple of months is not that bad...
episode 5 has the funniest invention yet, hint... it is a gun
yeah, that invention was quite funny, and also the whole 'no star' thing....though i wish she had a different far not that impressed by it..hopefully she develops it more .
there's probably more to it than they realize... i dont think that it is simply a nullification alice... i think it will develop into something more powerful, hence why they are being catious...
Yeah, I do think that there is more to it, since the one teacher said he planned on giving her no stars from the beginning because of her Alice and what not, so hopefully they will elaborate on that later on and have Mikan develop it more.
i heard it gets darker after episode 10 or so... which is a good thing....
Okay, I watched eps 5, and it got me addicted again.
that's good if it's going to get darker, then i'm assuming the story will probably get more interesting as well.
nice, im glad to see people are watchin this... ive been trying to push people to watch it since i thought i was the only one watching...
but you guys should get kodocha also...
T_T Kodocha was great..just that I never got to finish it way back when I was watching it. Think I only got to around episode 39 then it was liscenced, and yeah, more people should try Gakuen Alice, is an interesting show and worth the try ^_^.
you know #kodocha @ are still doing it right?
they should have 40-48 on bots
didn't know of that channel... didn't know of irc back when i was watching kodocha, guess I will have to check that out.
what is it about? im looking for new anime to watch and that sounds interesting.
Basically about a young girl who is really attached to her best friend, but her friend ends up going to a special school far away, she decides to visit it and learns that the school is for people who have "Alice' (basically special skills, such as illusions, fire, telekinesis, creating things) A teacher lets Miakan (main character) get into the school and she has to find out what her Alice is, deal with the other people in the school that bully her, stuff like that. It's an interesting show.
sounds kind of a comedy. I'll try it out
i m watching this anime too.. ^_^ 5 finally came out..
yeah, Deblas, it does have comedy
well I saw the first episode and its pretty good. downloading the second eps. right now. by the way. what grade is the girl in?
3rd grade in elementary school if I'm not mistaken. She's 8 or 9 years old.
Man. those kids are really rough!
I agree, a lot of the kids in there are really mean to Mikan, and seems teachers will/do to because of her Alice
I don't get why? Her alice is pretty cool
From what one of the teachers mentioned, it seemed as it they might consider it a threat, or something along those lines.
Mikan's alice could be used by enemies of Japan to stop any of the other alices. If the academy exists to safeguard the people with alices from being kidnapped, Mikan's is probably the most dangerous, no one with an alice could defend themselves from her.
From the preview of the next eps, I'm amazed that the teachers are considering her alice useless, considering how much damage she could cause.
Well, Episode 6 has finally been released by naisho. Ohh the irony of the title [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. Anyway, Its a good episode. Episode 6
Hi!! , i have been looking for gakuen alice but I have only found 7 episodes.
where can i find more episodes ( with eng sub ) ???
Episode 6 was cute, I enjoyed it.
But were did you see episode 7 TW only has up to 6 so far.
and the group is naisho btw... not TW
sorry my bad , i ment six episodes
Episode 8 is up for download
fucked up moment of the series:
"Sensei... can I sleep with you?"
Finally... episode 11
Anyone still watching?
Episode 12 out!
I'm still watching, just to find out what the hell is so special about Mikan.
After episode 12, it's finally getting darker... the story is getting a bit more serious, but still with lots of goofy moments that makes this series good...
just watched up 12, and i hope like you said bud that it gets a bit darker or serious. Not that i don't like the goofy moments or anything, but the story could use a little boost, i think.
Episode 13 is out
Finally some more Gakuen Alice...
Episode 14:
Last episode was very good, I hope this one is even better... Anyone still watching this?
And we're left with another cliffhanger.
Well, time to wait another 1-2 months.
Yeah, another cliffhanger... The episode was pretty good though... fairly funny too... Looks like we might see some action in the next episode, can't wait...
And yeah, time to wait another couple of months.
15 is out now! They are on a roll...
Nice...I've been waiting for this...
I wished Hotaru had gotten more screen time during this last couple of episodes; nevertheless the episodes were great....I was happy for Mikan the end.
Yeah, I was waiting for Hotaru to get on her flying duck and go to where Reo was and kick his ass... Good episodes nonetheless.
I can only assume that person was Mikan's mother. We also have to guess that Mikan inherited her Alice from her mother. So far her Alice seems pretty benign, excepting that people really can't hurt her with their own.
Why then, are so many of the teachers and people in this other organization so afraid of Mikan?
Yeah, i think she is Mikan's mother also...
And if you remeber a while a go... Mikan's special class teacher time traveled and saw who I would think it's this person we are talking about, and she was female and carrying a baby.