Chapter 238 Discussion
have fun people
yahoo look naruto is gonna get the fourth hokage's kind of hair cut, everyone is training and yay more akatsuki[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
SPOILERS END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 238 RAW
omfg that chapter looks amazing, I can't wait for a translation
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Kudos for the raw.
Yeesh. Lot going on in this chapter. The Genin keep getting better. But god damnit, Chouji is fat again.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Wow, whats with having these thing earlier lately? I don't complain, but...
Anyway, it seems that three months have gone by since last chapter. Everybody is out of the hospital and doing well, Sakura is working hard and seemingly is now able to bring a dead fish back to life, Shino seems to be very interested in the mission that the others went to, and Neji talks way more respectfully and nicely to Hinata... it also seems that Neji is being trained by Hiashi (or Hizashi, can't remember) and Hinata went to see Naruto at the hospital.
Lee is doing better and scold Gai when he wanted to rest, saying that "Youth is waiting for us!!", Gai replies that soon, he might not have such youth anymore.
Oh yeah, Akatsuki seems a little worried that Orochimaru has obtained a sharingan, but Itachi seems to think there's no problem and that they can just kill him if it becomes bad enough.
Sasuke has joined Orochimaru but is in a bad mood, Kabuto scolds him for being disrespectful to Orochimaru but Sasuke glares at him and Kabuto realizes that there's some different chakra around him.
So Naruto's leaving, and according to the little letters at the end of the chapter, the "Kakashi Gaiden" is about to start, "Gaiden" meaning "side-story", or "other story"... so maybe we'll have a few Kakashi-based chapters before the tiiiiime jump, hopefully they'll explain his past.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
yes it would so rock if they showed some of kakashi's past, i love this chapter kishimoto is gonna take this manga to great heigths i'm sure of it
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
i wonder if the person on the cover was naruto or the 4th?
i want new chapter everyday dammit
Chapter 238 RAW
BRILLAINT!! this chapter is great, thnx for the little sypnosis (is that even right) there WD.
hmmm cant wait for a full translation. see all the dialogue.
hmmm akatsuki afraid of orochimaru having a sharingan, heh. well itachi is the best sharingan user anyway.
a kakashi side story, this could be great we should get to see kakashi's past, which is what i want to know.
damn why cant it be 2 chapters a week. and this is nice and early also.
and thnx to DeluxSkillz for the link.
i would say its yondaime there is no whisker marks.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
i looked again and the front page person is the 4th not naruto he doesn't have the whisker he does look like naruto a hell of a lot he just has to be related to naruto
Chapter 238 RAW
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
lol mut. well too bad
anyway how many akatsuki members can you guys spot. i got 5.including itachi and kisame, but i dunno if that other member we saw is there though.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
damn i don't think you should be drunk at work.
anyways great chapter, im suprised though i figured kishimoto was releasing more chapters to get ahead of the anime series wasn't that what hte hole filler saga was...
but i dunno maybe the kakashi story is just a few chapters i wouldn't mind.
can't wait to see every one grown up in 3 years...
and how come naruto is just leavin now didn't winged dancer say its been three months.
Chapter 238 RAW
well they were prob just getting everything organised, well he is leaving now anyway.he might have been taining and such, as all of them are out of hospital now, and the sand trio are leaving also. and temari and shikamaru....
yeah a few chapters of kakashi i dont really care as long as we get to know more about him. yeah three years away is going to be cool. seeing every one a little more grown up, then when naruto gets back, and they see him then....oooooh cant wait!!
and i also like how orochimaru gives the eye!
EDIT FOR BELOW: there is no way orochimaru would kill sasuke he wants his body. not him dead
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
yah 5 akatsuki members
i saw kisame, itachi. some big dude,two other dude i ain't seen before, venus fly trap guy wasn't there so we have kinda seen 6 members of the akatsuki...
uh as for sasuke bein rude you can already tell that orochimaru is gonna kill him or sasuke will kill orochimaru..
i doubt oro will train him but dunno, as long as sasuke gets stronger i don't mind.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
who was the last guy in the last page? and what does he say? he had cool eyes.. great chapter... will we get new chapter this friday or do we have to wait 1 whole week?
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
i believe that is itachi, its just the quality of the image isn't that great, so its hard to see if it is, but it prolly itachi.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Originally posted by: fremeer
i wonder if the person on the cover was naruto or the 4th?
i want new chapter everyday dammit
thouhgt it was clear that it was 4th.....
oh well seems awesome everyone training and it seems like theres something gong on between shikamaru and temari [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] sakura actually being able to do something and a bunch of akatsuki ppl. this is going to be awesome i cant wait for the kakashi gaiden thing. btw why did the chapter get released this quickly? will he do 2 chapters a week? that would be kickass.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
no they won't do two chapters,
he is simply releasing chapters sooner, i don't know why but there most definatly won't be a chapter on friday, i hope im wrong.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
nope i guess some people get the shonen jump earlier then it is supposed to be released, it''s obvious kishimoto doesn't do a chapter a week that's just how they release i think he prolly is 10 chapters ahead already
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
i don't know. but to me, it more like Naruto at the front page. Why? if i remember correctly, The fourth 's uniform is little bit different than the uniforn in the front. plus, i kinda wonder his smile is little bit Naruto-ism. i mean it look so happy compare to the serious-business like expression at the fourth. i not sure. maybe i am a morron.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
ok its obviously THE FOURTH, its NOT naruto, the whisker marks arn't there.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
wowow!!! this chapter is hot.... hyuuga leader vs most potential hyuuga ahahaha... OOOOOOOOOO reviving dead fishys! thats actucally mad cool for people who wanna eat fresh fish... buy a dead fish for mad cheap money. then revive it then kill it again. boom ULTRA FRESH FISH though thats animal cruelity
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
age 01
Chapter 238: Time to Set Off!
cap: That unparalleled strength. That carefree smile. With him as their target, everybody sets off on their journeys.
page 02
cap: Burned up with hatred, breathing in darkness... Sasuke journeys towards a battle with no end!
orochimaru: Kuku... Sasuke-kun,
you are my chosen one.
sasuke: Say what you want...
Give me power now!
kabuto: Even though he's in a different form,
that's the real Orochimaru-sama standing before you.
If you don't want to die, you'd better watch your words a little.
*think* What... what was that?
His Chakra calibre...
orochimaru: *think* Aah...
My future lies within the body of this child...
page 04
sakura: Hah!
tsunade: ...
sakura: Uwah!
tsunade: *think* Just three months into her training and she's at this stage...
This girl's got talent I haven't seen since Shizune...
We'll stop here for this morning.
page 06
kiba: It's not everyday I see you come along together with me for a walk...
Is it because we're going to meet up with Kurenai-sensei later anyway?
shino: Sometimes we should have a leisurely chat or two. This is what they call teamwork.
I want to hear more about what happened...
...on that mission you guys went to.
kiba: Woah! It was an awesome mission!
...but you won't understand by just hearing me talk about it.
*think* I won't let Akamaru suffer like that anymore.
To do that, I'll train my Jutsus like crazy from now on...
page 07
shino: No. You will tell me about it.
If you must ask why, of course, it is because that's what they call teamwork.
kiba: ...
Are you...
...just pissed that you were the only one who got left out?
shino: ...
neji: Hai! Hai!
*think* There must be room for me to go further...
Until I reach that level...
page 08
hinata: Ex...excuse me...
The tea is ready...
father: Neji, let's rest a bit.
neji: Hinata-sama.
hina: !
page 09
neji: I heard Naruto is going to leave the village for his training today.
Are you sure you don't want to go see him off?
hinata: ...
It...It's okay...
kiba: Wha? You don't know?
Hinata already went to see Naruto off!
neji: ...!
kiba: When she saw him surrounded by his luggage,
she was like, woah, almost couldn't catch her breath...
...and because she felt embarrassed about that, she didn't dare show her face at all.
hinata: Ki...Kiba-kun...
page 10
ino: I thought you actually looked pretty lean and good when you were discharged...
You sure know how to rebound back to your original size, huh?
asuma: If you have such a huge appetite, I guess it's safe to assume that you're not feeling bad anywhere?
chouji: You're going to train me immediately after I finish eating all of these,
page 11
ino: Wait!!
Are you stupid?!
You just recovered! Stop trying to act tough!
asuma: ...
lee: Hoacha!
gai: My Lee... shall we rest for a while...
lee: What's wrong, Gai-sensei?!
Youth waits for no man!
Hai! Hai!
gai: Owowow...
Though I'm almost reaching the age of un-youth already...
page 12
shikamaru: See ya all... Have a safe journey back or something.
kankuro: Yeah...
temari: We'll come help again if anything happens.
Say that properly again at that time, little crybaby!
shikamaru: You talk too much.
This is why women are really so...
page 13
tsunade: *think* As long as this large tree known as the Hidden Leaf, which all of you have built and maintained, is entrusted to me...
No matter what danger this village faces, the duty of protecting and rearing the little Leaves falls to me.
Being Hokage sure is tough...
page 14
iruka: I see...
It looks like you'll be off for quite a while, then.
naruto: Yeah!
jiraiyah: Time to set off, Naruto!
naruto: OSSU!
Then, I'm going off now, Iruka-sensei!
This ramen's on you - it's some promotion reward for me!
iruka: ...Jeez.
page 15
iruka: *think* Do your best...
naruto: !
Watch me...
page 17
jiraiyah: What are you doing! Let's go, Naruto!
naruto: Okay!
hinata: *think* I... I must work harder too!
figure1: Fufu... to think we'd be meeting altogether like this again...
The last time this happened was seven years ago... when Orochimaru left the organisation...
page 18
flytrap: That Orochimaru has gotten the Sharingan...
figure2: Itachi... is it your younger brother...
cap: "Orochimaru's ambition"... as well as "Akatsuki's motive"!
itachi: ...
upsidedown: No need to worry, yup.
One day we will kill Orochimaru, yup.
On the other hand we only have three years...
If we all gang up, I suppose our success rate is high, yup?
page 19
cap: Everything moves towards that time, three years later!
leader?: That's right... our motive...
...is to acquire that "Kyuubi"... as well as everything else!
next: There will be a rest for the next issue. From Issue 52 onwards, "Kakashi's Gaiden (sidestory)" will commence!
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
The person who translated that was myth720 from that link that narutofan gave u. ahahahaha
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
oh well someone did it''s not like he is gonna die if i don't credit him and most people know i can't read a word of japenese so i was definately not the translator
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
If I'm reading that translation right... right now Akatsuki is concerned about Orochimaru being a threat, and so their reason for not acting on Naruto for three years is to try and ensure Orochimaru won't be able to transfer bodies... interesting...
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
this is taken out of itachi's mouth
"No need to worry, yup.
One day we will kill Orochimaru, yup.
On the other hand we only have three years...
If we all gang up, I suppose our success rate is high, yup?"
well this is very interesting is it not.?
and also orochimaru has been out of the akatsuki for 7yrs. damn thats a long time. i didnt think it would be so long.
and also thnx for the trans.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
yahoo, in your face, those who thing the front page is the fourth. i told you that Naruto. Thank Delux
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
it is the forth look at page 15-16.
and then read this
cap: That unparalleled strength. That carefree smile. With him as their target, everybody sets off on their journeys.
it is saying that the 4th is narutos target. and maybe everyone elses.
Chapter 238 RAW
Aw, and I has just finished my translation. Ah well.
BTW, its OBVIOUSLY the Fourth. The whiskers aren't there, the hairdo is different... its just not Naruto.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
yeah man it IS the fourth. Narutard has whiskers...
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Originally posted by: kAi
this is taken out of itachi's mouth
"No need to worry, yup.
One day we will kill Orochimaru, yup.
On the other hand we only have three years...
If we all gang up, I suppose our success rate is high, yup?"
well this is very interesting is it not.?
and also orochimaru has been out of the akatsuki for 7yrs. damn thats a long time. i didnt think it would be so long.
and also thnx for the trans.
if that is taken from itachi's mouth.....
then kishimoto ruined itachi
for one thing, he would NOT say "yup"
and he also wouldnt say "if we all gang up, i suppose our success rate is high"
it was prolly from some unknown akatsuki member
Chapter 238 RAW
Yeah you know exactly, yup.
wingdancer, you could still post up ur translations! don't let ur hard work go to waste, it might be even better than the one on top, yup.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Did anyone else notice that gigantic akatsuki member standing behind kisame? and why would itachi be hanging upside down if you look at it itachi is the one who goes "........" then the guy who is hanging speaks.
I just hope the Kakashi sidestories aren't the random missions he's currently being assigned to. Or maybe it'll be a present assignment, with flashbacks to his past, because of some parallel in atmosphere or something...we'll find out next week
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
ahh whoops it was said by the upside down guy.
anyway that sentence shows that the akatsuki arnt really that powerful.
dont get me wrong there powerful ninjas, they would range from the jounin - sannin - kage levels.
not another one.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
The one saying "Yup" wasn't Itachi, and whomever it was, I wouldn't have used "Yup", ever. Noone in Akatsuki talks in such a manner you could just add "Yup" to! Which makes me wonder, is there any possibility that there's a kunoichi (female ninja) in the Akatsuki? So far, I'd say no, there's not, but then again, we haven't seen the rest of the members... how many of them were at the last page? 4? 5?
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
there's 5 akatsuki guys in the last page
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Kakashi side story, eh? Maaaan.. I haven't been this pumped about a manga chapter for a loooong time.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
i just read on the less suprior site naruto fan that there won't be a chapter next week but rather the followin week, can this be confimed.
anyways more kisame is good,
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
well it says so at the bottom of the translation above.
next: There will be a rest for the next issue. From Issue 52 onwards, "Kakashi's Gaiden (sidestory)" will commence!
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
oh wow!! i cannot wait to see what happens. akatsukim they are just awesome. what's with sasuke having a different chakra??? and sakura..having talent..HAH..damn..
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
simply put sasukes chakra is different know that he has the 3rd doujutsu, he is somewhat more powerful, and in 3 years will prolly be on the same lvl as itachi, pffft doubt it. but he will prolly kill kabuto or something and gain the mangekyou sharingan.
uh as for sakura it was just a matter of ACTUALLY DOIN SOMETHIN FOR ONC, finally but this plot was kinda predictable, i hope after the kakashi saga there will be some scense of naruto and them training,and growing.
but i just want to see LOTS more kisame wanna see him kill a few ninja's. just totall massacure, akatsuki go out and just kill a bunch of random peoples.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
yeah well its to be expected that sakura is actually going to learn something,
well being under tsunade. at least she is doing something.
i just want naruto to leave already...
and wtf Tsunade is doing nothin and before she was swamped with work. what the hell happened!?
wow, big kisame fan, yeah it would be cool, to see the akatsuki just ripping into people. hope we should be able to see some..
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Can anyone tell me who the guy in the bottom of the last page was? his eye seem like a sharingan, but not sharingan, i don't see any dot at all, and his hair is too different to be itachi.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
because of the qaulity of the raw the image isn't very clear, but it is itachi, and his sharingan you just can't see his doujutsu's...
Chapter 238 RAW
Originally posted by: dragon608608
Can anyone tell me who the guy in the bottom of the last page was? his eye seem like a sharingan, but not sharingan, i don't see any dot at all, and his hair is too different to be itachi.
His name is Okama. He uses his special genjutsu eyeballs, the okamagan, to seduce young boys. He's an uber-powerful member of Akatsuki and the founding father of the Naruto-world equivalent of NAMBLA.
edit: Soon you'll see fanclubs to him on all the "major" Naruto forums. He'll be bigger than ANBU-Girl.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Haha Souryusen, I haven't laughed that hard from a forum post in a long time.
Awesome chapter, and thanks to the NarutoFan guy and Winged Dancer for translation and clarification, in that order. While I'm still -_- about the time jump shit, hopefully it'll be pulled off as smoothly as this utterly obvious chapter. While we all knew 99% of the subplots were gonna happen, it still tickled everyone's fancy. So... *fingers crossed*
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Are you gonna translate 238 sometimes, Winged? I hope you do. I can't really trust a translator that uses the word "yup" after each sentence for a certain character.
And, I hope there is a kunoichi in the Akatsuki. And that she is ultra fine.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Originally posted by: dragon608608
yahoo, in your face, those who thing the front page is the fourth. i told you that Naruto. Thank Delux
sorry but.. that is the fourth. and in my opinion that just strengthens the theory that 4th is narutos father he got the exact same smile but his own hairdue and clothes. anyway does that translation say that next week will be a no naruto week? if so then that sucks....
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Why do badguys always have to walk around in the dark? stupid.
Chapter 238 RAW
I have the translation, and in some parts it disagrees from the other one... should I post it or should we just wait for Inane's?
Anyway, I'm not too sure about the Kakashi thing. On one hand, we finally might get to know his past!! That'd be great. On the other hand, I really want the NARUTO storyline to continue. I want to see Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura's growth (both physically and in ability-level) and more regarding the Akatsuki.
The question to ask right now is, "How long will the Kakashi Gaiden last?". A few weeks? Two months? Half a year? I'm hoping for it to last a month or two, not more, truth to be told. And I'm hoping it'll really be his past, not just him doing random missions...
On the other hand, I guess this is kind of a way to say "Goodbye, Kakashi, we'll miss you!" now that everyone has their personal teacher.
Edit: I checked, and upside-down does end all of his sentences with "Yes". But I wont translate it as "yup", but as "yes" instead... shall we call him Gollum from now on?
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
yeah im leaning more to the side that it would be more about his past.
im thinking it will last for about 4-6 chapters i hope max.so 1-2 months.
badguy's dont wanna walk around in the day, they roam the streets at night, so its easier for there activity,
who wants to wake up early?
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Originally posted by: mage
Why do badguys always have to walk around in the dark? stupid.
Must of been one of the off-moments when the lightbulb suddenly went out.
RE: Chapter 238 RAW
Such an awesome chapter. People who said Sasuke wouldn't go to Orochimaru have now been proved wrong, but that was a pretty dumb theory anyway.
I wonder if we'll ever see the Sand trio again, or if they were only brought back temporarily for that small part.
I'm hoping that since last chapter Kakashi was shown visiting Obito's grave and actually mentioning his name, then this side-story might explain the past between the two of them. It would be dumb if all of a sudden we hear the word Obito then he's not mentioned in a Kakashi-specific story.
Chapter 238 Discussion
Here's my translation. There are some different things, but anyway, I guess Inane's the one to decide things...
Page 1
That incomparable strength. That careless smile. Aiming for the increasing heights, everybody starts a journey.
Page 2
Orochimaru Ku ku ku... Sasuke-kun... you are my chosen human...
Sasuke ...as if I cared. Just hurry it up and give me power.
Page 3
Kabuto Even if the shape looks different... the one in front of your eyes is Orochimaru-sama.
If you don't want to die, you should refrain your mouth a little.
(Sasuke glares)
Wh-what's this? This chakra's level is...
Orochimaru Aaah... my future exists... within this boy...
Page 4
Sakura Ha-!!
Page 5
Sakura Uwa-!!
(Fish sfx: Bish, bish, its alive!)
Tsunade Even though her apprenticeship has started just three months ago, to come this far...
...this girl... I havent seen such outstanding talent since Shizune...
Lets end it here today.
Sakura Y-yes!!
Page 6
Akamaru Woof! Woof!!
Kiba Its weird, eh? For you to actually call someone to take a walk with...
After this, why don't we meet with Kurenai-sensei at her place...?
Shino Every once in a while I like to have a good talk& this is also a matter of team work.
What happened at that mission... I'd like to hear about it.
Kiba &it was fantastic!! ...but ya wont get it just by listening, y'know...
I wont allow something like that to happen to Akamaru again... Ill be training my jutsu way more from now on...
Page 7
Shino No... I really want to hear completely about it. As to why, its because this is team work.
Kiba ... you... you are mad 'cause you got left here alone, ain't you?
Neji Ha-! Hai-!! Ha-!!
There must be a level above this...
...until I can see that...!
Page 8
Hinata Ah... Er, would you like some tea&?
Hiashi Neji... lets take some rest.
Neji Hinata-sama...
Page 9
Neji I heard that today Naruto is leaving the village on an apprenticeship trip. Are you fine with not seeing him off?
Hinata Y... yes...
Kiba Whaaaat, y'didn't know?
This Hinata, she went to visit Naruto at the hospital. Just seeing that guy all wrapped in bandages, she went and almost fainted... she's so embarrassed by that, she's got no face to meet him now! Hahahahahaahaha!!
Hinata Ki-kiba-kun...
Page 10
Ino Even though you looked pretty well with that weigh loss when you checked out of the hospital... you got quite a magnificent rebound, eh?
Asuma If you have this much appetite, I guess theres no use worrying about your body.
Chouji Once I'm done eating this, lets hurry up and go training, Asuma-sensei!
Page 11
Ino WAIT A MINUTE!! Are you stupid?? Don't forget you are still convalescent, idiot!!
Lee Hoacha--!! Too! Toeryaaa-!! (Lee makes the weirdest fighting noises, ever)
Gai Lee... lets take a little rest...
Lee Whats the matter, Gai-sensei?!
Youth will not wait for us!!
Hai-!! Haiya!!
Gai ...soon enough, "youth" will be a few years under me...
Page 12
Shikamaru Well.. take care on your journey back...
Temari If anything else happens, well come to save you... at that time, just say so, cry-baby-kun.
(Temari actually says "Nakimushi-kun", which means "Crying-beetle-kun", heheh)
Shikamaru Still talk too much... that's just women for you...
Page 13
Tsunade You all must have realized... this land called the Hidden Village of the Leaf, which was entrusted to you... whichever crisis befalls this village, the task of protecting and nurturing these little leafs in now my occupation...
...really, Hokage is just the problem, eh...
Page 14
Iruka I see... so it seems you'll be away for quite some time, eh...?
Naruto Yep!!
Jiraiya Naruto, we'll be leaving soon.
Naruto Yes!!
Then, Im leaving Iruka-sensei! We'll make counts on the ramen once I come back, fine?
Iruka ..jeez...
Page 15
Iruka Do your best... Naruto...
Naruto Just see me...!
Page 16 Nothing to translate here!
Page 17
Jiraiya What are you doin'? Lets go already, Naruto!
Hinata I, too... I have to do my best...
Page 18 Advise: It seems the Akatsuki members think its fun to speak in funny ways and with even funnier letters, so I'm not completely sure about the translation here.
???1 Fufu... it seems that with these, the reunion is all complete.
???2 Seven years... since Orochimaru left this organization... it has been that long, it seems.
Page 18
Big letters: "Orochimaru's Ambitions" and "Akatsuki's Goals"!
???3 That Orochimaru has just gotten a Sharingan...
???2 Itachi... would that be your brother?
Itachi ...
???4 There's no worries... yes, if needed, Orochimaru will be killed... yes, and before that, we have three years... if we work together, we'll achieve it... yes?
(Ok, this guy does end up his sentences with "yes". I'll call him Gollum from now on.)
Page 19
Big letters: In three more years, everything starts to move...!!
Letters at the bottom: First Division
Itachi (??) Yes... our organization's goal is to obtain the Kyuubi... afterwards, everything can be obtained!!
Next Number: Starting from number 52, Kakashi Gaiden starts!!
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
great translation wing. i liked it a bit more.
ass for the chapter really good im hopin that the kakashi saga is good. but maybe 3 or 4 chapters no more thne that.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
ooo nice joB! wingdancer, im more comfortable in reading yours.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Thanks, WD. Your translations are a lot easier to read.
Anyways, I still don't believe it would take a group effort to kill Oro. When that anonymous Akatsuki guy says "If we work together," I get the impression of them talking about their goal. Not killing Oro.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
whether or not your translation is better, it's always appreciated wing.. i just enjoy being awed at your level of japanese, at the very least.
and as for "Gollum".. "un" is yes, but it's also.. not the same "yes" as in english.. it's kind of like.. internal agreement with what's been said
Chapter 238 Discussion
"Un" is just another way to say yes... its rather informal and commonly used by women, but men use it a lot too. In this guy's case it was mostly a speaking style, such as er, Orochimaru using "kun" for little boys and Naruto saying "dattebayo" a lot.
I have some doubts regarding (Itachi's) the last line. It could be read as I wrote it;
"Yes... our organization's goal is to obtain the Kyuubi... afterwards, everything can be obtained!!"
But the kanji used are two in particular... "Rei" and "Fukumu"; if I translated literally, I think it'd be like:
"Yes... our organization's goal is to obtain, for example, the Kyuubi..."
"...to obtain, as in the example, the Kyuubi..."
"...setting an example, to obtain the Kyuubi..."
And so forth. The point is, the Akatsuki might be trying to get other demons besides the Kyuubi, and they plan on making it their first attempt only....
I wonder why the Akatsuki has chosen to wait for three years, though? I still think its stupid.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
wow that was a sweet assed chapter, and so much akatsuki, yay. any speculation on who the leader is or is it group run or something, itachi seems to command power in the group, maybe he has a higher akatsuki rank than the other? if they are ranked that is
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
thanks for the translation WD, always appreciated.
basey_69, itachi can kick anyone's ass. don't forget that.
Chapter 238 Discussion
Man the chapters just keep getting better and better. Neji is gonna be even more badass training under hiashi and even choji is looking forward to training. Sakura is improving rapidly reviving dead fish. Man If only she was around during those Captain Planet days with all those poor fish dead from polution.
Sasuke is still looking bad ass as usual with that evil glare towards kabuto. Kabuto is so gonna be playing maid for sasuke cooking eggs and grits for him lol. Those last couple of pages with the akatsuki members talking rocked.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Chapter 238 Discussion
theres a scanelation up at
EDIT: i've accdently put up a torrent link to a Gantz chapter, so look for the real link a few post below
it's the same raw file and the first posted translation, but it's still nice to read.
i'm quite impressed that the Akatsuki orgnazation didn't try to killl Asuma|Kakashi|Gai|Kuranai yet, seeing how pissed off Itachi was when he heard Kakashi just mentionning 'akatsuki'.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
awsome chapter! im i the only one that realized that ino is the only character thats doesnt seem like shes gonna do anything. i mean, hinata said she should try harder and it looks like tenten training with lee and gai. ino is just ... scolding chouji? seriously she has to right. choujis done his part for the leaf. what has she done lately?
anyways im excited about what will happen with all the characters in naruto now.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
for translated and edited chapter 238 ^^ read and enjoy
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
now franggio, what did i tell you about double posting? -_-
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
umm...that it's naughty and I'll prolly be spenked by someone whos more evil than the fangirls at a Yaoi site
dang...sorry sorry, just saw after I pressed reply that I didn't tell folks about the fact that it was a torrent [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
don't be harsh...
Chapter 238 Discussion
It looks like the Akatsuki got a replacement member for Orochimaru. I counted 9: 4 on page 18 and 5 on page 19 (the fifth one is hanging on the ceiling).
Also, one of the Akatsuki guys said that Orochimaru left the org. 7 years ago, but Itachi only left the org. like 5 years ago (Sasuke was 7 (same age Itachi was when he graduated from the academy) and now he is 12). So, either Itachi already was with the Akatsuki before he killed his family or it was a mistranlation when Orochimaru said he left the org. because of Itachi. This could also mean that Itachi is infact Orochimaru's replacement in the organization.
Chapter 238 Discussion
someone mentioned that the guy on the last page..his eyes...resemble kurenai's eyes. i thought that was very interesting. but i can't quite remember what kurenai's eyes look like but i'm too lazy to go check.
Chapter 238 Discussion
i think it was itachi, just a bad scan
Chapter 238 Discussion
For all we know, that person at the very end could be this mythical 3rd Uchiha we've heard so little about... that'd be interesting.
And who else thinks that Itachi will kill Orochimaru right before he steals Sasuke's body? That'd mind screw Sasuke a bit more, having Itachi save him XD We know Itachi wants Sasuke alive for a reason... so it could be possible.
Oh yes, Naruto said something about Iruka and a promotion... is he a Jounin now?!
Chapter 238 Discussion
Didn't Itachi or Kakashi say that there are 3 people now with the Sharingan eyes (not including Kakashi..)?
Perhaps that guy in the last panel with the Sharingan like eyes is another Uchiha? I dunno, it's probably just Itachi.
As for the Akatsuki guys..
In the back is a huge guy who we don't know.
Someone and Kisame are in front of him. The guy we met a few issues ago is hanging upside down.
Itachi is standing under him.
Also look at the guy with the weird eye's hair..it's more like Garra's not Itachi's. I don't think that is Itachi.
Chapter 238 Discussion
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
OH NOES!!!!11 I liek confusde tehm!!!111one OMG im liek so stupdi [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] : ( [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
No, really, I wasn't sure about who's father was who, so thanks for telling, I'll edit it now.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
theres a scanelation up at
it's the same raw file and the first posted translation, but it's still nice to read.
i'm quite impressed that the Akatsuki orgnazation didn't try to killl Asuma|Kakashi|Gai|Kuranai yet, seeing how pissed off Itachi was when he heard Kakashi just mentionning 'akatsuki'.
GANTZ lol....
2 weeks without naruto manga >.<
oh well....
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
hmm, I do not think that the person on the last page is Itachi, because he seems to have shorter hair
I know I know the hair thing again ^^ but I do not think it's Itachi, and about It-chan coming in to save Sasuke
naaah, more like he will kill Orochimaru and taunt sasuke further(if it ever comes to that)
And about Naruto's promotion, can't it be about him being a higher level of desciple now
and only that?? well we will surely find out after Kakashi Gaiden ^^
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
all i have to say is that this chapter was great.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
I have a quick question on the manga it says 3 years later? does that mean after the side story there gonna skip it to 3 years later, and let them grow? Also I saw the front chapter of the manga, and I think that narutos hair is gonna be like that or did the manga creators do that for fun?
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Try reading this thread, all your questions are either discussed or answered.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Originally posted by: Hatake Kakashi
The last guy on the page of 238 has Sharingan eyes...maybe Kakashi can secretly do two eyes, but just hasn't shown it yet. He's the leader of Akatsuki and his whole fight with Kisame and Itachi was just a set up to draw out Jiraiya and Naruto.
I dunno it's a long shot.
Chapter 238 Discussion
Originally posted by: Eurasian
someone mentioned that the guy on the last page..his eyes...resemble kurenai's eyes. i thought that was very interesting. but i can't quite remember what kurenai's eyes look like but i'm too lazy to go check.
I decided to post the pic of the guys eyes and Kurenai's:
Other guy
there is some similarity between the two, but I guess we wont know until they actually explain it
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
its still most probably itachi, coz the quality isnt that good.
Chapter 238 Discussion
I dunno.... the hair just doesn't seem like Itachi's and the eyes don't really seem to be Sharingan eyes......
but who knows.
Good specualations though.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
I don't think its Itachi, now that I see it up close... Itachi's eyes are, naturally, black. Completely black. Once he activates the sharingan, they become red with three black dots - I don't see the black dots anywhere there. And if he activates the Mangekyou Sharingan the three dots combine into a shuriken-like shape...
Whomever that guy was, his eyes just didn't look like Itachi's.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
oh yea i forgot that he has to activate his eyes, hehe im just so used to him having red eyes all the time but i guess thered be no reason for having sharingan on when he's in the cave.
which leaves the question, who is is? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Damn this episode was just awesome. In every sense of the word.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Thanks knives..for posting the pics. now i'm looking at them..they don't quite look the same.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
what about this theesis, the Akatsuki has allready collected several Youmas
and as Narutos eyes changes with the Kyuubis power so does theire ^^
So that last dude is a demon wielding badass [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
you kinda lost me midway thru. Are you saying that the akatsuki's power is related to the ninetails?
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
drcitan, i think you misunderstood Franggio. Nine tail is not the only Youmas out there, the one with Gaara for example. I think Franggio mean other demon than the Nine Tails. I also think you hit something Franggio, but if they do why the hell they have to gang up on Naruto. I mean the Youmas inside Naruto is not the strongest and Naruto isn't the strongest ninja yet, not to mention he is the morron, so if Akatsuki have other Youmas and superious ninja kill, one member should more than enough for Naruto. Even if you count the Ero Hermit, Itachi and one or two more members should be more than enough, which mean they only need 3 to 4 members team, but they have five or six of them assemble together for the mission. It just doesn't make sense, isn't it? Or perhap they want more than a Kyubi (base on you theory). Or it just another member of Akatsuki with another blood line or perhap another person with a different sharingan. But i don't think it Itachi because their hair style are just too different.
Chapter 238 Discussion
dragon608608 i think u did a mistake there...the kyuubi is infact the strongest of all the youma. Itachi also mentioned something about not needing to capture naruto at this time. Why they have to gang up? Of course to lower the failure rate, also with jiraiya as naruto's bodyguard, who knows what would happen. but did they even mention gangin up on naruto?
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
ZhanZhao, I think you should re-read the whole thing plus the information about kyubi and youma that you can find before reply my message. i read a lot information on web and the serious. it say kyubi is one of the mystical monters that control the ultimate charka. However, the serious doesn't say aneything about Kyubi is the strongest of all youma. However, on the website, i found information says that there are some other youma that stronger than Kyubi. Itachi say not need to capture Naruto at this time because (i think) Naruto can't control Nine tail perfectly, and when they had a fight, Naruto doesn't know rasengan yet, that why Itachi said that. Even if you correct Zhan, Naruto can't control Kyubi and in fact he inferious in Ninja skill than Akatsuki member. combine these together, what i said still can't be wrong. Maybe Naruto will stronger than them at the latter series, but he isn't now, not yet.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
What I don't understand is why they have to wait 3 years to go after Naruto? what does that have to do with anything?? I mean, I do understand why Oro has to wait 3 years, but why the hell Akatsuki has?? And how does Hiraya knows it?
Things are getting confusing, some what interesting but confusing.
Chapter 238 Discussion
inane's version is now released
and all 9 members are there gathered.
and it is possible for it not to be itachi.
that guy thats upside down says "more importantly we only have three years. if we all do it together our success rate will be high...yeah?"
this indeed shows that orochimaru is one of the strongest of akatsuki. imo
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
No I'm a 100% sure that that guy gota be a Youma wielding badass ^^
my guts tells me so, well more like my imagination [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
and btw, in the anime eps they say the Khyuubi is the strongest demon
out there. or more like "The most horreoundos and most powerfull demon"
And Oro-chan being is one of the strongest why does the so blatantly admit
that Itachi is so much stronger than him in chapter (find it youreself)
And why they have to wait three years for Naruto is according to my guts
just time to observe him, we gota remember that this is a badass demon
and look at Gaara he is on the boarder of insanity thanks to Shukaku
imagin how "easy" it'll be to tame Kyuubi-kun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Wooooo So i guess there was 10 before orochimaru left.... and now that he left theres 9! not 8 like we originally though. MAD CHILLZ!
Venus fly trap guy, - far right
itachi, - below upside down guy
kasaime,- next to tall guy
upside down "yeah" guy, - above itachi
tall guy, the tallest guy
chicken head, all the way in the back
freaky kurenai eye guy, - MY GUESS is hes either next to kasaime or next to venus fly trap guy
hmmm wat can we name the other 2...
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Itachi is not upside down
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
he didnt say that either. he said BELOW upside down guy. as for franggio i dont get half of what you said most of it doesnt make sense. tho "he" whoever that is is probably not a "youma wielding badass" if an akatsuki member was he would be stronger than anyone in the world, with high level jounin abilities AND a youma thats just to much. orochimaru seems to be quite strong, yes kisame isnt all that much i mean his strong but he probably isnt nowhere near the sannin or itachi and if that upside down guy said that they could take him if the worked together then i imagine the rest of them should be between kisame's and kakashi's level and not near itachi and the sannin in strength. oh well thats just what i think.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
2 the people who say its naurto on the front cover. I didnt read the previous posts past page 1 so forgive me if it is already said. The naruto u think is on the cover is 3 years in the future that means naruto has been training with jiraiya. How did naruto get his chunnin-jounin vest thing. Naruto couldnt of gotten it while training