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And it's moving ever so slowly.
No subs as of yet, post links in here as they become available.
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The raw is out at
And it's moving ever so slowly.
No subs as of yet, post links in here as they become available.
Hope it comes tomorrow.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
On another note, Nipponsei has released the Ignited single... featuring the full version Ignited without annoying BG sounds.
Oh and a nice bonus track too.
I don't think the new opening is as good as those from SEED
I agree, but it's still damn good music.
Okay I saw the episode, SPOILERS AHEAD:
This episode is more to the talking side. Not as much action, and I don't understand too much. What I do understand however is that Sting, Auel & Stellar have to rest in some cryogenic chamber thingy between the missions. Neo seems to "know" Rey in more than the sensing department. Shinn gets pissed off at Cagalli and says stuff that I really want to know what it is. Everyone knows who Athrun is now. Ep 4 is gonna be fucking intense since Lunamaria & Shinn are sent out on a mission of some sort, where they are going to encounter the 3 gundam enemies once again...
hm.. maybe should download it and see if I remember anything from the japanese classes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
im really diggin the music from the next ep previews
hm, heres a suggestion. how about we do the "release thread" and "discussion thread" gor destiny as well.
that way ppl (and by ppl i mean me) can see when a sub is released and by who, without having to worry abotu spoilers. and eager fans (and by eager fans i mean terra) can post away without having to use spoiler tags.
Good suggestion Assassin in fact I came to the same conclusion. I'll start doing that from next week.
oh my god what an ep
oh my god this was nice, rey owning neo was so damn cool reminds me of jamil from gundam x fighting caris. shinn freaking out was cool to i wonder what he said.... but lunamaria seems to be a bit of a bitch tho i dont like her all that much, so how do you guys think shinn will handle the new set of toys he got? i hope he will show some kickass fighting... i cant wait :'( btw what the hell was that anchor thing neo's ship did? looked so weird.......
it kinda looks like it ejected its mirage colloide
you mean tose wing things it got? yea that was probably it but when they shot an anchor at that metoer or whatever it was that looked weird...
Be prepared for a visit to Junius Seven. I really liked what I saw of Ep3.
*Possible Spoilers*
Although it looks like we may be heading down the Zeta track with artificial or enhanced coordinators. Perhaps more so than the previous pilots. They looked like they were in withdrawal after just getting back. As for Rey kicking Neo's ass that was great. Its so cool seeing a grunt suit do something awesome. And man it makes you wonder just why Shinn got Impulse when Rey is doing a better job as a pilot. Then again his newtype abilities are helping him. I'm also not certain if Neo knows of Rey but perhaps was sensing him and probing?. Who thought the beam sabers on the remote pods was sweet?
Perhaps we're gonna see a asteroid drop?
yea i dont know why rey didnt get impulse either... that will probably be explained to us in the future and yes those beam sabers were sweet.
i'm sur eby the end he'll have a gundam of his own. i could almost feel it. hopefully it's not like seed where mwu just got kira's left overs and everyone else just got a mass produced astray.
man rey kicked so much ass in that zaku...
Why was there a version 2 of episode 3? I didn't notice anything wrong in the original. Someone please explain. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. There were a couple translations that seemed a little off in my book, but nothing that would warrant a second version, IMHO.
Maybe there's a codec problem for some people...?
i noticed the they were talking about release words or something, could they be something like the flower thing from SEED where they start fighting better, i think it was berserker.
watched episode 3. great stuff!
I'd like to know more about Auel, Sting, Stellar, and what their whole thing is sleeping in those chambers.
Those block words they were talking about is probably a control mechanism on the three pilots. Stellar just became completely unstable and useless as a pilot when the word "sayonara" was said to her
it was "die" wasnt it? she freaked out when auel told her that if she didnt back of she would die and she said all the way back while crying "im fine, im fine" and "im not dead" so im pretty sure its "die" or "you are going to die" its quite stupid to have things like that on the pilots i mean what if the enemy finds out about it and uses it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] now that would be a miscalculation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I wonder what the other pilots' words/phrases are.
Shinn: Guess what Auel. Your hair... IT'S BLUE!!!!
*all 3 crashes*
lol blue and crash, creative[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] but seiously why would someone put block words on them? seems like it needs quite some technology to do so and wouldnt it be easier to put an eletronic chip or something in their head and just push a button so the faint? would be hell of alot easier to control them instead of stupid block words they just go crazy and run away... it sounds like its something invented by zaft to make it easier for them to fight EA....
This episode was alright. Too much talking, and I'm becoming suspiscious of the new Zaft chairman. He doesn't seem right.
o man, what a great ep. not as great as ep 2, but still good.
ya i dont like the new chairman either...seems like hes up to something. and those block words...those are wierd.
well since the 3 pilots are "improved" versions of the super pilots form seed (the one who went all crazy with the new gundams), its possible that they could freak out and go breserk as well. this whole enhanced naturals thing is a new concept in the gundam world, so maybe the block words are a failsafe, incase the pilots flip and turn on thier allies. meh..guess we'll find out soon enuff
oh ya, y is shin piloting impulse? i dont mean to say that rey should pilot it instead (although he should), but like, how is shin in the army? in the first ep, he was fleeing with his family to an excape ship, so i figured he was a civilian. and as the chairman said, he's an immigrant from orb.
next ep seems way awsome, can't wait till its out. i think i'll start watching the raw as well now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
cliffhanger..what is going to happen to athrun?? the next epi will be awesome..the battling =)
yah that chairman..he seems to know a lot more than meets the eye. that's kinda awesome.
i suppose shin had nowhere else to he joined the army! and he probably wants revenge on the earth alliance for attacking orb..resulting in his family's death.
Guess Shin had the resolve to join the army to stop conflicts so tragedies like what happened to him wont happen again (kinda silly, but oh well)
Hope we see Athrun back in the cockpit of a Gundam soon!
BTW: Anyone have a link to the Gundam Seed Destiny songs? There was a link in the old old topic before we got a forum, but it's gone now...
Xforce i dont think shin is as noble as you think my guess is that he wants revenge and nothing else he seems quite crazy and seems to hate orb i kinda htink he got a bigger grudge against orb than EA freedom was fighting for orb and he thinks freedom fired the shot that killed his parents. and asuran will probably be in the cockpit in a few eps. since the chairman knows who he is and i bet they got saviour on the minerva. oh well just gotta wait a few more days for the next ep.
That makes sense except for the part about the gundam being a symbol of war. If he doesn't like war then why is he a Zaft soldier piloting a gundam?...Quote:
During the war, Shin Asuka was involved in Earth Alliances intrusion into Orb. While he was escaping from the fire, he lost his parents and little sister before his face. When he was deep in sorrow gripping her cellular phone, which is the only memento, a Mobile Suit Gundam, which was the principal cause of the war, was flying over his head. Being disappointed, he left Orb and went to Plant.
revenge basicallyQuote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That makes sense except for the part about the gundam being a symbol of war. If he doesn't like war then why is he a Zaft soldier piloting a gundam?...
and what's the best way to be able to take revenge on a Gundam?
by piloting one yourself ofcourse
edit: ofcourse you have to be piloting a Gundam on a different side then the one you want to take revenge on
even if he joined the army out of spite or whatever, how can he be piloting the top gundam on the latest ship? i guess that sorta imples that he wasn't a civilian then after all, and was with zaft to begin with.....but then the question arises, what was he doing in Orb?
is it possible shin was a zaft spy sent to orb? with the way the chairman's acting, i wouldn't be surprised
what do u guys think?
Yeah it does seem kinda weird how Shin became a pilot and got control of Impulse.
I have a feeling the chairman is up to something. Maybe he made Shin a super natural? Could be possible.
Ya i think there is more to shinn than meets the eye. Because it looks like rey is way better than shinn at fighting. Also Anyone know when gundam seed destiny eps play in japan? weds fri? im not sure because i just finished gundam seed 1-50 in like 3 days so im a little side tracked. Also i hope kira comes back and they get tight ass mobile suits like freedom and justic those where the best!
They air on Saturdays and the subs come out on Monday.
Yeah I watched Seed in 2 days, so I know what you mean [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: kyubisrage
Ya i think there is more to shinn than meets the eye. Because it looks like rey is way better than shinn at fighting.
of course there's more to Shinn then meets the eye
the series just started
but enough of my smartass stuff
i'm sure they had a good reason to put Shinn on Impulse instead of Rey
but we weren't able to see the training or maybe Rey has different skills then Shinn
and does is not "compatible with Impulse?
just brainstorming here
and i don't trust that Chairman
he acts way to calm and way to friendly for his own good
much like Kuruuze (sp??) did
Originally posted by: Motteh
and i don't trust that Chairman
he acts way to calm and way to friendly for his own good
much like Kuruuze (sp??) did
Ya I know what you mean. He acts to calm and friendly to everyone. Also it looks like he is building those gundams for somthin other than defense. Well thats kinda obvious, Also I think those 3 kids that hi jacked the gundam are like the 3 gundam piolts for the EA in Seed. The new 3 might be better versions because in seed kira said that they werent normal piolts and they werent coordinators or naturals. Also are we sure it was kira blast that killed shinns family. Also the gundam transformation looks to much power ranger to me. When they all combine into one it is kinda corny. Anyone else agree?